
Qin Chuan's embarrassed appearance made Lu Xueqing laugh.


Qin Chuan looked at her smile and murmured.

"What is beauty? Give me your hand. " Lu Xueqing immediately put away her smile and gave Qinchuan a white look.

"Yes, yes." Qin Chuan nodded and stretched out his obedient hand, revealing the wound on his palm.

"Does it hurt?"

Lu Xueqing looked at Qin Chuan with some heartache, then opened the medicine box and took out the disinfectant swab and other things.

"No, it doesn't hurt. I should be hurt for my daughter-in-law." Qin Chuan said with a silly smile.

"Hum, you are too aggressive. What if ximenfeng's bodyguards hurt you?"

Lu Xueqing stares at Qin Chuan with some dissatisfaction. Although she says so, the action on her hand exposes her heart. She gently drags Qin Chuan's wrist and carefully smears the disinfectant on the wound.

"Hiss..." Qin Chuan couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. Lu Xueqing didn't know what disinfectant she used. When she put it on the wound, a tingling sensation came immediately.

"Take it easy. It'll be ready soon."

Lu Xueqing looked up at him and asked casually.

"How did you know Wu Chaoxiang?"

Lu Xueqing has been holding on to this question for a long time. That day at the auction, Lu Xueqing wanted to ask it. But later, because of something, Lu Xueqing forgot it for the time being. When she met Wu Chaoxiang today, she remembered it again.

"Oh, you say him." Qin Chuan's eyes turned and said casually.

"I said that day, I treated him."


Lu Xueqing is obviously stunned. She puts down her cotton swab and stares at Qin Chuan with a strange face, wondering.

"Can you cure? How come I haven't heard of it. "

In fact, it's not surprising that Lu Xueqing has such doubts. Before Qin Chuan was in her home, she could say that she was delicious, lazy and ignorant. Although Qin Chuan's performance during this period was quite different from that before, it was just her character. In terms of her contacts, Lu Xueqing did not believe that Qin Chuan could cure diseases.

"Of course I will."

Qin Chuan mysteriously smiles and says.

"If you don't believe it, I can show it to you."

"Yes, but don't blame me if you can't say one, two, three."

Lu Xueqing said, then stretched out her white and tender wrist to Qinchuan.

Qin Chuan is not ambiguous either. He puts his finger on Lu Xueqing's wrist and closes his eyes slightly. His body moves the Vientiane Sutra to explore Lu Xueqing's physical condition.

"Will you?"

Seeing that five or six minutes later, Qin Chuan was still half open and half closed, and he didn't speak. On the contrary, his hand became more and more unrestrained, and he touched his little hand again and again. Lu Xueqing finally couldn't help but draw back his hand in anger.

"Tut tut... My daughter-in-law's hands are so tender..."

The hand suddenly a burst of empty, Qin Chuan Qiao Qiao mouth corner, open eyes.

"Well, if you say you can cure, I think you will cheat."

Lu Xueqing also reacted. Knowing that Qinchuan was deliberately taking advantage of himself, she couldn't help staring at Qinchuan angrily.

Although they are husband and wife, they have not come together after all.

"Hei hei, daughter-in-law, I've seen that you have insomnia, are you tired, and can't concentrate when you go to work?"

Qin Chuan laughs and quickly opens the topic.

"You, you really know how to see a doctor?" Lu Xueqing was stunned. During this period of time, she was really sleepless and dreamy, and sometimes distracted from her work.

"Of course, when did I cheat you?"

Qin Chuan patted her chest and said that Lu Xueqing's body is already very healthy. If she has those symptoms, she may cooperate with Wang Group recently, which makes Lu Xueqing feel pressure.

"Well, what kind of medicine should I take?" Lu Xueqing hummed and had some faith in Qin Chuan's words.

"Take medicine to need not, you these symptoms are because of long-term office to develop occupational diseases, can use other methods to treat." Qin Chuan has a professional face.

"Well, I don't know what other methods Dr. Qin said Lu Xueqing said in front of her eyes.


Qin Chuan picks his eyebrows, and his eyes fall on Lu Xueqing's concave convex figure.

"This, this is not good..."

Lu Xueqing hesitated. After all, if she had a massage, Qin Chuan would have a legitimate reason to do something to herself.

"There's nothing bad about it. I don't press it for most people."

Aware of Lu Xueqing's retreat, Qin Chuan reaches out his hand and puts Lu Xueqing flat on the bed. During this period, Lu Xueqing is still struggling, but how can Qin Chuan let her go so easily?

With one hand pulling Lu Xueqing's calf and the other hand holding her waist, Lu Xueqing only heard the creaking sound of the bed and lay face down on the bed.


Lu Xueqing also knew that she couldn't escape. She sobbed and buried her head on the bed.

"Ready? I'm going to start! "

Looking at Lu Xueqing's attractive curve, Qin Chuan couldn't help but scream and pounced directly.