After Lu yunqi announced that he wanted to establish the company, everyone's heart was suddenly cool.

However, Lu yunqi will not be soft hearted because the people of the whole family are cold.

Moreover, this matter was not decided by him now, but planned long ago.

After all, as a systematic person, how can we only focus on China? After Lu yunqi announced it was over.

Qi Xuanxuan also walked onto the stage in a dress.

Slowly opened his mouth and said, "although my husband has established his own company in the future, I will still stay in HaoChen group for a period of time. If you have cooperation, you can come to me!"

She had planned to be with yunqi, but after thinking about it, HaoChen group was worked hard by her father, and it was impossible for her to let go at once.

And now the whole group has been on the right track, and many things have special people to do.

Qi Xuanxuan is not very tired. The most important thing is that entrepreneurship is risky. Lu yunqi goes out to start a business. Just in case, she has to wait until the new company is stable.

Hearing Qi Xuanxuan's words, the Qi family finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this regard, Lu yunqi didn't say anything. After all, his wife, as long as she is happy.

However, other bigwigs don't think so.

The first person who came to Lu yunqi was Ali's teacher ma.

"No matter what company Lu shaokai opens, as long as there is a need, let me know at any time, and I will try my best to help."

He doesn't have much language, but just this sentence has proved his attitude.

You know, in China, Mr. Ma's words are very valuable.

Other people at the reception were not surprised. After all, Lu yunqi was a shareholder of Ali. It was expected to help him.

But they didn't know that Mr. Ma made such a big commitment not only because Lu yunqi was a shareholder of Ali, but also because Lu yunqi saved his daughter and Lu Kun's existence.

That's a person who knows what happens to Mr. Ma, and his identity background is unpredictable.

After Mr. Ma's statement, Ma Teng also stepped forward, smiled and whispered, "and me, Lu Shao, no matter what you need, just a phone call!"

"And me!"

"And me!"

For a time, all the big men in China expressed their positions one after another.

They didn't say anything about taking shares, because they knew that it was not easy to start a company with the wealth Lu yunqi now possessed.

To put it bluntly, he is not short of money at all.

After the leaders at home made their statements, the people of Chanel, LV and Lamborghini, the world's top luxury companies, also made their statements one after another, saying that they would give all the help they could if necessary.


Lu yunqi's company hasn't opened yet. Behind it are already full of bosses.

This is probably the most powerful company ever established!

Lu yunqi heard the leaders' statements, smiled and said, "then I'm here to thank you for your support. Cheers!"


Lu yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan chatted with these big guys for a while.

As for the Qi family?

The situation is a little awkward. It was their home today. Now everyone runs to curry favor with Lu yunqi.

Even Qi Zhongxun was moved to see so many top leaders in China.

Of course, looking at Lu yunqi's face, everyone also gave Qi Zhongxun face. When he went to toast, these big men also greeted him.

Obviously, people can see that these big guys have a smile on their faces. In fact, they don't like the old man of the whole family very much.


Soon, the evening party was over.

Although Lu yunqi and his wife didn't attend the dinner at Xiangshan Hotel, Lin Wanxin and Zhou Huiying were there, which was going on quite smoothly.

The wedding, which shocked the whole country, was declared over.

Now, Lu yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan have successfully held a wedding. As for the certificate, they had it a long time ago.

Originally, this evening, the two discussed going out to find some excitement. However, after talking with Mr. Ma in the afternoon, Lu yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan had great doubts about Zhou Huiying and his wife, or Lu yunqi's real identity.

So the couple decided to clarify the matter first.


After all the guests have been settled.

Lu yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan found Zhou Huiying and his wife.

The four sat in a small bar on the top floor of the manor.

Lu yunqi took a bottle of juice, took a sip and said, "Dad, mom, do you two have anything to tell us?"

With a strange smile on his face, he looks a little awkward.

Zhou Huiying and Lu Kun looked at each other and nodded.

"Son, now you are capable, and it's time to tell you something."

This time, it was rare for Lu Kun to speak, while Zhou Huiying sat aside and drank drinks.

"Oh? Dad, your family status has increased. Before, you had to be an audience! " Lu yunqi joked with a smile.

Well, the main thing is to activate the atmosphere and ease your inner tension.

Because he knows that the identity of his parents is definitely not simple. Otherwise, he won't own so many shares of large domestic enterprises at the same time.

It's right that I have the ability now, but if you want me to go back and inherit hundreds of millions of assets at once!!

I'll be bored!

"Don't talk to me. It's business!" Lu Kun's expression became much more serious.

After a slight sigh, he continued: "we didn't intend to tell you this thing now, but seeing your changes in the past two years, I think you have grown well and are qualified to know."

"Dad, what are you doing so seriously?"

Lu yunqi frowned slightly.

In his impression, his father was rarely so serious.

Even when the boy with the body failed in the first college entrance examination, Zhou Huiying taught him a lesson for three days, and Lu Kun didn't say a word about him.

"Just listen carefully. There's so much nonsense!" Zhou Huiying yelled aside.

Qi Xuanxuan also hurriedly pulled Lu yunqi and signaled him to be serious.

It's certainly not so simple to make your father-in-law so serious and your mother-in-law scold.

"You were not born in Yudu, and it's not our real hometown."

Lu Kun's tone was a little heavy.

This time, Lu yunqi didn't interrupt or interrupt, but looked at Lu Kun seriously with a drink bottle.

As for this, he had already guessed.

Lu yunqi vaguely thought of it when he knew that Lu Kun and his colleagues could spend so much money more than 20 years ago.

After all, in China 20 years ago, even Mr. Ma, when they were looking for others to invest, they were definitely not Chinese natives who could take out so much money.

"You don't wonder where we come from?"

Lu yunqi didn't ask questions this time, which surprised Lu Kun.

"Dad, even if I don't ask, you still have to tell me next. Why should I waste saliva asking?"

Lu Yun stood up and said with a helpless look.

Lu Kun:···

It seems to be such a truth!

"Well, we come from the Lu family overseas, and I returned to China with your mother. I can't tell you the specific reason now, but what I say next, you and Xuanxuan must listen carefully."

Lu Kun's face showed some solemn color.

As for why he returned to China, telling Lu yunqi about it now will only increase his troubles.

Although Lu yunqi now has a certain strength, there is still a big gap from the Lu family.

However, Lu yunqi didn't ask much, but frowned slightly.

He knew that when Dad looked so serious, there must be a reason why he didn't want to say it.

But that doesn't mean he'll give up the investigation.

For a moment, he seemed to have found what to do next.

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Qi Xuanxuan also frowned slightly.

I can probably guess the problem to face next.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she hasn't recovered.

I suddenly became the top rich wife in China, and even the great luxury companies in the world have shares in my husband.

"First, I heard that you should prepare to set up an import and export trading company by yourself. Your mother and I support you very much. If you need funds, you can tell me, I'll give it to you."

Lu Kun tapped his fingers slowly on the table and stared at the changes in his eyes as he spoke.

"Dad, excuse me, can you tell me how much savings you and my mother have? As you know, I have a big appetite. Since I do it myself, I'm sure I'll make it bigger. "

Lu Yun smiled at the corners of his mouth, rubbed his hands and asked.

Anyway, Lu yunqi's father and mother have only one son. No matter how much money, isn't it all his?

I just thought that I had set up a stall in the street for so long and became someone else's door-to-door son-in-law.

"Cough!" Lu Kun coughed twice and continued, "I can't answer you this question, because I have no concept of money, so you have to ask your mother!"


Good one. He has no concept of money.

How much money must there be to say such rampant words!

After hearing this, Lu yunqi was stunned, and then his eyes fell on his mother.

"It's not much. There are probably more than 1000 at home. It's been a long time since I took care of it abroad. I don't know!"

Zhou Huiying thought a little and replied.

However, what she said is really honest. After all, she can occasionally find domestic assets in China. As for foreign assets, they are all personal accounts. If she doesn't check them, the annual interest will continue to be paid to the card.

Now she doesn't know how much it has become.

Especially in the past two decades, they have saved money for the growth environment of a rural family in luyunqi.