Imperial concubine Shun only paused a little. Emperor Yongye had not set foot in Yiyuan hall for nearly three years. Seeing that emperor Yongye had taken care of himself and sat down, she did not see the happy look of the imperial concubine waiting for the emperor's luck. As usual, there was a faint softness in her kindness, but it was precisely because of such kindness and softness, It should also be the title of concubine Shun. She was obedient, but there was a quiet wave of alienation and indifference. Concubine Shun also went back to the table where she was originally prepared to eat. "It's the right time for the emperor to come. My concubine has just prepared dinner."

Emperor Yongye listened, but he looked around the palace where concubine Shun was located. "I haven't come here for several years. The Yiyuan hall is still like this. In the past two years, I have ignored you."

Princess Shun listened, her face was still her usual look, and said with a soft smile, "the emperor manages all kinds of opportunities every day. In recent years, she has rarely set foot in the back palace. However, my concubine is now devout in worshiping the Buddha. She stays in front of the Buddha for most of the day. This person has also become a lot lazy and can't compare with the young concubines in the palace."

Emperor Yongye listened, only paused and shook his head slightly, "are you blaming me in your words?"

After hearing this, Princess Shun still kept a calm tone, "why do you complain? People who worship Buddha have six clean roots and avoid greed, anger and infatuation. My concubine only wants Daxin's country to be peaceful and the people to be safe, and the emperor's happiness, longevity and health."

Emperor Yongye listened to Princess Shun's words, and his face was frozen and stiff for a moment. However, looking at Princess Shun's gentle face, he stopped talking about it. He only looked at the slightly better improvement on Princess Shun's face, "I heard you were not well a few days ago. How are you recovering now?"

"There's nothing wrong with my body. My concubine knows that this heart disease has been in my heart for a long time. The emperor doesn't have to worry. He has conditioned my concubine for the loss of the girl Yunchu. Now, there's nothing else uncomfortable." concubine Shun only replied.

Hearing that Princess Shun mentioned her heart trouble, Emperor Yongye's face had some slight changes. However, when Princess Shun mentioned Su Yunchu, she took a gentle smile on her face, which was sincere. Emperor Yongye only narrowed his eyes slightly, "you seem to like that girl very much?"

Concubine Shun raised her eyes to see him. "I like it. She is really a rare girl. She is indeed a child raised by the Song family. My concubine looked at it, which is much better than other children."

Listening to the words of concubine Shun, Emperor Yongye's face was slightly heavy, but it was only a long time, but he said, "now the fifth man has returned to Beijing. He has been fighting abroad for the past two years, and the marriage has fallen for a year or two. Now you see, it's time to choose a concubine." he paused a little, but he opened his mouth, "I see, it's also good for the daughter of Nanyang hou to match the old five."

Listening to Emperor Yongye's words, concubine Shun paused slightly with her chopsticks, then looked up at emperor Yongye and said, "there is someone in yuan'er's heart that the emperor should not fail to see. My concubine can still remember what was said on the hall that day."

After a little meditation, Emperor Yongye took a layer of seriousness in his tone, "the daughter of Nanyang marquis will not break the old five!"

Listening to Emperor Yongye's obviously changed tone, there was no panic in Princess Shun's face. Early this morning, she had made a decision. In any case, she would let the two children get the will. Even if she dug out those things that were sealed by herself again, she would not hesitate.

"My concubine thinks that Yunchu's girl is the best candidate. Her temperament is similar to yuaner's. moreover, yuaner also understood that day. It seems that the two children are also in love. Why should the emperor be like this?"