For the new year, we have to wear new clothes. Li Xiaosong wanted to create an atmosphere when he spent the new year alone, so he bought a new dress.

I was going to buy a down jacket, but when I passed a women's clothing store, I was driven by a strange force and walked in.

When I came out, I had such a skirt in my hand. He is also optimistic. Since he bought it, wear it.

Luna Jones, a big man who has been wearing clothes for more than 100 years, couldn't help but go up to him and say to him, "are you going to wear this? To tell you the truth, it's not for you."

"Hmm?" Li Xiaosong looked at the "little Laurie" in front of him suspiciously. He didn't understand where the man came from and why he said these words to himself.

Luna Jones continued: "you are not tall enough. This skirt is too mature. Although it is decorated with lace, it is not cute at all. Instead, it is sexy. It is not suitable for you at all. It's almost like me. Look at this bow and this little star, which I specially selected to decorate."

"Oh -" Li Xiaosong heard it, but he always felt very powerful.

In words, he also probably understood that Luna Jones's real gender was ♂。

So they returned to Li Xiaosong's rental house and chatted all night.

On the other hand, when they found Luna Jones Lost, Ximen Qing and they were going to look for it at first. However, people didn't find it, but they met the little girl who recorded the video on the street and Tang Xiaotang.

Tang Xiaotang is a up host of station B. she wants to give a welfare to her fans in the new year, so she plans to record a house dance with xiaogua. She said that it was not easy to talk about her debut with Xiaoguai in the name of "syrup", but she also asked Xiaoguai for advice. If she didn't want to show her face, she would play mosaic in the later stage.

She was teaching her little girl dancing when she met two big drunken sisters.

"Ah? It's a little girl!"

"Really? Ah! Really!"

"Darling, what are you doing?"

"Oh, Tang Xiaotang, it's lovely to wear new clothes for the new year. This cat ear hoop is really suitable for you."


Simon Qing took the opportunity to continue to wipe off the good students. Little Lori is indeed the most beautiful creature in the world.

When he learned that the two were going to dance, Simon Qing said with the strength of wine: "dance? I'm good at it! Now, I can't hide my identity as the king of Asian dance! Come on, move with me!"

She said and jumped up. The two children thought it was fun and jumped with her. While dancing, Ximen Qing also sang soundtrack, and her singing is blissful pure land.

But because it's an oratorio and she's drunk, the song seems strange. The key is the magic of her dance, the Huakui step that six relatives don't recognize, and the burden of three circles on the left and three circles on the right. After reading it, Tang Xiaotang couldn't help asking if she could send it to station B.

XiMenqing was proud and dry after drinking. With a wave of his hand and a shake of the cushion, he agreed: "take it. I'll send one myself by the way."

She asked Tang Xiaotang to send the video to herself, and then directly uploaded it to her microblog without editing. At this time, she did not know that she would get the nickname of Asian dance king.

The farewell Tang Xiaotang, Ximen Qing and the song brothers and sisters went to the zoo. She left her cell phone before she left.

The three came to the zoo all the way. It was already more than 1:00 midnight.

At this time, there was no one in the zoo except an old man on the night shift. Naturally, the door could not be opened.

"Lao Qin, open the door for me." the drunk XiMenqing went up and knocked on the window.

As a result, the guard said, "I'm not Qin? Are you going to the wrong door?"

"Isn't this Huaguo Mountain?"

"No, this is Putuo District. Do you want to worship Guanyin?"



"..." XiMenqing looked at uncle for a while, then turned around and left.

"I believe you are a ghost. The old man is very bad. Putuo has no sister Guanyin? Why don't you say there is no grape ancestor in Fangcun mountain?"

Song Yunwu suddenly shouted with the strength of wine: "where are the tigers? I want to fight ten!"

"Oh, hey, my sister," song Yunge hurriedly pulled her and said, "the tiger is here. Come with me."

If this continues, let her howl in front of the zoo and take jujube pills. He just wanted to take song Yunwu away.

As a result, when they came to the side of the zoo, Ximen Qing suddenly said, "there's a wall here, charterer! This is too much! It's just provoking us. Do you think we can't turn over you?"

"That's right," Song Yunwu nodded. "Look, it's still smiling there. Don't look down on people!"

As a result, both women got up in place and soared 720 degrees. Song Yunwu landed steadily in the zoo, while XiMenqing bumped into the wall.

"Oh -" Simon rubbed his head and stood up dizzy.

Although the zombies sealed with power are still strong, they can't jump over such a high wall at once. The charterer jumped out again and carried her in.

"Oh, my sister, that's a wall. It won't talk." song Yunge was a little drunk, but he was still rational after all. He hurried after him.

But just because he vomited a slot, he found that he had lost their trace.

Song Yunwu and XiMenqing Two Drunkards found tiger mountain. The tiger was sleeping at this time. Song Yunwu jumped down and said to it, "get up!"

The tiger felt puzzled, but suddenly he saw a man jump down. Instinctively, he rushed over.

But song Yunwu stretched out his hands and stubbornly withstood the tiger's weight of hundreds of kilograms.

"Muscle is strength!" she yelled, threw the tiger to the ground, and then rode up.

The tiger wanted to struggle, but song Yunwu pressed his head: "say! Have you taken it?"

However, how could the tiger speak, it could only purr a few times.

Song Yunwu took it as a voice of begging for mercy and said to Ximen Qing, "ah Qing, do you think I'm fierce? What spells and spells are all evil. Taoists should practice their muscles!"

"The charterer's cow beer!" Simon Qing was also drunk. He took off his underwear and put it on the charterer's head. "I announce that you will be crowned king!"

"Go to hell!" Song Yunwu knocked her to the ground with a punch, then took off her underwear and threw it on the ground.

Just then, song Yunge found them: "sister, let's go. The security guard will come right away!"

"Really? Go, go!" Song Yunwu's goal was achieved, so there was no need to stay here.

She immediately took Simon's love and ran all the way. She lived for more than 20 years. This was the first time to "do bad things". It was so exciting.