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"You will cause great disaster to the inner earth world. We must stop you!" Eagle Head humanitarian.


Wang Dali sneered, "Naive, if you can stop me, you can't stop the will of 9 billion people. Now, surface humans have completed the final preparation to enter the starry sky and unify the world under one will. It's inevitable. No matter who you are or where you come from, it's a fool's dream to block the great process of all mankind. Be careful not to be influenced by 9 billion people Your will and strength are crushed into powder! "

The eagle seemed to be flushed with satire by Wang Dali.

"If I were you, I wouldn't stand up and stop it, because no one can stop it!" Wang strongly advised.

The eagle whispered for a moment.

I have to admit that Wang Dali's words are right, although I don't want to admit it.

"Well, after seeing your power and those grey dwarf robots, I think the inner earth will become your back garden!"

"You have self-knowledge and the courage to admit the truth!" Wang Dali was slightly surprised. It was the first time for an alien descendant who knew current affairs.

"We tianyingxing people are not many on earth. We can't hinder any of your progress. If we can, we even want to cooperate with you."


"Yes, we are familiar with the inner earth world and can help you, but the premise is that we are not slaves to anyone!" Eagle Head humanitarian.

"So you were worried about becoming slaves?"

Wang Dali was proud, and the cow forced him to laugh: "you can rest assured that slavery is a symbol of backwardness, because it binds people's thoughts very badly. Therefore, we will never allow slavery to appear, which is considered from the development of productive forces!"

"Happy cooperation!"

The eagle immediately shook hands with Wang energetically.

I wipe it. Wang Dali is in a great mood and has great feelings. This eagle is the party that leads the way. In this way, we can see from here that the order of the inner earth world is not stable in fact.

Or, it's a plate of loose sand.

Loose sand is good. It can be broken one by one!

"This is the map of the inner earth world. All the useful information is on it!" the eagle took out a piece of metal and recorded a piece of information on it.

The information is a vast map, with forests, rivers, towns, tribes, relics, dangerous beasts and species clearly recorded.

When Wang Dali looked at it, he looked out for love.

Mom, this picture is priceless. It's worth ten or a hundred divisions!

"This map can be given to you, but we tianyingxing people need your help!" the eagle asked.

"What help?"

"Recapture a spaceship, which is the spaceship of our ancestors tianyingxing people. It landed on an island. We can't recapture it by ourselves!"

"Is the enemy powerful?"

"Yes, but with your help, it's different. Your strength, we have evaluated, should be able to compete with the most powerful enemy on the island. If you add a mecha unit, it's not a problem to recapture the spacecraft!"

"Well, if so, I promise!"

Wang Dali promised, and then happily took the map and sent it to Her Highness Delia. After receiving the map information, Delia jumped up.

"Great, what you think comes from what you want. It's really popular. Gaia, the inner earth, is ours!" Delia immediately put the map away.

The delegates of all countries who saw the map all showed their joy.

"It seems that brother Dali has made great achievements again. Now, we can boldly attack in an all-round way and point our swords in all directions?" Vice Premier Wu smiled.

After confirming the map, Wang Xiaoya nodded: "the inner earth world is really ours. The 15000 mecha in our atrium have been deployed. When you give an order, you can point to the four directions!"

Representatives of all countries immediately applauded.

The government has become a supporting role because it is a little slower, but it can definitely get meat after the powerful consortium and the krypton Parliament.

"Your Highness Delia, our island authorities have prepared 5000 elites to join your battle sequence through Stonehenge!"

"In America, there are 10000 special elites ready to join the battle sequence immediately..."

"We, Russia, too, request to join..."

"Of course, China is ready. Please let us participate in the battle..."

The authorities of various countries have expressed their position one after another, crying and shouting that they want to join the battle and act together to carve up the whole inner earth world.


The eagle invited Wang Dali to board a flying saucer.

The silver gray flying saucer, with a diameter of 20 meters, is a small aircraft.

"In the past, human sightings of flying saucers had nothing to do with you?" Wang Dali looked at the flying saucers and was surprised.


The eagle was embarrassed and said awkwardly, "we were accidentally discovered by humans during our investigation on the surface, but it's none of our business. In fact, the number of times we were found is limited. Many witness events are actually fabricated and spread falsely!"

As soon as the hawk said this, it immediately aroused strong repercussions in the world.

"I'll go. Human beings witnessed the UFO event. What they witnessed was the spaceship of these Eagles?"

"When the bunker was, the aliens finally admitted that humans had witnessed them -"

"God, those UFOs can finally explain -"

"Brother Dali blockhouse, interview these Eagles quickly -"

"Many mysteries of witnessing and kidnapping need to be solved. UFO fans can rest in peace -"

The audience of UFO fans is excited about it. Some of them make complaints about the big bugle bums before the screen.

For hundreds of thousands of UFO fans around the world, this is undoubtedly exciting news.

You know, among the top ten unsolved mysteries in the world, the mystery of UFO is among them. Now that the secret is revealed, people are as happy as playing.
