
In front of the emperor's palace, there are a sea of people.

There were more than 500000 spectators from all over the sun empire.

When the number of people exceeds ten thousand, it looks like a sea of people. Now, half a million people gather in front of the emperor's palace. It's almost boundless.

Even in the sky around the Imperial Palace, there were flying shuttles, and on each shuttle stood people watching the ceremony.

These people come from all over the Empire.

Of course, it also includes nearly 10000 people from the earth.

Preparations for the emperor's enthronement ceremony began as early as three months ago. It was not until ten days ago that the people watching the ceremony on earth arrived at the star gate of Lu Xing.

It was not until three days ago that they reached the emperor star orbit. After passing the inspection on the orbit, they could successfully come to the emperor palace.

As the hometown people personally invited by the emperor, nearly 10000 people on earth, as spectators, a small part were arranged on the square of the Imperial Palace, and most of them could only be arranged on a star ship in the nearby sky.

The earth is still dark, and dawn has not yet come.

In front of the emperor's palace, the priests and bishops were already nervously arranging the etiquette for the emperor's accession to the throne.

At this time, Wang Dali was in the imperial palace. Under the service of several beautiful goddess officials, he put on his luxurious imperial robe and crown.

Wang Zhiguo and his wife, Wang Xiaoya and grand duke Baolan stood aside, and from time to time, through the window sill not far away, they saw a sea of people outside the emperor's palace.

At the moment, the whole empire was solemn inside and outside.

No one made a sound, not even dare to make a sound.


One bell after another echoed out from behind the Imperial Palace and rang through the sky.

This indicates that the time for the grand ceremony has come.

In the huge Hall of the Imperial Palace, surrounded by archbishops and beautiful goddess staff, Wang Dali passed through a gorgeous door, entered the hall and appeared in front of the most important spectators.

In the main hall, the most important people of the Empire are mostly aristocrats with great power and representatives from all walks of life. They are not people with status, power and power. They simply can't have a foothold in the main hall of the imperial palace.

On the walls around the hall, there are cameras suspended. They send out signals and project huge aerial projections in the void outside the imperial palace.

In other words, no matter who looks up, he can see anything that happens in the Chu emperor's palace and the main hall.

The young emperor appeared ceremoniously. There was a commotion inside and outside the Empire, and everyone was excited.

Outside the Imperial Star, the whole solar empire, including the distant earth and several earth colonies, also caused a commotion.

"The emperor came out -"

"It's brother Dali. He's out -"

"I'm so envious. Brother Dali is right there. He has attracted the attention of the public and seems to be wearing infinite glory -"

"Worthy of the emperor, young, handsome, brave, wise and kind..."


At this moment, too many people praised Wang Dali, the young emperor.

Although it has long been known that the new emperor has already exercised the power of the emperor, the accession ceremony now is still of great significance. It indicates that the young emperor will rule the world and officially become the Supreme Master of the sun empire.

The emperor of the sun empire did have such power.

The power of the whole empire is concentrated on one person. All power comes from the emperor, not the subjects of the Empire.

This is different from democracy. In a democratic country, power comes from the people and power comes from the bottom up.

However, the sun empire is not like this. Imperial power comes from the emperor, and power is from top to bottom from beginning to end.

Whether civilization is advanced or not depends not on what system, but on productivity.

The sun empire is like this. With high productivity, civilization is very strong. At least among the human civilizations in the galaxy, it is outstanding.

Wang Dali went up to the middle of the steps of the main hall.

At this moment, billion trillion eyes attracted attention.

The church came out under the crown and read out the declaration of the sun empire.

Then Wang Dali was sworn in as emperor of the Empire.

Next, the nine imperial ministries and the representatives of the imperial nobles swore allegiance in turn.

This process is actually quite time-consuming.

"Please ascend the throne of the supreme sun emperor!"

The Reverend teacher finally shouted under the crown. The sound was melodious, and the bell rang, one after another. There was no sign of stopping at all.


All the people in the hall knelt down on one knee and made a pilgrimage.

The ceremony seemed contagious. People outside the emperor's palace knelt down one after another. They knelt like the tide, and no one stood there.

In the star ships and flying shuttles in the air, people also broadcast live, just like visiting in person. At this sacred moment, everyone knelt down on one knee and saluted the emperor who was about to officially ascend the throne.

It seems that everyone is asking for the emperor to ascend the throne and rule the world.

Wang Dali took a deep breath.

At this time, who will be the emperor?!

Therefore, Wang vigorously stepped up and walked towards the throne step by step. At this moment, the whole eastern hemisphere ushered in the light of ten thousand sunrise.

The sun rose from the vast horizon. The morning light shone on the Empire and fell on Wang Dali through the solemn window lattice. The young emperor immediately put on a golden light, as sacred as the sun.

Wang Dali came to the throne and sat down safely.

"Li Cheng, long live the emperor!" I felt the mysterious atmosphere under the religious crown, as if a God had come, and words could not be described.

"Long live the emperor -"

"Long live the emperor -"

The cheers immediately rang out like a tide, and everyone knelt on one knee and shouted slogans.

Outside the Imperial Palace, in the orbit of the Imperial Star, in the countless fleets outside the Imperial Star, on the countless life planets of the entire solar empire, the earth and several colonial stars, all people and billion people shouted long live the emperor at this moment.

The power of piety burst out. Once the faith of billions of sentient beings is gathered, it is like a huge torrent, irresistible!


Wang Dali shook slightly, gathered the infinite spiritual beliefs of hundreds of millions of people, ignored the distance of space, poured into Wang Dali's emperor brand through the sun crown, and rushed into the sun's heart shield.

The whole sun heart shield burst open.

God, the sun heart shield that has always guarded Wang Dali's heart burst!
