
People looked at the body of the demigod wizard. In the light of the fire, the body of the demigod wizard was broken to form a bright crystal.

"The crystal of God?"

Princess Medici hurried to collect the crystals.

Because it is the crystallization of the demigod power, it is still very valuable, although it is far less than the broken demigod core.

"Without delay, we'll go and occupy the wizard tower of the green wizard!" Tamil suggested.

"This is a poor God, His Wizard tower. What good goods can he have?"

Wang vigorously shrugged. No valuable artifact was found on the demigod wizard. It seems that the demigod is not generally poor.

"He is not poor. The wizard tower is his biggest property. The whole wizard tower is comparable to an artifact. As long as he stays in it, there are ten demigods who can't get in!"

"So powerful?"

"Nature is powerful. The wizard tower is the wizard's fortress. It is very strong. If we occupy it, it will be our territory for thousands of miles!"

"OK, let's go and have a look at it immediately!"

Wang Dali spread his wings and slowly rose into the air.

Tamil took out a broom, rode it up and quickly flew into the sky.

"It's really a wizard style -"

"Those brooms are really wizard's aircraft. They're cool -"


Princess Medici looked up at the sky and immediately found the bodyguard and said, "you guard the city first. I and the national wizard will go to the wizard tower of the demigod wizard!"

"Obey, Princess highness!" the bodyguard immediately took command.

Princess Medici took out a broom and rode on it. Whew, she flew into the sky and quickly caught up with Tamil and Wang Dali.

Wang Dali was still curious about the Wizards' exclusive aircraft. He flew up, carefully observed the broom and said, "your broom is engraved with wind magic?"

"Of course, in addition to wind power, there are a series of magic such as balance and control. Therefore, the flying broom is an essential flying prop for wizards!"

"Can't you fly without a broom?"

"Of course, it's just not as flexible as a broom!" Tamil put away her broom. She can still walk against the wind in the sky, but her speed and flexibility are far less than riding a broom.

"Why are some things here similar to the legends of magic and wizards in earth civilization? Is there some connection between the two planets?"

Wang Dali asked a question that had been bothering him.

"Of course, it doesn't rule out that people from earth have been to Friede, nor does it rule out that Friede's creatures have been to the earth!" said Tamil.

"Crossing?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"Yes, you can connect the two worlds through the portal or summon magic with a certain probability!"

"I see!"

Wang Dali is no stranger to crossing. Wormhole crossing is one of the methods of crossing the star sea. In addition, you can jump into bright space, dark space, or directly jump into Anti cosmic space, which can cross the star sea over a long distance.

However, Wang Dali knows little about Summoning Magic.

"Elder, can you summon magic?" Wang Dali said.

"Do you want to learn Summoning Magic?"

"Yes, I feel incredible about this incredible magic!" Wang Dali said.

"That's the most dangerous magic in the world. Don't learn it!" Tamil waved his hand, "because you will never know whether you call an angel or a devil in the next moment!"

"Can't you determine the summoner?"

"Some can be sure, but you should understand that many Summoning Magic will have summoning deviation and summoning failure. One day, if you summon an evil god, I'm afraid the whole civilization will be destroyed. For example, his highness Friede's evil god, he has responded to many calls, and there are no few civilizations or planets he destroyed with his own hands!"

"I will be careful!"

"Well, return to the city and I can teach you!"

The three flew over thousands of miles of mountains and arrived at a flat lake, which is frozen all year round.

In the middle of the lake, there is an island on which stands a wizard tower up to 100 meters.

The top of the wizard tower emits blue magic brilliance, and the strong cold comes from the tower, which makes the lake frozen all year round.

"That demigod wizard lives alone in such a place? I can't see any villages and tribes nearby!" Wang Dali was surprised.

"In the demigod realm, I am very impatient to contact with mortals, because mortals are too stupid and noisy for the demigod!" said Tamil.

"How did the elder live in the city?"

"What's the matter? Anyway, the city-state has been a silent city for many years. If there are real living people croaking in my ears, I don't want to stay more!"


Wang Dali is speechless. Wang Dali has felt this situation recently.

Every time you practice in the Imperial Palace, you will enjoy solitude more.

Only in silence can you fall into the deepest meditation, and only in the deepest meditation can you find the deepest wisdom.

Green robe, Tamil and demigods like themselves have some common characteristics.

The three flew over the frozen lake, came to the island in the middle of the lake and fell in front of the wizard tower.

Without the control of the demigod wizard, the wizard tower did not attack the invaders, but the door of the wizard tower was tightly closed.

Two stone statues guarded in front of the door, and the smell of terror emanated from the statues.

"Don't go near the door, or the statue will fade and attack all invaders!" said Tamil.
