
After the torrent, Wang Dali and his party came to a silver sea of fire.

"How beautiful!"

Tianmei looks at the backlight river. The whole river section is full of silver flames. Some flames are as huge as planets and some are as big as fists.

Wang Dali and others shuttle through the river of fire, feeling like entering the unknown world.


A huge silver flame like the earth was suspended in front of the three people. On the surface of the flame, an old man's face appeared.

"This is... The monster created by the Yin crow?" Wang Dali was surprised.

"It should be!" Tianmei nodded with a dignified expression.

"Who are you?" Youmei looked up at the flame.

"I'm nameless, but you can call me silver fire. I'm a wise man!" said the old man.

"Wise man? It's strange. You were created by the Yin crow?" Wang Dali said.

"Yes, my creator is the one you think, so you can stop moving. With me here, no cosmic creature can pass!"

"How did you know we were going there?" Wang Dali said with a smile.

"Of course I know. Aren't you going to the door of the mysterious female? In fact, it's useless for you to go there. Outside the universe Island, there is a vast chaos. The creatures of the universe island can't survive in the chaos at all. For the sake of your lives, you'd better return!" silver fire persuaded.

"No, we still want to go!" Tianmei shook her head.

"Why are you so stubborn?" silver fire sighed, as if he were an old man.

"Old man, do you think we will go home because of your danger?" Youmei sneered.

"You are all resolute people. Naturally, you can't shake because of my persuasion. However, you also know that what I said is not wrong!"

"It's true that there is chaos outside the cosmic Island, but it's doubtful that we can't survive in chaos!" Wang vigorously shook his head.

"These two can, but you can't!" silver fire looked at Wang Dali.

"You really have a little vision!" Wang Dali said.

"Let me try his weight!" Youmei raised her spear and jabbed it fiercely.

The silver flame exploded immediately. An old man, holding a staff, smiled and walked step by step to Wang Dali.

"Playing tricks!" Youmei again raised her spear and poked it. The old man exploded and turned into a silver flame. In the blink of an eye, the flame condensed. The old man still smiled and stood in front of the three.

"It's no use. All the silver flames you see and can't see are me. I am silver fire. Unless all the flames are destroyed, I will still exist!" said silver fire.

"Monster is trouble!" Youmei put away her spear vigilantly.

"What do you want?" Wang Dali grinned.

"Look back!" the old man sighed.

"Impossible!" Tianmei shook her head.

The old man was silent for a long time before he said, "well, let's play a game of chess. If we win, you'll go there. If you lose, look back!"

When the old man's staff was a little, the silver flames gathered and gathered a chessboard in front of Wang Dali.

Under the chessboard, the brilliance spread, and a labyrinth like high wall was immediately erected around, completely enclosing Wang Dali and the old man in the middle of the labyrinth.

Wang Dali looked up and saw an endless maze up, down, left and right, front and back.

"Broken!" Youmei poked with a broken star spear, and the maze above her head exploded, but she recovered in the blink of an eye.

The old man smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Tianmei and Youmei looked at each other and nodded. They went to the chessboard and looked. They saw that there was an endless maze on the chessboard.

It turned out to be a miniature maze.

Maze changes, dazzling.

In the middle of the maze of the chessboard, there happened to be three pieces, representing the three of Wang Dali.

"OK, play with you!" Tianmei pointed, a piece turned into a streamer, moved like lightning in the chessboard maze, and quickly looked for a way out.

Youmei also raised her hand and another chess piece moved. She quickly ran along the channel given by the chessboard maze to find the exit.


The chessboard suddenly exploded. Wang Dali broke the chessboard with the spear of God.

"Don't fall into his trap. The old man is playing with us!" Wang Dali said.

"What, he's playing with us?" Youmei didn't understand.

"Of course, as long as we follow his ideas, we can't play his chess anyway. It's not necessary. We can only go and stay if we get out of the chessboard. Playing chess with him can only be trapped!"

Tianmei and Youmei suddenly.

"Follow his rules, we will never win!" Wang Dali looked at Yinhuo and said, "old man, do you think we will follow your rules? It's naive. Since you said you were a wise man, I seriously doubt that you can't beat the three of us together!"

"Young man, you are too confident. Sometimes, overconfidence is not a good thing!" silver fire sighed.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's actually very simple to defeat you. Just lift the table and do it our way!" Wang Dali stretched out his hand and said, "Tianmei Youmei, you hold my hand quickly. Let's work together to lift the maze up and down!"


Tianmei and Youmei immediately hold Wang Dali's hand, and the three hands hold hands to form a circle.

Soon, the three burst out with great energy. The terrible shock wave began to spread outward. Where it passed, the maze collapsed, and even the ubiquitous silver flames, large and small, were washed away.

"If you don't listen to advice, you'll regret it!" the old man sighed, his body turned into a little silver light, melted into the surroundings and dissipated into nothing.

"The old man slipped away?" Youmei clenched her teeth.

"He was seen through by us and couldn't beat us. Naturally, he saved himself and slipped away!" Tianmei smiled.

"Now I understand that the so-called demons created by the Yin crow are flawed. They may be all failed works created by the Yin crow. The Yin crow is too confident. He doesn't expect these creations to do anything for him. He can invade the universe alone. Subordinates? They don't exist. He just threw them here and let them live and die "It's over!" Wang Dali said.
