"The main thing is to play and increase their popularity, or let Wang JieXi take them?" Lu yunqi raised his eyebrows and joked, "proper relaxation is conducive to physical and mental health!"

"Husband, I don't have to leave the country!" Qi Xuanxuan said with some worry.

Originally, Lu yunqi was going to let Wang JieXi and Han Han take charge of the recording activity. He took Qi Xuanxuan on vacation.

Tired of city life, I want to experience the life of primitive nature.

"It depends on the situation. Now I'd better learn the field survival skills first!" Lu yunqi raised his mouth slightly and looked down at Qi Xuanxuan in his arms.

"Hmm ~ ~"

Qi Xuanxuan said shyly and looked up with her red lips slightly open.

The other side.

Gu Yuege and Bai Cha are sitting on the balcony of an upscale apartment.

For this reality show "survival in the wilderness", white tea is very supportive and excited.

Finally, I can go camping in the open air. Don't be too comfortable!

However, Gu Yuege was a little worried: "white tea, do you think I can do it?"

He carefully read the profile of the reality show given by Lu yunqi, more carefully than anyone.

It was because he looked very carefully that he was worried.

When they participated in "emperor card to emperor card", they were all in the recording studio, and before recording, there would be scripts, game answers and game links. Everyone had a number in mind.

But now I'm going to record the reality show "survival in the wilderness"?

There is no script at all. More importantly, in addition to providing the necessary security, the program group depends on itself.

This is a program that has never appeared in China. It gives the audience a novel experience.

However, for the artists participating in this program, it is blue thin mushroom!

I don't have any survival knowledge about the wilderness. I don't know what can eat and what can't eat in the wild!

You can't resist several pieces of instant noodles, but even if you resist instant noodles, you have to make a fire!

"Cough, Yuege, you can rest assured!" White tea smiled and said, "as for food, we can bring it in, and the program team can't let us starve to death. You just have to be responsible for the performance, and leave the rest to me!"

White tea has long thought about this. She knows that this is a reality show specially designed by Lu yunqi to cultivate these new people.

Moreover, as a white family, she knows a lot more than others.

In fact, behind this "survival in the wilderness" activity is the whole process guidance and guarantee of the military king. Artists have had special people with everyone in the past few days.

In other words, after the program starts, each group will have a professional person to teach and train them, so there is no need to worry about survival and food.

Just think about how to get higher popularity through live broadcasting. If you can get the 500 million bonus, of course, it's the best.

Gu Yuege nodded and answered, "OK!"

White tea as a woman is not afraid, what he is afraid of, this is also a kind of growth!

Several other pairs of artists also get together, but most of them are female artists who are worried. Zhang Shan, Peng Yan and Wu Jin are looking forward to it.

Zhang Shan is full of adventurous spirit, and he has not experienced field life since he grew up in siheyuan. He can just add a wonderful journey to his life.

However, Peng Yan's main reason is that he doesn't want to participate in some indoor variety shows. Now there is no suitable script to shoot, and the company's reality show is in line with his taste.

As for Wu Jin, not to mention that he was a soldier and had just retired from the army. Before he was in the army, field training was common.

If you let him suddenly stay in the company and wait for a new script, it would be better to aftertaste the life in the army.

The key is that he is confident that his life in the wild is better than others and can compete for the 500 million bonus.


The next day, all the members of the shooting team went to the shooting place first.

All the artists who participated in the competition began to buy things needed in the wild in the city. After all, they had to stay in the wilderness for 28 days this time. Everyone bought a lot of things.

Lu yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan didn't buy them in person. They all handed them over to the assistant. They are going to the company today to get a very important document and explain the affairs of the group.

HaoChen group, President's office.

Several vice presidents of the company are all here.

"Uncles, in the next period of time, the things of the group will be handed over to you!" Qi Xuanxuan stood in front of the crowd and said solemnly, "when I was not in the company, my uncle Qi Chen was the sole agent for me!"

Her words, in everyone's expectation, were beyond Qi Chen's expectation.

Although he was honest recently, did Qi Xuanxuan not notice anything about the previous events?

Was it a deliberate test, or was it really undetected?

Qi Chen was full of doubts.

After all, Qi Xuanxuan is surrounded by Lu yunqi. It can be said that Qi Xuanxuan's ability to control the group so quickly and completely has played a great role.

Several film and television works have directly promoted HaoChen entertainment to the top level in China, which not only makes the company gain a lot from these film and television works, but also drives the stock price of the whole group.

Such a person is around Qi Xuanxuan, so she can completely control HaoChen group in less than two years.

Now, no matter how old Qi Chen's qualification in the company is, he can't obviously shake him.

"Second uncle, please!"

Qi Xuanxuan looked at Qi Chen and said something.

"Ah, oh, OK, OK!"

After Qi Chen reacted, he quickly agreed.

I also planned that whether she didn't find it or not, she would take over the group first and then plan slowly.

After all, Lu yunqi is only a shareholder of HaoChen entertainment, and the volume of the whole HaoChen group is much larger than HaoChen entertainment.

The current revenue of HaoChen real estate is still higher than that of HaoChen entertainment.

It's obviously impossible to have the idea of HaoChen entertainment, but Qi Chen still has a lot of operating space on the real estate side.

Next, Qi Xuanxuan told several other vice presidents that it was nothing more than to let everyone cooperate with Qi Chen's work and hope everyone can work together to make HaoChen group better and better.

After everyone left, Qi Xuanxuan came behind Lu yunqi and put her hands on his shoulders. With a trace of worry on her face, she deliberately said, "husband, now we can go and play easily."

Just now Lu yunqi had been sitting in the boss's chair and didn't speak.

The reason why the scene just happened is that they just came to the company to get a document. At this time, an assistant came in to report.

Lu yunqi has nothing to do, so he sits in the boss's chair, opens Qi Xuanxuan's computer and checks the firewall of the computer for her.

As a result, he accidentally found a bug in a very secret place under Qi Xuanxuan's desk.

Lu yunqi made the plan with Qi Xuanxuan by handwriting.

He deliberately called all the vice presidents of the company and handed over all the next things of the company to Qi Chen in front of a bug.
