The rooms arranged by the temple are also very humanized, which is not bad compared with the hotel. Jiang Chan has heard from AIS that she can eat together in the temple or cook by herself to see the choice of each sacrifice.

The temple has a large library, which covers almost all the books of the orc empire. Priests can go to the library to read books. Usually, the practice of sacrifice is groping by themselves. Priests will not take the initiative to teach you, but if you ask for advice, priests will not hide themselves.

For the trainee sacrifice, the temple will have an assessment every month, and the usual assessment will be included in the test results one year later. Now it's autumn, and there are only two sacrificial priests in the temple. You can imagine how scarce the orc sacrifice is in the orc empire.

Tess helped Jiang Chan clean up her room and went out through the back door of the dormitory. I want to know that Jiang Chan will not eat with those priests. Tess also knows that she is a Madman of cultivation. Naturally, she can save time if she can save time.

Now he went out to buy what they needed in the past year, including daily necessities, kitchenware, rice flour, grain and oil, etc. Now Jiang Chan has only one follower around him, and all these things need him.

After cleaning up the room, Jiang Chan lay back on the big bed. After the sacrificial qualification test, she relaxed completely. Now she brushes her experience and achievements step by step, and tries to brush up her accomplishments.

It's a long way to go. Today, seeing Soren's ravines, I know he's not young. Is it difficult for her to endure like this? How many years will it take?

Fiona noticed Jiang Chan's mind. She shook her fist and said, "master, the longer you can stay, the better. In this way, you can stay with me longer."

Jiang Chan hooked her lips: "you're not bored and flustered alone?"

She thought that when she was Lin Hanyan's plug-in, it was called suffocation.

"No, no matter what I say, Shifu, you will take care of me. If Shifu doesn't take care of me, maybe I will feel depressed. Besides, I'm very relieved to have Shifu with me. It seems that I'm not afraid of anything."

Jiang Chan smiled: "silly, I will still improve my cultivation as soon as possible. Where can I really delay so long?"

With this, Jiang Chan turned over and prepared to take a nap. She wasn't worried that Lilith would come back. That one is very proud. I think he won't post it after being rejected.

Making friends is really important. If you make friends with others for any purpose, it would be too insulting to the word friendship. Besides, Jiang Chan is still very selective about her friends. Not everyone can see it.

On Lilith's side, the third uncle is holding Lilith's advice: "the Xuan family fox Fiona, you must have a good relationship with her. Her sacrificial gift is so high that she will certainly become an excellent sacrificial priest in the future. If you can attract her, you will have a heavier weight in the family."

Lilith was impatient: "it has been explained that coming to the temple is for cultivation, not for making friends. What can I do? Something I don't respect!"

The third uncle lowered his face: "is that how you talk to a priest with outstanding talent? If I were each other, I wouldn't pay attention to you. I think the patriarch spoiled you. You don't know what to say when you see anyone."

"You should recognize the reality. You and she are both sacrificial sacrifices, and the other party is more talented than you. Do you think you will take the initiative to stick to you? What big dream do you have in the spring and Autumn period!"

The third uncle scolded a few words: "OK, I won't say anything else. Since people don't like you and you can't get off your shelf, you can practice in the temple in peace. It's best for both sides not to offend the river."

Lilith was not happy: "she's a xuanzu fox, but she doesn't like me?"

The third uncle was tired: "if you still have this attitude, I'll consider whether to go back and discuss with the patriarch to halve your flowers in the imperial capital. We sent you to the temple to practice, not to cause trouble for the family."

"With her potential value of 98 points, countless nobles will want to win her over. If she wants to make a trip to the red family, it's easy for others to fix you."

"So what? I'm also a priest." Lilith was unconvinced. They were all priests. Why should she be one head shorter than Jiang Chan?

"Yes, the sacrifice with potential value of 85." the third uncle said coolly: "if you stand with her, others will choose her instead of you as long as they are not stupid."

"Third uncle, you're still not my third uncle! How can you help outsiders?" Lilith stamped her foot, very unhappy.

The third uncle straightened his face: "it is because I am your third uncle that I say so about you. I think that Fiona priest is a little cold, but she is not an unreasonable person. Since she said that the well water of both sides does not invade the river, then you can live in peace with each other. If you can't be friends, there's no need to be enemies, isn't she?"

"I'm just angry," Lilith clenched her lips. "I'm the daughter of the leader of the red clan. She's an orphan. Why?"

"Just because others have higher potential than you." the third uncle said coldly: "I think you are jealous of her. You never thought that she came here from such a remote town with an orphan girl and a follower. I don't know how many difficulties and setbacks it will take. People have survived. What about you? You have not experienced any risks under our escort. She is much better than you!"

"It's not humiliating to admit that you are inferior to others. What's humiliating is that you are obviously inferior to each other, but you still hold that poor self-esteem and refuse to admit it. Think about it. Let's go back first."

After leaving such a sentence, the third uncle explained that all the foxes who had come together were gathered and ready to leave for home. Lilith was left standing where she was, her face turning blue and white.

Seeing that the third uncle's motorcade could not be seen, Lilith stamped her feet and turned back to her bedroom.

Jiang Chan's bedroom. She took advantage of Tess's going out to make up for her sleep. During this period of time, she was always worried. She was alert even when she slept at night.

Now that she came to the temple, she was finally able to relax completely. Only when Tess pushed the door in, Jiang Chan opened her eyes vigilantly.

"Miss, I bought some ingredients, and I'll buy the rest after dinner." Tess stood by the door with a lot of things in a respectful gesture.

Jiang Chan put on her shoes and came down: "come in. Don't come to these empty things in the future. We are partners, not the relationship between master and servant."