Ding Yaozu was very calm. After the exam, he went back to the inn. His success or failure was in one fell swoop. The inn is bustling, waiting to be released. The boys were busy and talked loudly in the lobby.

In this inn, most of the residents take part in the assessment of miscellaneous studies. Ding Yaozu has met several people who can talk about it these days. Everyone is relatively straightforward and speaks directly without beating around the bush.

He sat with several candidates who could talk. Everyone came from all over the world. Speaking of local customs, Ding Yaozu was an eye opener.

Following the trend, Ding Yaozu talked about the locusts in Qiye county. The locust disaster in the eastern counties has little impact. At least these people at the table don't know.

After hearing about it, several people had a heated discussion. We used to talk about locusts turning pale, but we didn't expect that after the improvement of water conservancy conditions, combined with animal control, we could control the disaster to such a low level.

The discussion at this table naturally attracted others, and soon someone followed and expressed their opinions.

"Locusts, once I met locusts, I was afraid. As soon as locusts appeared, the crops were barren."

"Isn't it? It's usually very dry years. Locusts can be controlled if water conservancy facilities are good enough."

"We should also plough deeply. Locusts usually lay their eggs under the ground. When ploughing deeply, raising poultry on the ground can also control the number of locusts."

Ding Yaozu sipped his lips. When he set out to the capital, the deep cultivation in the eastern counties had basically ended. He watched the eggs being ploughed out with his own eyes and felt a little uncomfortable when he remembered.

"These are all from experience. If it weren't for brother Ding, we wouldn't know that locust disasters had occurred in the eastern counties."

"This is about the Empress Dowager. Not long after spring ploughing, she appointed Shangshu Shanda of the Ministry of work to build water conservancy in the East and made waterwheel. Now almost every village in the eastern counties has waterwheel."

"The Empress Dowager is wise. I heard that this exam was also suggested by her. The purpose is to select talents regardless of style. If it weren't for this Enke, how could we come here just for the scientific examination?"

Just talking about several measures implemented by Jiang Chan, the outside of the inn became lively. Small officials beat gongs and drums to paste the list in the most prominent place in the capital.

Many people poured out of the inn. Ding Yaozu also wanted to go out to see, but he gave up the idea when he looked at the crowded heads outside.

It's the same when there are fewer people.

"Yes, yes, brother Yaozu, you are!"

In less than 20 minutes, the people who poured out to watch the list came back. When they saw Ding Yaozu sitting flat in the lobby, someone shouted to him.

"Really? Thank you, brother!"

Ding Yaozu was very happy. Unexpectedly, he was really hit.

Because it is a miscellaneous examination, there is no ranking. After all, the contents of the examination are different. The small officials stood under the list and loudly knocked the gongs and drums: "three days later, all candidates will be holy. Please be ready!"

Not to mention how excited Ding Yaozu and others were, Jiang Chan looked at the list submitted and nodded again and again. Who said there was no talent? After such a search, don't talents come?

Finally, Jiang Chan's eyes stayed on an examination paper. The candidate explained in detail the benefits of going to sea, and he himself mastered two foreign languages, which can be said to be quite excellent.

Look at the candidate's name, Ni Yang. Jiang Chan smiled. This is a ready-made translator. The fleet is short of such talents now.

Three days later, Ding Yaozu and others cleaned up a new place and entered the hall. During this period, he didn't dare to lift his head, and didn't see the appearance of the Empress Dowager sitting behind the bead curtain. He just glanced at it a little and quickly lowered his head.

Jiang Chan matched the names and faces of these people one by one. After asking questions on the spot, she had a bottom in her heart. Almost everything she asked was practical and to the point. It was not difficult to answer.

But it's still difficult to answer brilliantly. At least those literary ministers thought about it for a long time. Without practical experience and on-the-spot experience, we can't do practical things just by talking on paper.

This also makes them reflect on whether the selection method of officials in the past was really wrong? So that so many talents are missing?

The palace examination lasted until the afternoon. After discussing with the civil and military officials, Jiang Chan arranged the whereabouts of the first batch of miscellaneous students. Most of them went to the work department and assigned them to local posts after their internship expired.

It can be said that these talents are the mainstay of the future, and those who have passed the scientific examination can't say that they don't have real talent and learning, but most of them go to the Imperial Academy and want to be a great minister, and there are some grinding.

With the end of Enke's exam, there were plenty of people in the hall. Zuo Xiang's pulse is also ready to move. Jiang Chan reduced Zuo Xiang's power by two-thirds. Now Zuo Xiang's pulse needs fresh blood.

They also know that the officials who have passed the miscellaneous examination are completely the lineage of the empress dowager, so they all focus on the new Keju son, either enjoying flowers today or drinking tea tomorrow. These new officials can be said to be busy.

After reporting the whereabouts of the officials, father-in-law Xu stood behind Jiang Chan's side with his hands down. In the imperial study, only the Empress Dowager's shallow breathing was heard.

Jiang Chan stirred the rosary: "people always have to communicate. No matter how powerful the Green Dragon Guard is, it can't stare at these people all the time. First observe and see if they have the tendency to stand in line."

"Lord Han is really old and strong. He is idle at home and still cares about the imperial court."

Jiang Chan pondered, "I heard that Korean university has a high level of talent and used to be a teacher of the former Emperor. If you want to be the dean of the Academy, you are a little inferior."

Father Xu bent down and said with a smile, "it's also a great merit to be able to teach and educate people."

"It's true, Grandpa Xu. The academy has been completed and the mourning family is short of teachers. You can go to the Korean family." Jiang Chan raised her eyebrow: "I hope the Korean adult can manage the students wholeheartedly."

"It's just that the Academy doesn't just teach the collection of classics and history, and I don't know if old Han will have other ideas." Duke Xu is a little worried about Jiang Chan's original intention of establishing the Academy.

Jiang Chan waved: "attack people first. Only when Han Xiang actually sees the changes brought by the Academy will he be willing to do it well."

"Ai Jia believes that Han Xiang just doesn't see the sky beyond power. If he knows that there are many things in the world that make people feel successful in addition to power, he will make the right choice."