"Oh, not bad!" Lu yunqi said with a smile and began to be busy again.

Qi Xuanxuan continued to broadcast live with her mobile phone.

Lu yunqi opened the toolbox. There was a flint, a fire axe, a dagger and a satellite phone.

His phone is a military satellite phone provided by Bai Yue, while those of other groups are civil satellite phones provided by the program group.

The reason why Lu yunqi is different is just in case. After all, it is far from the mainland. Military satellite phones are more unblocked and not easy to be disturbed.

In addition to him, the lone wolf is equipped with military radio stations, short wave transmitters and other professional equipment.

The purpose is to ensure that the people on the island and the outside world can keep the information unblocked under any circumstances.

Lu yunqi took out his fire axe and dagger and went to the woods not far away to prepare for logging.

But at this time, Qi Xuanxuan hurriedly stopped him with her mobile phone and said timidly, "husband, where are you going? I'm a little scared alone! "

"Don't worry, I'll go to the woods in front, cut down two trees and make a table. Don't be afraid. Where you stand, you can see me!" Lu yunqi comforted.

Then he went into the woods.

Qi Xuanxuan aimed the camera at Lu yunqi and broadcast it seriously.

As the president of the group, she has never worked in the live broadcast and doesn't know how to activate the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

I just saw a barrage in the live studio and asked:

"Beauty, are you really yunqi dada's wife, President of HaoChen group and President Qi?"

Seeing the netizen's question, Qi Xuanxuan crossed several black lines on her forehead, but she still answered:


The sound is crisp and cold.

After listening, netizens immediately fried the pot.

"Listen to this high and cold voice, it must be a domineering female president!"

"Didn't you find Mrs. Lu's voice very nice?"

"Upstairs, you are a big fan group of yunqi. You changed your name to President Qi!"

Qi Xuanxuan felt very happy when she saw the bullet screen.

She would rather be Mrs. Lu than President Qi.

Every woman has a heart to be a little woman. If it weren't for life, which woman would be willing to disguise herself as a man, woman and strong woman?

She is the same as Qi Xuanxuan. If she can choose, she really would rather be Mrs. Lu quietly than the high cold female president of HaoChen group.

However, Qi Xuanxuan could feel that it was not long before she officially became Mrs. Lu.

Now Lu yunqi's achievements, I believe it will not take long to complete his dream.

Marry yourself.


Lu yunqi cut down two thick and thin trees at the mouth of the bowl, removed the branches and went back to the camp.

Put it in front of the tent. At this time, he was already sweating. Obviously, Lu yunqi spent a lot of effort to get the two trees.

Then, in front of Qi Xuanxuan and the mobile camera.

Lu yunqi directly took off his coat and began to take care of the wood.

In the live studio, it suddenly boils.

Originally, Qi Xuanxuan talked to the audience in the live broadcasting room without a word, and everyone was about to talk about diving.

Now, it all came out.

In the picture, Lu yunqi's clearly visible muscle lines, the abnormal symmetry of each muscle, no more than eight abdominal muscles, are exposed in front of thousands of netizens in the live broadcast room.


Capital shock!

Strong hormonal breath filled the nerves of every netizen in the live broadcast room.

"My God, Lu, Lu Dao's figure is so good. I love you!"

"Lu Dao's figure is so talented! Take a screenshot! "

"As a 25-year-old aunt, this live broadcast made me wet ~ ~"

"Director Lu, I've decided to reward the steamed bread money tonight!"

"I'll go too. I'll go too. Wait for me to take my saliva first!"


In this way, some small gifts began to appear in the live broadcasting room, a large number, almost covering the barrage.

Originally, Lu yunqi had a lot of female fans on the Internet, and now in the live studio, they were all from his previous fan group.

Qi Xuanxuan saw the barrage of "hooligans" in the live broadcast room, stared at the landing clouds coldly, and said with gnashing teeth:

"Husband, is it so hot this day?"

Lu yunqi smelled the speech and looked at Qi Xuanxuan's eyes. He felt that the temperature around him had dropped suddenly.

With a wry smile, "wife, you didn't move. It must not be hot. I've been moving!"

Lu yunqi thinks it's normal for bare arms.

Don't you often bare your arms at home?

"You,, don't you know it's live?" Qi Xuanxuan whispered, gnashing her teeth.

The eyes were full of warnings, as if to say.

"Don't you know there are thousands of people watching it on the Internet, and it's live. I can only watch your body!"

However, in the live studio at the moment, netizens were not happy to hear Qi Xuanxuan's words.

"Mrs. Lu, how can you be so selfish?"

"Yes, Mr. Qi, let's talk about it. Yunqi dada is not only your husband, but also our husbands!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qi, no, your name is Mrs. Lu now. You can't deprive us of our right to see our husband!"

Qi Xuanxuan glanced at the barrage and was so angry that she almost threw away her mobile phone.

Seeing that Qi Xuanxuan was about to explode, Lu yunqi took a short sleeve out of his bag and put it on.

Qi Xuanxuan smiled when Lu yunqi put on his clothes.


At this time, on the microblog, a [Lu Dao's body] is rushing into the hot search list at the speed of a rocket.


Those fans in Lu yunqi's live studio directly made the picture of Lu yunqi's bare arms into pictures and videos, which were distributed among major fan groups.

Then, organized by the fan group, it broke out on social platforms such as microblog, station B, post bar and forum.

"Shocked, the famous director showed his eight abdominal muscles in the reality show."

"I'll go. As a fitness coach, I admit it. I envy Lu. His figure is more perfect than the people I train every day."

"Ask for the live broadcast room number!"

"Ask for the live broadcast room number!"

All of a sudden, under the leadership of Lu yunqi's fan group, this hot search rushed to the top of the list, and the heat was far more than the second, [Teacher Wang's new song].

At this time, Wang Fen, a singer in a luxury villa in Kyoto, is looking at his hot search for the comments of netizens below.

"This time, I finally found a gap. It's not easy to be at the top of the hot search list!"

Wang Fen looked at the hot search topic and was highly praised by the fans. The corners of her mouth rose slightly and said to herself.

As a powerful singer in the Chinese singing world, he also listens to sad reminders. Every time he sends a new song, he will encounter major events in the entertainment industry.

So every time he sends a new song, he can't be at the top of the hot search list.

In the circle is the famous Millennium Dick.

Originally, he thought that there was no big event in the entertainment industry today, so he chose to send songs today.

At the beginning, everything went well and successfully topped the hot search list.

Even if the program "challenge the desert island to survive" was officially launched, it was not as hot as the release of his new song.

But when he refreshed again, the whole person became bad and the mobile phone fell to the ground.