
"Madmen, all madmen!"

Empress Youmei's eyes were distracted. In her pupils, the dazzling sun spacecraft exploded in an instant.

This is a supernova explosion!

An infinite amount of light and heat burst out to form a dead light and a death shock wave.

The terrible dead light and shock wave broke the boundaries of the two universes of positive and negative space. The infinite amount of antimatter and anti energy in the anti cosmic space was thrown into the positive cosmic space at an ultra-high speed.

This reaction directly pushed the power of supernova explosion to the extreme!

If the power of supernova explosion is one at the beginning, after being pushed up by antimatter and energy, the explosion power will be one million, or even more than ten million!

Empress Youmei did not escape. Since the queen began to gather energy, she calculated that any action to escape would be futile. Even if she fled to anti cosmic space, it would not help, because the explosion would affect her. Even, she would be ejected from anti cosmic space by a series of reactions and directly participate in the supernova big bang.

It's hopeless to escape!

Seems to be a moment, seems to be eternal, endless light swallowed everything.

This light is so bright, never seen before!

Far away in the Milky Way galaxy, people only see infinite light swallowed up from the live video, and then there is continuous light, a blazing white.

"No -"

"Is your majesty going to fall -"

"God damn empress Youmei, we fought with her -"


Although the people of the sun civilization Empire have long been prepared, when this moment comes, most people can't help crying.

When the last emperor fell, the whole empire fell apart and lost its glory.

When this emperor returned in glory, the Empire once again radiated strong vitality, recovered rapidly, and rapidly moved towards prosperity under the leadership of the emperor.

From the broken territory of the Empire at the beginning, it expanded to more than half of the Milky way, and then marched into the void universe. The development of the empire is a leap, and the prosperity of the empire is also a leap.

This is the miracle brought by the emperor.

Time and again, facts have proved that the sun civilization empire is an empire without an emperor. It is the emperor who has achieved an imperial civilization.

There is an emperor before there is an Empire itself. This is the truth of the existence of an empire!

People can't imagine what the future and destiny of the Empire will be when the emperor falls?

"No, no, the emperor is a God walking in the world. Isn't he already a stellar life? Isn't he immortal with the belief of hundreds of millions of subjects of the Empire?"

"With the Empire and the subjects, how could the emperor fall?"


In front of churches at all levels, devout prayer people found that the brilliance on the church quickly faded.

"No -"

People wailed, people cried, prayed and performed rituals to the church.

The priests of the church were mourning one by one.

Far away on Friede, emperor and Vatican, cardinals cried and ran to tell each other.

Far away on earth, in the villa and manor of the Wang family.

Dali's mother sat down with a dull look in her eyes. For a long time, Dali's mother came back to her senses. She cried and scolded: "god damn empress Youmei, you hurt our family Dali. How do you compensate?"

Wang Dali's father, Wang Zhiguo, stood not far away and wept silently. If the emperor goes, where will this great empire go? Where will this billion people go?

Wang Zhiguo can hardly imagine such a situation!

Wang Xiaoya walked silently. Behind her were hundreds of the most powerful officials and dignitaries of the Empire, as well as many "big men" such as religious dignitaries and cardinals.

They are the actual masters of the whole empire!

"Master Jiao, what is the supernova explosion? Has my brother, the emperor of the Empire, really fallen?" Wang Xiaoya turned and asked with sadness.

"Your Highness, that's the ultimate fighting method in the emperor's fighting consciousness. No one knows the specific power of that method, because no one can display it in the past emperors. Only know that it's a super big explosion simulating a supernova explosion. The power must be incredible. As for your Majesty's current situation, no one can know!" The religious Reverend said cautiously under the crown.

"Well, have you observed the explosion? I want the most detailed observation and evaluation report, and immediately send someone to the magic eye star region to see people alive and die..." Wang Xiaoya was speechless, but everyone knew what his highness meant.

In fact, before the explosion, many volunteers had gone to the magic eye star domain. They went to support, but it was too late.

Most people didn't go by spaceship, but through Fred's shadow city, which is by far the fastest and most incredible way of interstellar crossing.

Even so, it is still a step slow.

Crossing is impossible to enter the magic eye star domain, because of the special position of the magic eye itself, but also because the big bang triggered the collapse of the magic eye, and an infinite amount of energy and material were thrown out.

Its state is like the big bang, but the scale of the explosion is much smaller.
