I owe you two days. Brother Dali must make up for it. Thank you for your support!


Wang Dali did not expect that the reputation of the ruler of this refuge would be so bad.

"Skinner", this is not a good reputation. It can be seen how cruel and murderous this man is.

"Kane, I'll give you some supplies first. You secretly draw reliable people over!" Wang Dali said.

"Sir, let's get an underground organization first?"

"How about a hidden arrow?"

"That's good!" Kane nodded.

Wang Dali raised his hands and carried out micro wormhole transportation. With his hands, a visible wormhole channel appeared. Wang Dali moved his mind, and boxes of materials were transported from the wormhole and fell to the ground.

After a while, more than half of the room was filled with materials in the whole hut.

"What is this?"

The Kane family stared and swallowed.

"Open it and have a look!" Wang Dali smiled.

"Oh, open it!" ah Lei immediately jumped up and opened the nearest big box.

Inside the box was a big bag of French bread, butter and cheese.

"Is this food?" ah Lei's eyes lit up.

"Yes, this is bread. Open the others!" Wang Dali smiled.

Kane and ah Qing immediately opened the other boxes and saw that most of them were compressed biscuits and hundreds of ray energy guns.

These are military supplies.

"Great, sir. With these things, I can guarantee to assemble a group of trusted soldiers for adults!"

Kane was overjoyed.

"If you want someone who is absolutely reliable and has two sides, don't get into the hidden arrows!" Wang vigorously waved his hand. "Also, if I don't come forward, the hidden arrows will be led by you. Those who don't obey will rather not!"

"It's an adult. Since it's an underground stop, it's natural to win over trusted brothers!"

"Well, good, do it!"

Kane asked ah Qing to carry several boxes of compressed biscuits and go to the market.

After a while, Kane came back.

"My Lord, I have turned down the nearby shanty towns and can be used as a hidden temporary base. In addition, I have found several reliable guys who have moved their families!"

"It's not bad. You should consider it yourself. The hidden arrow should develop in the dark and try to gather reliable lower class poor or slaves. As for materials, I will provide them continuously!"

Over the past ten days, Wang Dali occasionally wandered around and even went to the surface to get some air.

On this day, the whole shelter suddenly began to riot.

"Sir, it's bad!" Kane hurried into the room.

"What's up?"

"The defense forces heard today that several people died in the shanty town in the north of the city. They all had holes in their bodies. It is said that aliens lurked in!"

"It's impossible. There hasn't been such a mistake in the shelter for many years. Does someone come back from outside without inspection?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"It's like a woman who bribed the defense soldiers with her body. The damn leader and the scum under his command are rotten!"

"What about the city now?"

"It's completely chaotic. The poor in the north of the city are desperately moving to other places. Now, the leader Satan has mobilized all soldiers to block the north of the city!"

"How many dark arrow members did we win over in the North defense zone?" Wang Dali said.

"There are more than 100 people, of whom 30 are soldiers in the North defense area of the city. They spread the news!"

"Is it reliable?"

"Absolutely reliable!"

"Well, let's go to the north of the city now and tell the dark arrow members to be fully armed!" Wang Dali waved.

Ah Qing and ah Lei immediately resisted the ray gun.

"What do you do, you go too?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Of course, we are also soldiers!" ah Qing said.

"Yes, we are soldiers!" ah Lei refused and lost.

"This is not a family!"

"Don't underestimate us!" ah Qing glanced at his father and Kane gritted his teeth. "Let's go together. This world, every inch of land, is hell. There's no much difference!"

Wang Dali was silent.

Sin, even women and children have the consciousness of death in this world. It can be seen how severe the living environment here is.

After a while, dozens of militants, led by Wang Dali and Kane, quickly went to the North defense zone of the city.

Shanty towns in the north of the city extend in all directions, and many soldiers guard the main traffic roads.

Kane swaggered into the north of the city. After a while, under Kane's command, 70 or 80 heavily armed soldiers had gathered, all with ray guns in their hands.

"Ah ah..."

The shrill scream resounded everywhere. Kane looked awe inspiring. Waving, all the personnel entered a two-story building.

The people in the building have fled and transferred.

Through the window, Wang Dali could see that in front of the low shanty, there were seven or eight bodies lying down in a small open space.

More than a dozen shelter soldiers slapped with guns.

Seven or eight growing aliens, much more ferocious than the fast raptors, rushed at these people in a hail of bullets.


A soldier was bitten on his shoulder and his whole arm was torn off, and his blood was all over the ground.

"Waste, waste!"

A man with a scar on his face yelled angrily, kicked his men in front to the aliens, and turned and retreated.

"Waste, don't give it to me. Who dares to retreat? I'll skin his family!" the scar man warned fiercely.

"This man is the leader of the shelter and the actual ruler?" Wang Dali frowned.

"Yes, he's going to run away!" Kane said.

"Damn, seeing that he can't resist the alien, he will run away and give up the shelter. All the people?!" Wang Dali suddenly saw the other party's plan and couldn't help being angry.

Such a leader is really cold!
