"Yes, Mr. Xiang is good at using and borrowing the power of capital. He holds shares in many large pharmaceutical groups. Once he becomes the president of Qingzhou Pharmaceutical Association, he will certainly bring considerable development to Qingzhou Pharmaceutical Association. I also support Mr. Xiang to become the president of Qingzhou Pharmaceutical Association!"

The chairman of another large group also stood up and said aloud.

Although Xiang Qiling is a disciple of Pei Jiulin, what he did most after graduation was not to heal the sick and save people, but to use Pei Jiulin's resources and borrow Pei Jiulin's disciple's identity for commercial development. At present, many large pharmaceutical groups and pharmaceutical companies have Xiang Qiling's shares.

Although Xiang Qiling's shares are not high, he is very familiar with the senior shareholders of the company. Those senior shareholders need help from Xiang Qiling, and Xiang Qiling naturally needs their support.

If Xiang qilingneng becomes the president of Qingzhou Medical Association, it will also be of great benefit to these enterprises. This is a good deal that combines both interests.

Some company leaders stood up one after another. Di Chun and Zhou Yungui's faces were slightly black. There are two most important things these days, one is life and the other is money. Often money can buy life, but without life, money is useless.

These large enterprises and companies wholeheartedly support Xiang Qiling, which is not good news for Di Chun and Zhou Yungui.

"Thanks for your wrong love, my mentor established Qingzhou Medical Association in order to improve the communication in the industry and give everyone a platform for communication. The purpose of establishing Qingzhou Medical Association is not for money, nor can money destroy Qingzhou Medical Association!"

"I'm ashamed of the position of president of Qingzhou Medical Association and dare not accept it!" Xiang Qiling showed a embarrassed expression, quickly stood up, bowed deeply and said.

Xiang Qiling's face remained unchanged, but many young doctors sitting in the audience showed an expression of chat up. Up to now, many doctors have flocked to join Qingzhou Medical Association in order to improve their status?

In the final analysis, the purpose of improving status is not money? Perhaps the Qingzhou Medical Association was really pure when it was first established. It was really just to let the peers in the Qingzhou medical community have a place to communicate. However, with the continuous growth of the Qingzhou Medical Association, whether Pei Jiulin wanted it or not, the nature of the Qingzhou Medical Association has long changed.

Xiang Qiling's words sounded good, but in fact it was farting. The older doctors didn't matter and still listened with an unchanged face, but the younger doctors couldn't be so shameless. They still blushed after hearing this.

Even Wang Nuo and Chen Yun, not far from Li Mu, blushed. Although they have good medical skills and study hard, they don't want to join Qingzhou Medical Association and take a shortcut.

Li Mu looked at the rostrum with a sneer. These guys are really playing monkey drama. If Pei Jiulin comes back to life and sees it, I'm afraid he'll be angry to death.

Obviously, everyone wants to take the position of president of Qingzhou Medical Association. One by one, they pretend to be ashamed and despise the position of president. It's like being a bitch and trying to set up a memorial archway.

Once Pei Jiulin is away, his disciples will bring the miasma of the scourge of Qingzhou Medical Association. Pei Jiulin has excellent medical skills, but it seems that he is not good at teaching his disciples.

It may also be that di Chun and these people were actually good at that time, but later they developed step by step, saw too many interests and wanted too many things, and finally became what they are now step by step.

"I always respect Mr. Xiang, but what Mr. Xiang said is wrong. The establishment of Qingzhou Medical Association is naturally to provide a communication platform for colleagues in Qingzhou medical field. However, the times are changing all the time. Qingzhou Medical Association also needs rapid development. If it has been abiding by the original old rules, it may be eliminated sooner or later!"

Another man stood up and shouted.

Xiang Qiling's face changed, and he seemed to think the man was right. His face showed a thoughtful expression. Then there was a sound of applause under the grandstand of the whole venue. This was that the people of Xiang Qiling began to build momentum for Xiang Qiling.

Even some people who were originally neutral showed thoughtful expressions. As others began to applaud, they not only said that the relationship between Qiling and capital was very good. If he took the position of president of Qingzhou Medical Association, I'm afraid he can bring real capital flow and make Qingzhou Medical Association stronger, which is good for everyone.

In the face of this situation, di Chun and Zhou Yungui finally looked ugly. They just refused to ask for position and face. They were not really so generous. They could give up the position of Qingzhou Medical Association.

"What you said to younger martial brother Xiang is also reasonable. We can't let Qingzhou Medical Association be contaminated with the smell of copper and become a place where money is the only respect. However, Qingzhou Medical Association really needs to keep pace with the times. In the current era, if we don't keep pace with the times, I'm afraid it will be eliminated!"

"It's just that I'm afraid I can't decide this. I still have to ask my mentor for instructions!"

Di Chun suddenly stood up and said meaningfully.

The original had some intention, and even wanted to nod and promise. Xiang Qiling's face suddenly changed. He looked at di Chun with a look of sincerity.

"Everyone, in Qingzhou Medical Association, Xiang Qiling is just the youngest disciple under my mentor. How can I be qualified to be the president of Qingzhou Medical Association? Whether senior brother Di Chun or senior brother Zhou Yungui is more qualified than me!"

Xiang Qiling said sincerely. After he finished, the people under the podium were stunned. It seems that the script is not written like this. Xiang Qiling's sincere face is like he really doesn't want to sit as the president of Qingzhou Medical Association.

Only Xiang Qiling knew in his heart that they wanted to choose the position of president of Qingzhou Medical Association today without Pei Jiulin's permission. During this period, they didn't see Pei Jiulin at all, but just inquired about Pei Jiulin's serious illness.

If this matter is poked to Pei Jiulin, they don't have to choose the position of president today. Pei Jiulin won't agree with them at all. Xiang Qiling dare not poke this matter to Pei Jiulin and can only give way.

Di Chun sneered that the position of Qingzhou Medical Association was so important that it was impossible to let him out casually. His own father and son had to fight, not to mention several fellow disciples. It was bound to fight.

However, the situation fell into an impasse again.