
The front was the front battlefield of angels and dark demons. No wonder it was so terrible.

"Your Highness the queen, can your angel and the dark demon star be equal?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"In fact, no, the dark demon people are very powerful. They can compete with all angels, dragons and more life races. However, in the positive space and on a single battlefield, our angel Legion can fight with them and form a seesaw war with each other!"

"Because they can't put all their strength into the whole space?"

"Yes, after all, they are anti universe and dark space life. This is not their home. We have natural advantages here!"

Two thinking spacecraft blinked and came to a planet.

Half of this planet still retains the original life planet style, but the other half is like hell. It is gray brown, the earth is torn, the magma is turbulent, the creatures on the earth have been demonized, and Demons roar in the mountains.

A legion of angels lined up in the sky and fought fiercely with the dark demons.

On the surface of the planet, angels lead the aborigines to fight the devil to death.

Wang vigorously thought and swept the planet. Everything was clear.

"I'll do my part!"

Wang Dali's mind moved. An infinite number of God particles penetrated the thinking number, turned into tens of millions of flying swords, and rushed to the planet, covering the whole planet's orbit and surface.

This move, atmosphere!

On the earth, an angel looked up and saw countless flying swords flying through the sky and penetrating the heart of a famous devil. Those demons immediately burned and turned into a fire. Soon, the devil turned into ashes.

In the sky, fire fell from the sky. It was the fall of demons and dark demon stars.

"Reinforcements are coming, everyone kill..." the angel shouted, leading the morale boosting aborigines to kill the enemy.

"Over there, there are powerful dark demons!" the king of the female Dynasty of Kaisha greeted vigorously and flew to an asteroid belt hundreds of millions of miles away.

Hundreds of angel legions are scuffling with a large number of dark demons.

The asteroid belt is in a mess.

Wang vigorously drove the thinking number to rush, and the God particles turned into infinite flying swords, shuttling like swimming fish among the asteroid fragments. Those dark demon stars were pierced and burned to ashes one by one.

"OK... Is this your sword technique?" Queen Kaisha whispered.

"Yes, it's great to kill the enemy with the sword technique controlled by Shenyou!" at this moment, Wang Dali suddenly realized that he was strong enough to kill ordinary dark demon people, which is no different from chopping melons and vegetables.

Sure enough, the battle with empress Youmei made him quickly close to the height of empress Youmei.

"Go on!" said queen Kaisha, and the thinking rushed into the battlefield for nearly a thousand light-years.

"OK, I'll come too!"

Wang vigorously controlled the thinking number, followed closely, and all the dark demons fell into a fire mass wherever they passed.

Queen Kaisha releases angel light and blesses the angel Legion. At the same time, she also condenses the flame sword to kill the enemy like Wang Dali.

I don't know how long after that, hundreds of millions of dark star people were killed on the battlefield.

The dark demon people were frightened, gave up the front line, retreated thousands of light-years, and gathered again in the rear to form a front.

"Do you want to kill it?" Wang Dali said fiercely.

"No, the dark demon people can't be killed, just like our angels!" Queen Kaisha shook her head. "Wait, there will be powerful dark demon people coming to trouble us soon!"

"Powerful dark star man?"

"Yes, at least at the rank of senior general!" Queen Kaisha came out of the thinking and sat on the sofa, leaning gracefully and lazily.

"Come on, don't worry, you have to learn to kill time. You know, time doesn't mean much to us!" Queen Kaisha patted the sofa.

"All right!"

Wang Dali sat at one end of the sofa, and the heads of state of countless angels flew to see queen Kaisha.

"How powerful!" Wang Dali exclaimed, "Your Highness, are the dragons stronger than your angels?"

"Almost!" Queen Kaisha shrugged. "You should understand that the dragons are powerful and have a large number. They are not as good as our angels in low-end combat power, but they are more powerful than our angels in high-end combat power!"

"I see!"

"Their front is larger than ours. The dark demon star people have been restrained by the dragon family. There are a lot of river systems under the protection of the dragon family, tens of millions, including your Milky Way Galaxy - coming!"

Queen Kaisha suddenly stood up and saw a dark blue light, like a comet, carrying an infinite amount of ice crystals, flying over an asteroid belt.

On the asteroid belt, countless asteroids have broken into countless ice crystals, which are surrounded by the light and rush to the star domain where queen Kaisha and Wang Dali are located.

"Here comes the old friend!" Queen Kaisha grinned.

"It's count blue!" Wang Dali was surprised.

"It's her. She's coming. This bichi is one of the loyal running dogs of empress Youmei!" Queen Kaisha looked around and frowned: "if we kill her, empress Youmei will jump out of anger!"


Wang vigorously shook his head: "when empress Youmei came here, this front must collapse!"

"Go somewhere else. I'm not afraid of her now!"

"The last time she fought with us, she must have been badly hurt. She probably couldn't beat us!" Wang Dali said.


The voice of the blue count came from a distance. Wang Dali looked up and saw a witch in front of the dark blue comet, holding an ice shield and an ice spear, driving the comet with full momentum.

"We seem to annoy her!" Queen Kaisha was a little uneasy. The terrible comet rushed. Before the comet arrived, the force field had been far affected. The dark blue light spread like a sky collapse, and the temperature dropped by more than 200 degrees.
