Although it lost a little users, it did not affect the confidence of Guming, a fruit company.

According to the survey, most of the lost 100 million users are old fruit machines, which means that the new mobile phones of fruit companies still have the power of war.

Moreover, the fruit company also announced that there will be a huge breakthrough in the chip next spring, which greatly stimulated the confidence of investors.

After the announcement, the share price of the fruit company immediately stabilized, directly rebounded from the low of $1.5 trillion and returned to $1.6 trillion.

And it's climbing fast.

By the end of the afternoon, the market value of the fruit company had climbed from star to $1.7 trillion.

Finally stabilized.

Up to now, the impact of a series of black swan events set off by Lu yunqi on US stocks has basically ended.

The biggest losses in this storm are naturally the three most famous giants.

The market value of fruit companies fell from the peak of $2.2 trillion to $1.7 trillion, directly evaporating a market value of $500 billion.

The market value of the micro soft company has directly dropped from the peak of $1.8 trillion to $900 billion, which is the worst one. The market value has evaporated by $900 billion.

The company suffered heavy losses and could not recover so quickly.

However, with the re emergence of gates and the use of cash reserves to buy back shares under a series of thunder measures, the market value has begun to climb slowly.

Outside estimates of their market value are between $1 trillion and $1.2 trillion, and there is still room for recovery.

The market value of Guge company has dropped from $1.45 trillion at its peak to $920 billion now, directly evaporating $530 billion.

At present, the market value of Guge has stabilized. Whether it can recover needs further observation.

These three companies alone have evaporated nearly $2 trillion as a whole.

Taking into account the 50 billion yuan evaporated from Internet and the losses of IDM, animal bone culture and and, the losses of the entire US stock market have exceeded $2 trillion due to Lu yunqi's series of operations.

It can be said that it has hurt the muscles and bones of US stocks.

Throughout the U.S. stock market, I don't know how many people gnash their teeth at Lu yunqi and feel numb on their scalp at the same time.

"At the beginning, the giant alliance should not provoke this madman. A series of bans on Chenxing technology not only did not strangle it in the cradle, but made the whole US stock market chaotic."

"Since this time, all international hot money and private equity funds have been participating in the gluttonous feast of shorting major companies. When have we been so oppressed?"

"I heard that many people on Wall Street have gone to see God."

"It's normal. It's the nearest place to God. It's normal to queue up to see God in such a serious stock market accident!"

Lu yunqi didn't let Zheng He participate in the short selling this time, just as Wall Street capitalists said.

There are the first and second times, but there is a third time, it is not so easy to get away.

Not surprisingly, this time the Fed and wall street were furious.

The Federal Reserve directly mobilized a large amount of huge reserves to stabilize the stock market. At the same time, their monetary authority also issued a warning letter to Soros and other well-known hedge funds.

After losing the leadership of major hedge funds and the dark hands of Shaolin, Lu yunqi and Zheng He, the rest of the international hot money was immediately disordered.

Those who tried to continue short suffered a head-on blow.

Fruit, Microsoft and Google have continued to invest funds to buy back their own shares, and the share price has been completely stable.

After a series of chaos, the giant alliance, which has suffered a painful lesson, has begun to dormant in a low-key way. On the one hand, it is waiting for something important, on the other hand, it is quietly accumulating strength and waiting for revenge.

After a series of prohibitions and sanctions, major domestic enterprises have also ushered in spring temporarily. The dark cloud with the dragon on their head seems to have dispersed.

However, everyone knows that the current calm is only temporary.

With the announcement of the installed capacity of Chenxing mobile phone system, major mobile phone manufacturers in China have completely put down their concerns. Now everyone is on the aircraft carrier of Chenxing technology. It's too late to go on.

This day.

Yinshan Office held a press conference, and President Lei announced a series of decisions.

What surprised the outside world and expected is that Yinshan office announced to give up the paid office software business and promote the free genuine version in an all-round way.

"Yinshan office will merge Longzhong office with a valuation of 600 million. After the merger, Yinshan office will be the main body, and all patents, technologies and development teams of Longzhong office will be merged into Yinshan office."

"The shareholders of Longzhong office will convert their shares into shares of Yinshan office according to a certain proportion."

Hearing the news, the outsiders were in an uproar.

Longzhong office is also a well-known domestic office software. It has always followed the path of self-development and independence, but its product coverage is relatively small. This time, it merged with Yinshan office, which surprised many people.

"The merged new Yinshan office will continue to explore in the field of free genuine office software and walk out of a new world."

Everyone knows that the throne of the first brother of domestic office software has been completely stabilized by Chenxing office. Only some overseas enterprise users are using the off genuine series.

There is still a certain market for free office software. Yinshan office gave up the charging software business, which actually means launching a war against pirated off office software.

Chenxing technology is responsible for the position of the first brother, and Yinshan office is responsible for the position of the second brother.

Sure enough, after the press conference, the share price of Yinshan office, which had been falling for several months, finally stabilized.

The cooperation between rice company and Chenxing technology has narrowed the relationship between the two sides, and Yinshan office has changed the company's development strategy, which means that it has completely solved the gap with Chenxing technology.

Now Chenxing technology is not fighting alone.

Behind him stood a group of allies.

After the breakthrough of the semiconductor industry chain, more and more people will eat a pot of rice with Chenxing technology, just like the micro soft company has fed countless software vendors.

Lu yunqi's goals are similar. Of course, he does the same thing.

The outside world recognizes the reconciliation between the two sides, which is good for both sides.

After all, only by resolving internal disputes can we continue to cooperate better.

At the same time, after Lu yunqi's continuous moves, the fruit company was overwhelmed.

"Mr. Lu, the fruit company agreed."

As Gao Hai, who was responsible for filing a lawsuit with the fruit company, informed Lu yunqi of the news at the first time.

Originally, this morning, Chenxing technology received an official letter from the fruit company, requesting to temporarily postpone the hearing time of the patent lawsuit, on the grounds that the fruit company needs to rearrange relevant materials.

"Well, promise them. It's not withdrawal anyway."

Chenxing technology also had no intention to hide, and directly agreed.

The court also approved the request of the fruit company.

After the news was exposed, the outside world immediately went crazy with laughter. The previously confident fruit company is obviously a little counselled now!

"Ha ha, President Lu Da's left hand is a dragon killing sword, bah... The voice patent threat in his left hand, and the big knife of Chenxing mobile phone system in his right hand is on the neck of the fruit company. It's also normal to recognize counseling."

"It is said that the top management of the fruit company held a strategy meeting. After all, it just lost $500 billion not long ago."

"Well, if the fruit company had compensated 150 billion US dollars, wouldn't it have lost so much?"

"No, no, no, Chenxing mobile phone system may be late, but it will never be cancelled. There will be a war between IOS and Chenxing mobile phone system sooner or later."

For the fruit company's move, the outside world has been afraid to detoxify the fruit company. Of course, they have not made any positive response.