"It's not surprising what happened to ajani. Forget it, she doesn't care," Simon Qing said. "We'd better live our own life as usual. Why should we be so tired by her."

"Then I'll live here for a while. I'm afraid something will happen to my brother." Song Yunwu said.

"All right."

Hang up the phone. XiMenqing returns to his room to brush station B to see if there are any good-looking new ones recently.

As a result, I opened my account and saw a pile of red private letters.

Seeing the red dot in the upper right corner was really unbearable. She had planned to point it in and then withdraw immediately.

But among the root blowing parties, a private letter caught her eye. No one else, because the avatar of the user sending this private message is the official avatar of pd119.

Ximen Qing is very familiar with this avatar because he is chasing this program recently.

Is it high imitation or ontology? Simon went in with curiosity.

It turned out that it was really the body of the program group. Sending a private letter to her was an invitation to sing.

"Do you want me to give you one of the two performance tracks on the final stage?" XiMenqing thought she would come to her when the third round of original music, but unexpectedly it was the last round.

The elimination process of pd119 is divided into four rounds,

One round of group duel, two groups perform the same track, 120 into 60.

The second round of position evaluation was the one Ximen went to see before, 60 into 36.

There are three rounds of original tracks, a total of 6 original songs. The audience votes to let their favorite players enter their favorite tracks. If the number exceeds the standard, it will be adjusted later, 36 into 24.

The fourth round is the final stage live broadcast. 24 people are divided into two groups to perform a track respectively, and then the audience votes online to select the highest number of votes of 12.

Simon Qing is now invited to write a song for one of the two groups on the final stage.

Of course she can't write songs. She can't learn them all her life. She can only copy the songs she's heard.

But which is better?

"Women's League, my memory still stays in the era when Persian cats and you were electricity and you were light." Simon was a little distressed.

On earth, there is no decent development of domestic women's groups at all.

Or copy Japanese AKB, translate Japanese songs into Chinese, and finally develop into a strange house group with Chinese characteristics.

Or copy South Korea 101 and make the talent show into a show, and finally create a wonderful women's group whose members and fans are constantly torn and forced.

In a word, Ximen's memory does not rely on hype marketing. The women's groups that really rely on their works are basically ancient old groups. As long as they mention their names, there will be several familiar songs echoing in their ears.

"No tears in Moscow", "half sugar doctrine", "don't want to grow up"... Quantemo is a good song to expose his age.

"What's the matter? Do you really want to take out the calories?" Simon recalled his fear of being dominated by calories.

But she really can't think of a new Chinese women's League song.

There are a lot of Korean songs, such as Gee, luv and updown... But it's a headache to think about the Chinese lyrics.

"No matter what, old songs are old songs. Anyway, people here have never heard of them." XiMenqing finally decided to use Chinese songs.

As for which song to use, she thought for a while and finally decided.

"It's you... Cherry Blossom Grass."

The original singer of Sakura grass is a sweety's women's group. To be honest, there may not be many people who know the name of this group, but there are definitely many people who have heard this song Cherry Blossom Grass.

It was a time when Taiwanese idol dramas were in power. A star apple paradise occupied the TV screens of many families, making this episode well known.

Even many years later, the mention of Cherry Blossom Grass is still a good memory for many uncles and aunts. (even if you were middle-aged in '92, should there be no objection from uncle and aunt?)

Because the lyrics of this song are for two people, they are scattered, which can be distributed to the girls who will eventually perform on the stage. This is also one of the reasons why Ximen Qing chose it.

When they thought of it, XiMenqing found Jin Huayuan for the summer vacation. The two spent the night completing the composition, then recorded a sample and sent it to the production team.

If it were someone else, the sample might only take about 1 minute, but she directly sent a full version of more than 4 points, and she didn't even talk about the details of cooperation. She was not afraid that the other party wouldn't give money.

This company belongs to Gouzi's family, which is equivalent to Ximen's love. Can she cheat herself?


Pd119 program group.

"He Chengxiao, hasn't the final performance repertoire been decided yet?" the colleague who was going out for dinner passed by he Chengxiao's desk and saw that he was still listening to music with headphones on and frowned, so he pushed him and asked.

He Chengxiao took off his headphones and said, "no, there are some good songs written by these composers, but they don't match the women's group at all. I'm really big."

"There's no way. Who makes our country a complete novice in women's League," comforted his colleague. "Just cheer up. I'll eat kebabs and drink beer to bless you."

"Shit! Do you still have humanity!" he Chengxiao kicked the bad man, "bring me some."

"Sorry, I'm going to see a movie with my girlfriend today. At 0:00, I've brought my ID card," my colleague said with an obscene smile. "You who don't have a girlfriend won't understand this kind of thing. Hey."

With that, he ran away. Slow down. He Chengxiao's shoes will fly on his face.

"Shit! It's great to have girlfriends!" he Chengxiao, who was ridiculed, said angrily, "I also have girlfriends, two!"

With that, he grabbed the headphones with his two girlfriends, put them on again, and then clicked on the next song.

"Please, let's have a good song. I'll have cognitive impairment if it goes on like this."

While he Chengxiao was suffering, suddenly an ethereal song sounded in his ear.

"The evening wind is blowing the bamboo forest... The Cherry Blossom Grass in the lover's hand, the smile of spring color walking, has been planted, one after another, the youth is bright..."

When Ximen recorded songs, he specially asked Jin Huayuan to sing with him. Because the original song is sung by two people, two timbres can highlight the characteristics of this song.

This led he Chengxiao to immediately feel that this song was the song he was looking for suitable for the women's League.

"That's it!" he looked at it and found that the song was sent by Tsing Yi yeast at station B.

"I've used several of her songs in position evaluation. The up master is really a talented woman." he Chengxiao sighed heartily.