In this world, magic relies on their favour for the Gods of Men, and on study and comprehension for the Gods of Creation.
Both paths are not exclusive, but gods from the same path usually are, because mortals are after all fragile, and being under the gaze of multiple gods would influence them in multiple directions, driving them insane. Full devotion to a God will bring as much power as restrictions.
Some gods will also bestow inhuman characteristics upon their believers or punish them, and the more they transform the more powerful they are, closer to the image and power of the one they revere. may range from being bulkier and stronger, to getting horns or a tail, or having grass as hair.
People can of course choose none of that, and live normal lives or try to walk their own path to divinity.
Every magic has its physical price. It may range from fatigue, to consuming one's life. Using energy taken from outside oneself is an advanced technique that enables powerful spells but will always cause tragedy around the caster.
Keep in mind that pushed to the extreme (fanatics), the paths of the gods can become perverted abominations in the hands of mortals.
Creation Gods : they have no name, and are called by their role by mortals. Beasts and plants can also be affected by them.
-God of Time : pretty explicit, it favours the immortal ghosts and undeads in existence, for they live through time with him. Associated magics are acceleration, wilting, and rewinding.Users will become thinner and frail, but enjoy a (much) longer life.
-God of Nature : it favours plants and animals alike, but only them and not their creations. Associated magic is none. Users will take on beastly or plantly characteristics.
-God of the Elements : it favours the world itself and brings retribution on those that harm it. Associated magic are the elements found in the world, such as fire, water, wind, earth, thunder. Users will have their temperament affected by the element they study and use.
Gods of Men : they are mortals who, through their own path and will, were recognised by the Creation Gods as interesting, and elevated through legends. Their path can be trod by others now, and they will respond to it by blessing their practitionners.
-Theomars, the Warrior God : his strenght was glorified, and his temper made into legend. His emblem is his sword. His followers are strong and sharp, and free spirits, but have a hard time focusing on anything else than action. They may lose themselves to a fight, in which case their eyes will lose their light until they are defeated as punishment. The strongest battle maniacs would sometimes stay blind their whole life, for holding back would bring even greater retribution...
-Oberon, the God of Protection : his stalwart character and endurance are sung through the world. His emblem is a shield. His followers hardly ever tire and are strong, but this boon is linked to what they choose to defend, be it a place, a person, or a moral value. A blow to these will often make them crumble and be ignored by the God, falling to misery.
-Liezel, the God of Transgression : his disrespect for everything but himself isolated him, and he is not much liked. His emblem is a gust of wind. His followers are sparse, taking in hermits, bandits, tricksters and the banished. He is more chaotic than evil, advocationg freedom. His eccentric followers are granted power in the form of reduced presence, can blend into shadows , and are almost impossible to restrain, always free to do whatever they like.
-Monte, the God of Fortune : he went hand in hand with Eludia as a mortal. Solid as a rock and working hard, he climbed to the top of this world step by step during his now legendary adventures. His emblem is tree roots. He rewards those who work to better themselves. They will be unmovable, and will find success and limit losses in what they do, helping them guide their fate.
-Eludia, the Goddess of Luck : she went hand in hand with Monte as a mortal. Her emblem is a hundred-faced die. Fickle and daring, her gains were as heavy as her losses, often saved my Monte in the end. She guides the hands and feet of bright and audacious people to find opportunities, and help them twisting fate in their favour or against others.
-Deva, the Goddess of Truce : she was a kind saintess, bringing peace of mind and relief to those she met. Her emblem is a heart. Her followers are sages, know healing and the heart of people, but they are frail and unsuited to any physical labour.
-Nyx, the Goddess of Arts : her love for arts and revelry, whatever they may be, know no bounds. Her emblem is an aflame pyre. Anything mastered can be an art in itself under her eyes. She will twist bodies so they conform better to the practice, following the mind of the performer.
-Kali, the Goddess of Suffering : she died a martyr with no thought for herself. Her emblem is a drop of blood. Her followers lose their pupils and are left with only the white of their eyes. They are not blind, but it is the mark of the goddess, reflecting the impartiality of suffering.They are able to use blood magic to manipulate wounds, are tenacious and heal quickly. The most powerful are able to deny death itself for a few moments.