this story begins with a high school boy named Raku Ichijo (一条 楽, Ichijō Raku) an ordinary high school student. Raku is a little taller than average for a high schooler and has messy, black hair. He has lightly tanned, fair skin and has a big scar on the right side of his forehead. Raku just came home from school while walking casually looking at the clouds "Man ... today is so boring, before in the history teacher class just talking about historical stories make me use almost all my will to not sleep in His Class"(一_一) said Raku
after at Raku heard a noise "um ... um ... um ..."
Raku stopped and looked toward the alley origin of the noise it sounded "What was that sound, did it come from this alley? Don't say it's just my feeling?" "um... um... um…" "I heard it again it is not just my feeling, I'd better try checking what it is"
Raku entered the alley by walking carefully to check what the sound was. At that time Raku was surprised that the voice came from a little girl tied and her mouth covered with cloth " Σ(゜д゜;) Wow what happened here why is there a little girl tied up don't say this is a kidnapping case ?!"
at that moment Raku was truly shocked never in his dream of imagining seeing a kidnapping case before his eyes. Raku looked around to make sure there was the kidnapper's presence "Hmmm ... it looks like the kidnappers aren't around here. Maybe they are going away, it's better to help this kid first while there are no kidnappers" thought Raku.
Raku approached the children and removed the ties and cloth covering the girl's mouth.
"hey, little girl are you okay? what happened?" said Raku, little girl "I don't know * Hic ... I was playing with mom and when I went to the bathroom * Hic ... arrived- arrived a man in black came and caught me and tied me here" the little girl said tearfully.
Raku hugged the little girl to calm her while speaking "calm down this will be fine little girl don't be afraid, brother will take you back to your mother" "really brother" the little girl said in a hopeful voice.
"Really, I will take you to your mother" after Raku said that, Raku carried the little girl and walked out the alley directly to the nearest police station.
When Raku wants to go to police office, suddenly Raku heard the voice say "Hey boy give the little girl or I'll shoot you"
when Raku heard it, Raku turned around and saw a man dressed in black with a silver necklace and holding a gun "this looks like a kidnapper, plus he brings a gun can be dangerous if he shoots the gun. Tch, what should I do?" thought Raku while lowering the little girl and hiding the little girl behind to protect her.
"Quickly give the little girl or I shoot you now" said the kidnapper with serious eyes.
"Gulp" Raku swallowed his saliva because he saw the kidnapper's serious eyes "W-what's with this person why is it that he wants little girl so much" thought Raku
Raku thought of something and began to say to the little girl "hey little girl when I gave a sign you immediately ran and headed to the police station there okay"
"but ... what about with brother" said the little girl
"Hey Bro, let's talk please lower the gun, danger you know," said Raku
"Yes ~ I know that and it's more dangerous if I shoot in the direction of your head hehehe, now leave the child to me and I shoot the other part instead I'll shoot you head, how?" said the kidnapper
"'The other part is' my ȧss, choose whichever of the same you got shot, damn this crazy I mush to be careful" thought raku.
after when Raku decided to act and said to little girl "little girl ran NOW" after Raku said that he ran towards the kidnapper pushing him to the side of the road, the kidnapper was surprised not to think that Raku would dare to do that.
Raku managed to hold the kidnapper, the kidnapper wanted to shoot Raku but could not because Raku held his hand so that the kidnapper had difficulty shooting Raku
"Tch, let go of my hands, kid," said the kidnapper
"Ha, do you think I'm stupid ?!" said Raku
when they were still fighting suddenly, the kidnapper's friend came and shot me from behind "BANG !!!" "ACK" made Raku fall with blood coming out from his mouth.
"hey why are you playing with this kid fast there chasing the little girl don't let her go to the police station our plan might fail" said the kidnapper friend
"Don't talk too much, hurry up and chase this little girl away," said the kidnapper's friend
"Tch, I know come on" after saying that the kidnapper and his friend then went after the little girl
after they leave.
"Cough, cough, damn I don't think he has a friend ... Tch ... I really started to cold here ... oh ... it started to darken ... it ... I don't ... ..., I ... hope ... little.. girl can… survive ... "said Raku before darkness enveloped him.