Time sure does fly.

It had been three months since that night when Noah found Mateo in the park. The redhead was still living in his house. The wounds had healed, but Mateo still could not remember anything. All he could recall was the image of the wolf and his golden eyes.

Mateo liked the city.

It was a small one with a vast central park and charming people. Life in this town was peaceful, and Mateo liked it very much. No fighting or bad events ever happened, none that he saw anyway. Everything about the city was calm and sane except for the occasional cries of wolves every night. Of course, he had never seen one in person, but he kept hearing their voices. Their howls. One more thing; whenever they would go out together, Noah always made sure to get them home before midnight, which made the redhead a little suspicious at first. However, after a while, he witnessed so many pleasing things that he overlooked the mysterious ones.

Asher and Angel have now his friends, too, and together, the three of them enjoyed tormenting poor Angel whenever they were together. And Mateo and Noah would tease the couple whenever they started being mushy in front of them.

Noah was an exceptionally attractive man and cared for Mateo a lot. He was kind and gentle; he hated loneliness and was a bit clingy. But all in all, Mateo loved spending time with him. He loved Noah's attention and clinginess. But there was one thing that he especially adored about the other man and it was his devilish smirks when he was thinking about something evil.

That was what Mateo had found out about his savior. And one more thing; he liked it when the older man smiled or got close to him, sitting next to him as they were watching TV or just holding his hands. Mateo liked it very much. And after a while, he started craving it all.

They would go out together almost every day. Going shopping or going to the cinema and watching a movie. They grew closer to each other and were attached at the hips. When once Asher told them how they looked like a couple, they both denied it, but it was the truth. They were turning into a couple without ever being on a first date.

Usually, Mateo would stay home while Noah was at work. He was not a decent cook, but he was trying to learn; a way of displaying his gratefulness towards the man he was now living with. Other than cooking, Mateo would read books whenever he had time. Which was almost always.

Now he was just reading a book, since they were supposed to go out that night, waiting for Noah. Time passed, and Mateo fell asleep on the couch. Noah never came. He never even called.

Noah came home late. Very late. As he quietly opened the door, he saw the redhead sleeping on the couch, and he kicked himself mentally for being late and ruining everything.

He sighed and closed the door behind, going to the room to bring a blanket and cover Mateo. Padding towards him, he draped the blanket over him and was about to leave when the redhead grabbed his hand, "You're late." The man mumbled eyes still closed. Pouting.

Smiling at the childish act, Noah sat down by the couch, holding Mateo's hand, "I'm sorry. I had to finish something before coming home, and that took forever. I'm really sorry. How can I make it up to you?"

The pout turned into a beaming smile at the sincere apology, and Mateo opened his eyes looking into the other man's dark orbs. Softly he said, "Let's watch a movie since it's Saturday tomorrow. And cooking is on you for the weekend." He stated.

Noah could not help but laugh, agreeing. "If that makes you happy."

"It does," Mateo replied smiling broadly. "Now make something for dinner."

"Can we order take-out?" Noah pouted, and the redhead laughed.

"At one in the morning?" Mateo asked and the older man continued sulking.

While Noah was cooking spicy chicken, Mateo was sitting on the counter, looking at the older man, "Wow, you're a talented cook, Noah. Why don't you ever cook?" he asked, amazed.

The older man chuckled, "I only know how to prepare this one dish." Then he looked at his companion with a smile, "And besides, I like your cooking better."

The younger man's cheeks were a tad rosy by the sweet compliment. They kept on talking until their dinner was ready. After that, they sat on the couch next to each other to watch a movie, which Noah had bought recently.

The movie was about a guy who had turned into a wolf when he was a young child and did not know about it. It seemed like everything in the man's house was about wolves. As they were relaxing on the couch, propping their heads against the headrest, Mateo asked, "What is it with you and wolves, Noah?"

He was curious.

Shrugging coolly, the older man replied, "I like wolves. They're awesome creatures and there's this... this aura of mysticism around them. They're mysterious, and I love that." He smiled, turning to his right, looking at the redhead, "Don't you think so?"

Turning to look at the man, Mateo smiled, "I don't like wild animals," he said. The disappointment in Noah's dark orbs was weirdly heart wrenching, so he added, "But, the wolf that I think I saw? Now, that's different. It was something else… something entirely beautiful and awesome. And yeah, mysterious." He then leaned his own forehead against Noah's and they remained silent for a minute before the redhead talked again, "Noah?" he whispered.

"Hmmm?" the older man replied, eyes focused on the lovely face so close to him.

"Why did you save me?" Mateo asked.

Surprised by the sudden question, Noah replied, "Because you needed help, and I just couldn't let you die out there." He could see the sorrow in the younger's eyes. Why would it make the redhead sad? "And…" he added hesitantly, looking directly into those dark orbs, "Because there was something about you that made me stay and help. Seeing you like that hurt my heart, but it also made it beat faster."

Noah was looking at Mateo's face; his eyes, his nose, and his lips. Noah got closer, touching their noses affectionately, "I couldn't let you die… not if there was a chance I could see this face every day."

He was now touching the redhead's neck gently with a trembling hand.

Moments passed in silence. The men stayed in that position for a long time when finally Mateo said, "What if I want to see that bright smile every day? Or hear that adorable laughter every day? And," he put a finger under his savior's chin to look into those alluring enigmatic eyes. "And look into those beautiful eyes for the rest of my life? Huh?"

First, he was shocked, but then the corners of his lips curled upwards. "Is that what I think it is?" Noah asked, his trembling hand cupping the redhead's cheek.

Smiling back, the redhead replied, "Hmmm… could be. But I don't know what you're thinking."

He was teasing Noah.

They both knew it.

Looking down at Mateo's lips then up into his eyes, Noah closed that small gap between them. Kissing those lips sweetly, he pulled back soon after, "That's what I'm thinking." He murmured.

Grinning like a fool, the redhead claimed those soft rosy lips again. This time not letting go of them so soon. "I love the way you think." He whispered into the kiss.

Noah's arms found their way around the redhead's neck. Mateo nipped at his lower lip continuously, asking for entrance. It was driving Noah crazy. He opened his mouth for the younger man, moaning softly into the heated kiss.

Mateo's hands were wrapped around his savior's waist, and he pulled the man onto his lap slowly, crushing their bodies. It was too good to be true. Kissing the one he liked after such a long time and knowing that the man liked him back. It was bliss.

Their tongues were involved in a sweet and slow dance. Their hands caressing. Their hearts beating wild. It was the best feeling, but soon they needed to pull back for the lack of air was smothering them both. Panting against each other's lips and looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you."

They confessed at the same time, and that made them laugh.

Straddling the younger's waist, Noah rested his head on Mateo's shoulder, kissing his neck and breathing his scent, the scent of vanilla, "Don't leave me alone Mat, ever!" he murmured into the man's neck as his eyelids started to feel heavy and he closed his eyes seconds later.

He was very tired, and that was a good end to a day.

Wrapping his arms around the figure on top of him, the redhead smiled. Kissing the top of Noah's hair, he whispered, "Never. That's a promise."

It was too soon.

It was too soon by almost everyone's standards.

But Mateo didn't care. And apparently, neither did Noah.

That was all that mattered.