Warmly celebrate the victory of mankind's first Earth Defense War

Tribute to the human heroes killed in the battle for the earth

"Patron saint of mankind - lunar fortress"

"The friendship between mechanical civilization and earth civilization lasts forever"

"Brother Dali's outstanding contributions in the human defense war"

Independence Day - a great victory

Every piece of information was posted on the first and second pages of many multimedia. People all over the world celebrated warmly. In some places, people marched and celebrated spontaneously.

For a time, Wang Dali's reputation was raised again.

Originally, Wang Dali's reputation was high, but now it is even higher. Some fanatical fans who have never seen Wang Dali face to face have changed from worship to crazy worship.

Although there are still a small number of coming giant Sirians hiding in dark corners everywhere, it has not affected this great victory of mankind.

Meanwhile, Wang Dali and Optimus Prime were still looking around the lunar fortress.

This is a very old mechanical fortress. There are all kinds of resources in the fortress, especially the metal minerals for making special steel.

In the fortress warehouse, countless special steels are stacked.

"Over the years, there are so many mechanical babies in this fortress?"

In the fortress, Wang Dali saw tens of thousands of mechanical babies repairing the fortress everywhere. Some mechanical babies even controlled large mechanical bodies to mine, refine and manufacture metal.

In a huge manufacturing space, tens of thousands of mechanical arms have already stopped working. In the temporary warehouse, the shells of mechanical life bodies are stacked. This is a guy who has not stimulated his independent will.

Optimus Prime looked and sighed.

"Without fire source or leadership module, mechanical life cannot be born. We are very lucky. We have found both fire source and leadership module!"

"It is suggested to activate sleeping and newly created mechanical life, which will greatly promote the emerging of lunar fortress!" said Luna.

Optimus Prime looked at Wang Dali and seemed to be asking for opinions. After all, the whole earth is dominated by human beings. In order to develop and grow, we must take into account the opinions of people on earth.

Wang Dali represents the interests of mankind. If even Wang Dali disagrees, then mechanical civilization will not confront the master of the earth in principle.

"You decide for yourself!"

Wang vigorously shrugged and looked relaxed: "but my hope is that you can develop and grow as much as possible, and focus on the vast sea of stars with mankind!"

"Star sea"

Optimus Prime's eyes flickered for a moment and said seriously: "yes, our mechanical civilization, even in the universe, is also a powerful civilization. Entering the Starry Sea has always been what we are doing. Now, the earth civilization has ushered in a spring, and a curtain of time towards the starry sky has been opened."

"Yes, I also think that after this space campaign, it is time for mankind to consider moving towards the starry sky!" Wang Dali nodded.

"It's really time!"

Optimus Prime suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said, "please follow me. I'll show you something. It happens that this thing comes from the most vast and profound starry sky!"

"What is it?"

"A peerless treasure that has no effect on mechanical life, but has incomparable effect on carbon based life!" Optimus Prime sold it.

Wang Dali became curious.

After a while, Optimus Prime came to a secret room with Wang Dali.

There was nothing around the chamber of secrets. On the metal platform in the center, there was a cluster of amethyst crystals 20 meters high.

Inside the crystal, strange energy seems to flow, breathing and emitting light waves.

Wang Dali was surprised. The first thing he saw was that the treasure light filled the secret room was emitted from the crystal.

"This is called abyss crystal. It is a magical crystal discovered by the mechanical life bodies who built the lunar fortress from a strange space a long time ago. According to the records of the leadership module, this crystal should come from the anti universe, because it is full of anti cosmic mysterious energy radiation!"

"This has an impact on carbon based life?" Wang Dali thought.

"Yes, after testing, the radiant energy of abyss crystal can stimulate and optimize the original genetic code of carbon based life, so as to deeply change the life level of carbon based life!"

"Sure enough, it's a baby!"

Wang Dali's eyes lit up and looked at the crystal. The eyes of true knowledge immediately started.

"Discover the legendary treasure - abyss crystal, worth 287."

"This is the power radiation crystal. Touch it and you will have a great chance to turn on your power."

"It has few side effects, but the ability to awaken can not be achieved as desired, but can only be determined by blood and probability."

"It is a golden opportunity to suggest touching the treasure immediately. The abyss crystal is the treasure of the universe. The anti universe is capturing the essence of the pure energy of the positive universe. It is the supreme gift of the carbon based life."

"Don't use crystal frequently. Once the energy contained in it is consumed, it will become ordinary crystal."

Messages flowed through his mind, and Wang Dali was ecstatic. This is the power radiation crystal, which is recorded in the encrypted database of solar civilization.

The mysterious gems created by the solar civilization are based on the abyss crystal.

It can be said that if the abyss crystal is placed in the solar civilization, it is also a top precious treasure.

"Can I?"

Wang Dali stretched out his hand and motioned.

"Of course, of course, this thing, I want to give you!" Optimus Prime said.

"Then I will accept this gift!"

Wang Dali, without affectation, took two steps forward, took a deep breath and put his hand on the abyss crystal.

Suddenly, a dark, deep, but extremely cold strange energy rushed up from his hand along his arm, drilled into his head and deep into his brain.

"Boom, boom!"

Wang Dali felt that in the depths of his brain, obscure doors were opened, and some previously unknown areas in his brain were opened one by one.

A magnificent spiritual will, like a spiritual storm, was released and swept in all directions.