Public opinion on the Internet began to completely reverse after the food safety administration. Early the next morning, Li Xin hurried to the pedestrian street of financial lane. She came to apologize and taste vegetables in Qianmen village.

"Mr. Li, I'm really sorry to trouble you. I'm sorry to criticize you rashly without knowing the truth of the vegetables!" Li Xin came to the supermarket and apologized to Li Mu.

"It doesn't matter. It's all fake vegetable supermarkets that harm people. Today, please ask Mr. Li to taste our real Qianmen village vegetables!" Li Mu smiled and said.

He thinks Li Xin is a good person. At least he doesn't like some big V on microblog. Even if he knows he is wrong, he will never admit it.

"These vegetables are really good!" Li Xin nodded and looked at the vegetables in the supermarket to see the difference.

The vegetables in Qianmen village are fresh and watery, and the color is a little darker than ordinary vegetables. Moreover, they smell with a faint fragrance of vegetables, which is different from ordinary vegetables.

Li Xin bought ten kilograms of vegetables at once. Li muben gave them away for free. However, Li Xin felt that if they were free, it would be unfair for her to comment at that time, so she insisted on giving money. Finally, she paid the money to leave with the vegetables.

As soon as she got home, Li Xin started cooking without waiting for noon. As a real senior food blogger, Li Xin's cooking was quite good. After a while, she fried a table full of dishes.

Then after taking the photos, Li Xin tasted it. At the first entrance of Qianmen village, Li Xin widened her eyes. The vegetables are delicious.

In the past two years, Li Xin has not eaten any vegetables at home and abroad, such as green pollution-free vegetables, green organic vegetables, imported vegetables, plateau vegetables, and even milk vegetables.

But those vegetables are far from those in Qianmen village. These vegetables are even more delicious than the vegetables that she has eaten for the rich at a price of one or two hundred yuan a kilogram.

Li Xin couldn't help it. She ate three plates of Qianmen village vegetables with half a bowl of rice. She didn't move a mouthful of meat. Instead, she ate all the vegetables.

"Just now, I personally verified that Qianmen village vegetables are the most delicious vegetables that bloggers have eaten so far. This kind of vegetable tastes very good and tastes very good. It can be rated as a special grade. Bloggers strongly recommend it here. However, after falling in love with Qianmen village vegetables, you have to go to the gym every day! "

Li Xin wrote micro-blog, and left the WeChat official account of Xia Wei Wei, and then directly went to several local V, which was usually good with her.

As soon as this microblog was sent, the local big V in Chengdu soon forwarded it. There were hundreds of more messages under Li Xin's microblog in less than half an hour.

"Bloggers eat fat and I raise them. I don't have to go to the gym every day!"

"I raise, I raise, I sign up, there is a mine at home!"

"The vegetables in Qianmen village are indeed worthy of their reputation. We should recognize the location of the real vegetable supermarket in Qianmen village. There is only one, financial lane and pedestrian street. There is no semicolon!"

"I also bought it today. I didn't expect the vegetables to be so delicious!"

"I don't think I'll gain weight after eating this vegetable, because it's better than meat, and I don't have money to buy meat after buying vegetables in Qianmen village. It's just to lose weight!"

Li Xin's micro-blog not only has many V forwarding in two days, but also official account of Chengdu's rule of law online. After that, there are many media's public numbers and micro-blog's follow up.

According to the report of the rule of law, once Ma Dong was arrested, 40 or 50 merchants jointly reported in less than three days. This guy wanted to take bribes.

Not only Ma Dong, but also his uncle was implicated. The position of deputy director was directly removed and demoted to an ordinary section member. Ma Dong was handed over to the procuratorial organ in a few days. This guy had to spend more years in prison.

On the other side, because of word of mouth ferment, Xia Wei's WeChat official account was only a few days away, and fans were over one hundred thousand. Many people come to buy vegetables in Qianmen village in admiration. After buying them once, they become repeat customers.

In these three days, the business of Qianmen village vegetable supermarket is getting better and better. After three days, the business of vegetable supermarket has basically reached the peak.

"Li Mu, 20000 Jin of vegetables in Qianmen village have been sold out today. Do you know how much our turnover has reached?"

On the third night, shortly after the Qianmen village vegetable supermarket closed, Xia Youwei asked excitedly.

"What is the turnover?" Li Mu asked.

"Twenty thousand kilograms of vegetables in Qianmen village are not sold at a discount. The cheapest vegetables are twenty yuan a kilogram and the most expensive is twenty-five yuan a kilogram. We sold four hundred and fifty thousand!" Xia Youwei said excitedly.

Xia Youwei's family condition is not bad, but her family is a big enterprise. She can sell four or five million yuan a day by selling vegetables. She never thought about it before.

"With a turnover of 450000, deduct 200000 vegetable costs, and then deduct manpower, rent, water and electricity. On average, you can earn more than 200000 a day. This business is really good!"

Li Mu was excited after calculating in his heart. This is really a good business. He can make millions in a month.

"This business is really good. Only by selling vegetables, less than half of the people in the village can run well-off!" Li Mu said.

"Unfortunately, Qianmen village has thousands of mu of land, but only more than 200 mu of land can grow vegetables in Qianmen village. It's a pity that other land can't grow vegetables in Qianmen village!" Xia Youwei said sadly after she was excited.

"Hehe, it's nothing. I'll find a way to make sure that all the land will be used soon!" Li Mu smiled and said.

With the improvement of Li Mujiu's Xuangong, the scope of Shennong spirit gathering array will certainly continue to expand.

At that time, Qianmen village will not only plant vegetables, but also plant other things, diversify the varieties, and make Qianmen village more competitive and attractive.

"Well, that's the best!" Xia Youwei nodded and said, "go back to the village first!"

In the vegetable supermarket, Xia Youwei left all her change, put all her money into a box and gave it to Li Mu to take home.

Originally, Li Mu said he would pay a dividend to Xia Youwei, which was 20% of the profit. However, Xia Youwei said he didn't want anything. Li Mu had to count it to her account first.

After cleaning the vegetable supermarket, it was already more than 11 p.m. when he returned to Qianmen village. Fortunately, Li Mu had many people in his van, so he could pull people up every time.

"It's too troublesome for them to run back and forth every day. We should rent a house for them in the city, which can save a lot of time back and forth every day and let them have a better rest!" Li Mu thought.

Li Mu was thinking about it when his cell phone suddenly rang. As soon as he connected the phone, he heard Fang Tong's voice.

"Mu Shao, old Tang's birthday is tomorrow night. Don't forget the time!"