
Fred, the city of shadows, the emperor's residence.

A white divine light shines from the void and gradually forms an angel door.

The angel gate is suspended in the air and looks like a star from a distance.

People around the shadow city soon noticed the existence of the angel gate.

"It's the gate of angels. Angels with angel nebula are ready to come. This is angel projection technology and one of the most magical space jumping technologies in the universe!"

Wang Dali came out of the garrison and looked up at the gate of the angel.

"Arteria, send the order, and the welcome team will go out to welcome the angel messenger!" Wang Dali led the way to the bodyguard around him.

"All right!" arteria immediately conveyed the order. Soon, the welcoming team arrived in front of the emperor and began to line up.

After a while, aircraft came from all directions and landed on the square in front of them. An imperial aristocrat came out and came to the emperor to look at the angel gate.

Wang Xiaoya came to Wang Dali and whispered, "brother, which angel is coming?"

"I don't know yet, but don't worry, it will generally be an angel we are familiar with!" Wang Dali said.

"We are not familiar with many angels, angel Liang Bing, or angel Luo?"

"Maybe, maybe the angels in our myths and legends. Who knows, it depends on who the king of angels will send!"

"What do angels do in our sun empire?" Wang Xiaoya wondered.

"Nature is here to send a message!" Wang Dali looked at the angel door. He saw that the holy light on the door was more and more condensed, and a holy angel stepped out of the door.

She stood in the void, her wings stretched slowly behind her, and her cheeks were so beautiful that there was no flaw.

"Come, it's angel Luo, my former guardian angel!" Wang Dali smiled.

"Sure enough, it's angel Luo. I haven't seen her for a long time. She's still so beautiful!" Wang Xiaoya smiled and stopped in front of the palace to play music.

Angel Luo looked around and scanned the whole shadow city and thousands of miles around. Finally, he focused on the stone steps in front of the emperor, where the emperor Wang Dali and his party were.

"Long time no see, your majesty!" angel Luo's ethereal voice came from the sky, which was pleasing to the eyes.

"Welcome, angel Luo!" Wang vigorously responded.

"On behalf of the great king of angels, his majesty Kaisha, I bring greetings to the emperor of the sun!" angel Luo turned into a streamer and fell in front of Wang Dali.

"Besides greeting, what else can I do?" Wang Dali said with a smile.

"It's true that we have something to discuss with the emperor of the Empire, but let's wait first. We also have distinguished guests to come!"

"I don't know where it is sacred?" Wang Dali was curious.


Angel Luo looked up and looked at the sky. Outside Fred, a huge dragon chant came from the void, and then a huge wormhole appeared in space. A painted black dragon came out of the wormhole.

The Dragon flapped its flesh wings, rushed into the atmosphere, entered Fred, and came over the city of shadow.

"What a huge dragon!" many people were stunned.

"What kind of dragon is this? It seems to be one tenth as big as Fred?!" Wang Xiaoya took a breath. She knew that some dragons in the dragon family were very huge, but they really appeared in front of her, which was still very shocking.

"The dragon clan is dim and has seen the angel Luo and the sun emperor!" the black dragon shrinks and falls from the sky to Wang Dali.

People saw that the black dragon had become a middle-aged man with beard and natural dragon scale armor.

"Welcome to the dragon clan!" Wang Dali said.

"You're welcome, Emperor sun, just call me Yanji. This time, I've made an appointment to visit with the king of angels, but why hasn't your majesty Kesha arrived yet?" Yanji turned around and looked around and didn't find the king of angels.

"Right away, Queen Kaisha asked me to stand in front, and she will come later!" Angelo smiled, looked up at the angel gate, and saw a loud horn coming from the angel gate.

Then a bright light was projected from the door

In the infinite radiance, an angel sat on the throne and stood with left and right wings to protect the angel. He looked very tall.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to see her for many years. Queen Kaisha still likes to pretend to be forced. Will she die if she doesn't make these pomp every time she comes out?" said the dark urn voice.

"Ai Ji, if you dare to slander me again, I will be accused to the Dragon Parliament. Do you believe it?" Kaisha, the king of angels, opened her mouth, and her voice sounded like thunder over the whole shadow city.

"Kaisha, you can't scare me. Even if you sue the Dragon parliament, those old friends can't help me!" she was angry.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to quarrel with a rough man like you, or the sun emperor pays attention to etiquette!" the king of angels controlled the throne, slowly fell from the sky, and also fell in front of Wang Dali.

"It's all here?" Wang Dali said.

"Well, when we're all here, we'd better talk in another place!" angel Luo said.

"OK, please!" Wang Dali welcomed the people into the palace.

When the people took their seats in the palace, the empress Kaisha said, "this time, it brings bad news to the emperor of the sun!"

"What's the bad news?" Wang Dali was awe inspiring.

"A dark star appears outside the solar system and Andromeda Nebula!" the king of angels waved, and the divine light immediately condensed a huge cosmic hologram in front of everyone.

Here, beyond the Milky way and Andromeda nebula, there is a black vortex.

"A black hole?" Wang Dali was surprised, turned his head and looked at his bodyguard leader. Altelia came up and whispered, "the Imperial Academy of Sciences has also found this anomaly, and has sent someone to check it. It is expected that it will take ten days to reach a preliminary conclusion!"

"There will be no conclusion. All creatures close to the dark star will die!" Queen Kaisha said slowly.
