Alien Architectural Design Company.

"Hey, Mingming, come and watch this video, let me tell you, the auntie in the video is amazing!" When it was lunch break, the originally busy company seemed to be disbanded in place, and instantly returned to a state of idleness, and The head of the design department, Lin Peizhen, was especially particular about relaxation, so she put down her work when it was time to rest, and went to Zhou Mingming's side, winking, and shared the video she was following recently.

Zhou Mingming is the person she focuses on. The other party is a well-known workaholic in the company. Although everyone understands the complicated situation in her family, they are always worried that something will happen to her due to her busy schedule, so every time she takes a break, she will Come over in turn to lead Zhou Mingming to say something.

But today, Lin Peizhen has her own thoughts. She is quite old, and miraculously started to catch up with stars. This star is a bit special. She can't wait to share her positive energy with the whole world. Idol.

Due to the heavy workload in the company, most of the colleagues in the company don't pay much attention to the hot spots. At most, they pay attention to the new works of design masters on the Internet, and look at the new pictures on the photography website to find inspiration.

Lin Peizhen also downloaded the current No. 1 flash sound software from this download list under the recommendation of her best friend when she was having a party some time ago. , the only trouble is that there is no one to share with. After all, she still has to maintain her own image in front of others, so after much deliberation, Zhou Mingming comes to mind.

Zhou Mingming was her subordinate. Because she was introduced by the big boss back then, Lin Peizhen had some prejudices for a while, but later the other party's down-to-earth attitude completely conquered her, and then the two became a chatterbox. intimate partner.

Zhou Mingming was well educated by the newly divorced Lin Peizhen before marriage. Unfortunately, the other party looked like a lover, infatuated, and didn't think about the future at all, which made Lin Peizhen dizzy. In the end, she had to convince herself that good people will be rewarded. She didn't persuade her any more, but not long after Zhou Mingming got married, her condition became worse and worse, which made her sigh in her heart, and she only hoped that this girl would not step into a pit like her.

As soon as she saw Lin Peizhen approaching, Zhou Mingming hurriedly closed the design documents that she had opened first, otherwise she would definitely have to be talked to by the other party again, but when she closed it, her eyes were played by Lin Peizhen's mobile phone The small video attracted her, and she who wanted to put her eyes on it could be said to be stunned.

Flash audio videos are all short videos shot and uploaded by netizens themselves. The videos are not long, so if the content is a bit large, you need to assist with functions such as acceleration to finish the story. The one in front of you probably used It is produced by simple editing, acceleration, splicing and other methods, and the effect is very cool.

Of course, what surprised Zhou Mingming was not the well-made video or the content of the video, but the very familiar hands and the speaking voice.

At the beginning of the video, there is only a wide table with clean white drawing paper on it, a few pencils that can be bought in small shops, and two rulers, that’s all. The itchy female voice is starting to explain:

"Many people said that the video I posted before was too difficult, so today we will draw a simple rendering of falling into a pit. First of all, as usual, what we need is a circle. Those who don't know how to draw circles can use a Just press the base of a simple beverage bottle on the paper and draw a circle. I used Xiaoming’s bottle. Of course, feel free to use it..."

The hands in the picture are moving very fast. I don’t know if it’s because the acceleration function is too powerful, or because she has quick hands and feet. She just circles around like this, draws a lot of scales with a ruler, and then paints on them with a pencil to draw shadows. , and finally even the facial tissue is used, and the painting has been completed.

"Okay, so now, the miracle link that you are most looking forward to has appeared, look, be careful of falling into the pit."

After the explanation by the middle-aged female voice, a piece of rather dynamic electronic music played, and the drawing paper, which had only gone through a few simple steps, looked as if there was a big hole in it. Zhou Mingming couldn't help but look at it Rubbing his eyes, it's a pity that this video is over.

"Mingming, let me tell you, this Auntie Shan, she is very powerful and strong!" Lin Peizhen became excited when she saw Zhou Mingming's eyes were falling into her eyes, she was still not fashionable enough, otherwise she would Excitedly, she succeeded in selling Amway. She shared the previous video of Aunt Shan with Zhou Mingming, and talked about Aunt Shan's experience. For her, she just opened her mouth.

Until Lin Peizhen sold Amway and went back to fight with the drawing paper and pencils she had just mailed, Zhou Mingming was still in this ignorant state. She shared all the life experiences of Aunt Shan that she dug out from the corners of the Internet with Zhou Mingming, a potential fan who she thinks has not yet entered the pit.

She said that Aunt Shan suddenly emerged on the flash sound a few months ago. From the beginning, she shared some ballpoint pen drawings, then watercolor paintings, and recently pencil drawings. She also shared with netizens for a while Lin Peizhen didn't say much about inkjet skills. After all, this aunt Shan shared so many types of videos that she was a little dazzled. She just complained that she, who had no talent for painting since childhood, had followed Shan My aunt bought a bunch of drawing tools, which looked so simple in the video, but in her hands, she couldn't even draw a circle.

Of course, it was also here that Zhou Mingming had a flash of inspiration. He realized why Lin Peizhen, who has never liked drinking drinks, brought up Xiao Ming, a classmate who mentioned it early this morning. Just simply want to learn to draw? Zhou Mingming, who didn't understand the power of fans and the brainwashing ability of flash sound, just felt incredible at that moment.

In addition to the content of the video, what Lin Peizhen shared was the strength of this single aunt, punk. When Zhou Mingming heard the word punk, Zhou Mingming subconsciously twitched. The word connects.

Lin Peizhen said that in one video, Aunt Shan took several large-scale works of her paintings. Because the early shooting skills were not yet proficient, she accidentally photographed her wheelchair and her body that could not stand up. Some of them kept asking Aunt Shan to stand taller. The fans who tapped caught the loophole. Under the fans' questions, Aunt Shan even opened Weibo to explain, lest the fans think too much.

"According to Aunt Shan herself, she was unable to walk more than ten years ago. At that time, the family of three went out to play together, and an accident happened in a car accident. Her husband died on the spot, and her legs could not walk. , the daughter who stayed behind was still young, and she thanked the country in the video, saying that when her husband passed away directly in a car accident, she couldn't go to work. It was colleagues in the unit who helped a lot. Helped with the procedures for retirement from pensions, so that she and her daughter can survive the most difficult years."

Lin Peizhen spoke very seriously, she didn't notice Zhou Mingming's gloomy face: "Actually, we all think that Aunt Shan's life is very hard, but she didn't complain at all, she said that the country is good, the unit is good, and now her daughter is still married. Yes, life is not bad, the child is very filial, I will go home to see her every now and then, but I love her..."

Of course, Lin Peizhen said a few words and hid a few words. This is selling Amway. There is no need to complain about Auntie Shan’s family. They have a group of fans, and they have discussed it several times. Auntie Shan is kind and enthusiastic. As long as fans have any questions, they will not hesitate to answer. Although she is not handsome or beautiful, she has already become one of the most popular kings in Fanyin. She goes to bed early and wakes up early, except for sleeping time, she is online almost all the time, and the only time when she will suddenly disappear Fans have already made it clear in their hearts that every two days at six or seven o'clock in the evening, that is the time when Aunt Shan's daughter comes to visit her and talk with her. During this time period, Aunt Shan will not touch her mobile phone.

Aunt Shan said that she has always depended on her daughter for life. Although she is happy when her daughter is married, she is no longer with her daughter every day, so every time her daughter comes to see her, she will be very happy. After that, she went to Weibo to send fan benefits, and used her paintings as gifts to forward the lucky draw. As soon as fans saw the post on Weibo, they knew in their hearts that Auntie Shan's daughter had returned to her husband's house.

Because she draws pictures and chats with fans at home every day, fans quietly say that Aunt Shan is a bit of a "sharer". Sharing, among the many sharings, the only one that has not been mentioned from beginning to end is her son-in-law and his family.

Every time someone asks this question, Aunt Shan will explain in a hurry, saying that her son-in-law is busy, and the son-in-law is busy at home. If she cared, Aunt Shan would stammer and say that her daughter met before she got married, and the other party was very kind to her, but this almost made the fans laugh out loud. If Aunt Shan doesn't understand, can fans still understand?

Most of their fans have already guessed that Aunt Shan's son-in-law probably doesn't like Aunt Shan! What does it mean to meet before marriage? Does that mean that you don't know how to come to the door during the holidays? It is estimated that as long as Auntie Shan’s daughter makes sandwich biscuits at both ends, it will be full of embarrassment. Of course, they like a kind auntie Shan. As long as the auntie is not affected, they don’t care. For the last sum, I'm afraid that in the future, Aunt Shan will get rich because of her fame, and the family will come to harass Aunt Shan.

Just as Zhou Mingming was recalling Lin Peizhen's words, her cell phone frantically played reminders, and when she saw it, it really was Miss Peizhen again.

Since the flash sound and WeChat are not in common, what sister Peizhen sent was not a link, but one video after another that could be opened directly. The face was photographed, but Zhou Mingming could tell it was her mother at a glance. If she was the first to see this video, she would know who it was without being told.

But Zhou Mingming, who clicked on the video, turned dark in an instant. She finally understood what Lin Peizhen was talking about about punk, and she was right!

The first video I clicked on was taken by Shan Jingqiu before. Because of her own force value, she has great strength in her hands, not like the previous one who was weak and had no strength because she was at home all year round. Original body.

In the first video, she directly set up her mobile phone in the living room, and performed a video for netizens on the spot in which she leaned on two crutches to move across the living room. She only heard the crutches fall on the ground with a loud sound, which matched the drumbeat on the soundtrack , sounds weird and cool.

The next one was going down the stairs. She put her hands on the crutches, and she went down after a few strokes. The movements were quite fast, faster than people walking!

The next one was even more powerful, and it came directly to a square dance. Although I couldn't do hand movements, I could twist and twist with my crutches, no worse than the aunt in the community downstairs. to the rhythm.


Sometimes, in a pile of complicated lines, as long as you find one, you can untie them all. Now Zhou Mingming finally understands why his mother, who has always relied on a wheelchair, suddenly put a pair of crutches in the living room, and the table in the living room How come there are some pens and papers that she has never seen before? Now she understands everything, but the more she understands, the more angry Zhou Mingming is. Mom, why doesn't she know the danger? What if it falls?

But so angry, she couldn't help laughing again, she hadn't seen her radiant mother for a long time, and that mother disappeared completely after a car accident that year.

Whether it was psychologically or physically, my mother suffered a huge blow in that car accident. Even if she stood up in front of her, she would inevitably show a fragile appearance occasionally, and Zhou Mingming just pretended not to see it. That's all, but is the current mother finally willing to face everything?

Of course, even if the mother is finally willing to come out, those dangerous actions should be strictly prohibited. Thinking of this, Zhou Mingming frowned, wishing he could run to his mother right away and tell her well.

Now that I thought about it, I had to put it on the agenda immediately. Zhou Mingming never turned a corner when doing things. She shrank directly to the other side of the office cubicle and called her mother. Before the call was connected, she coughed vigorously , cleared his throat, and put on an angry look: "Hey, Mom, it's me, obviously, what are you doing?"

As soon as Shan Jingqiu on the other end answered the phone, she also guessed that it was her daughter, so she stopped recording the half-shot video, and then said to her daughter with a smile: "What's the matter, obviously, what can I do with my mother? Yes Isn't it that you won't come at night? I told you a long time ago, you don't come here if you are busy, it doesn't matter on the mother's side, why do you have to work hard every day, mother can't bear it. "

After being told by her mother, Zhou Mingming's heart softened in an instant, but she still tried her best to prepare what she wanted to say to her mother before it echoed in her mind, and said to the other end of the phone: "The single who loves painting Auntie, Mom, why didn't you tell me that you are still making videos and Weibo on the Internet!"

"Didn't I have no time to tell you?" Shan Jingqiu said softly on the other end of the phone, "Some time ago, the aunt of our neighborhood committee came to our house to chat with me and show me the software. I thought it was very interesting. , I used to be very interested in painting. I searched a lot of things on the Internet, tutorials, and followed suit. After all, you also know that I don’t have to do anything at home, so I just want to shoot videos. People talk."

"Mom..." Zhou Mingming called his mother in a low voice, feeling a little distressed. Before she got married, even though she refused to let her mother work more, her mother always secretly washed clothes, mopped the floor, and cooked some meals. , when she was busy with work, her mother seemed to be alive and full of energy, but after she got married, her mother seemed to have one less concern. When she came home one time, she opened the door and saw her mother drooping her head, leaning on the She looked dazed on the sofa, as if she had lost all expectation and hope. It was during that time that Zhou Mingming became determined. No matter how hard it was, she had to go back to see her mother every few days. But now, mother finally Isn't it a joy to find something to spend time with?

Zhou Mingming suddenly came to his senses. She realized that she had been accidentally taken away by her mother. It was clear that this was not what she wanted to pursue. Zhou Mingming said very seriously to the other end of the phone: "Mom, I've watched a lot of your videos. Although you may have some strength in your hands, you are still inconvenient. Don't be brave, and don't go to dangerous places, you know? I'll be worried. OK?"

"Okay, okay, don't worry!" Shan Jingqiu on the other end of the phone patted herself hard, wishing she could swear on the spot, "Mom, I promise you, be careful."

Her voice suddenly became a little low, and she said softly: "Mom also wants you to take it out..." As if realizing that she had accidentally spoken the truth, she immediately laughed again, and turned to the other end of the phone. Said, "Mom has a lot of fans now, and there are more people who like me! Isn't that good?"

Listening to the words of the mother on the other end of the phone, Zhou Mingming suddenly felt her heart wrinkled into a ball, and her eyes were a little sore, she said to the phone: "Yeah, Mom, you don't know, many people like you now , In our company, I told you before that the sister Lin Peizhen who has a good relationship with me is the one who shared your video with me today, and she said that she is your crazy fan."

She was leaning on the railing by the window sill, looking at the ground, with a smile on her mouth, but the smile was a bit sour, she couldn't stop nodding when she heard the words on the other side, and Shan Jingqiu on the other side also smiled: " From now on, if she is willing to come to our house for dinner, I welcome it too. Don’t they all say that, fan meeting? I can draw a picture for her! Even you know, I’m not so good at drawing. If you learn it online, you may not be able to draw any powerful tricks."

"Okay, I know. I told Sister Peizhen that she will be very happy." Zhou Mingming replied with a smile. This was the first time that her mother wanted her to take someone home after the car accident. My mother used to always worry about it. She made herself ugly, no matter how much she denied it, her mother still wouldn't listen to it, that's great.

"Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore. Mom just took half of the video! If you have anything to say later, you can talk to mom on WeChat. Mom can't play these electronic software now!" Shan Jingqiu doesn't need it now. Without telling her daughter, she also spoke aboveboard, directly speaking to the other end of the phone, and hung up the phone directly after her daughter responded.

At the beginning, she was influenced by a lot of art in another world, and she also knew some painting skills. With the help of the one-stop skill improvement exchanged by the system, she quickly mastered the painting skills, but of course she did not advance to the master level. , she knew that the development trend of this world was similar to that of the real world, so she also downloaded the flash sound software and began to make videos on it, but she was also very lucky, these videos were posted on the Internet and became popular. Some people still know the name.

Of course, Shan Jingqiu didn't do this for money, but was waiting for the fish to take the bait and kill him with one blow.

After waiting for so long, everything was ready, and finally it was only due to Dongfeng. Shan Jingqiu squinted her eyes and smiled, then continued to turn on the video to record her paintings.


@爱画画的单妈妈: My daughter found out about posting videos on Fanyin, and she got angry with me and said that I would not be allowed to dance with a cane in the future, but she was not unhappy about making Huahua videos. , is still very supportive of me, I heard that she still has my fans by her side! I am so happy, now I am also the pride of my daughter, although she always said that I am, but now I feel that this sense of honor is very great, and thank you for your support, repost the lottery to send out the paintings in the video last night, I hope you like it !

Lin Peizhen, who was drawing on the video of Aunt Shan in the office, suddenly vibrated. It was Aunt Shan who she had set up to pay special attention to earlier. After seeing the Weibo content sent by Aunt Shan, the first thing Lin Peizhen did The thing is to retweet prayers. She retweets every day, but she has never won. If it weren't for several fans in the group, Lin Peizhen almost thought that the lottery was a lie! But just knowing that the lottery was not a lie, she felt more and more wronged in her heart, how could she be so black? But it doesn't matter, Lin Peizhen has always believed that as long as she forwards enough, the goddess of luck will always fall on her head, and she has nothing to fear.

After reposting and praying, Lin Peizhen read the text and smiled as soon as she read it. Because Aunt Shan has always been simple, she always communicates with fans gently, just like a caring elder around them, especially when she meets Even though life is hard, she still maintains resilience, which especially makes fans feel encouraged. On the contrary, the relationship between her and fans is more like a family, more like an existence that can share happiness and sadness. Now when I see what Aunt Shan said As a fan, Lin Peizhen also felt very happy.

She couldn't help being a little envious of the fans mentioned in Aunt Shan's Weibo. She thought that the fans around Aunt Shan's daughter would be able to get the paintings in black box, but after thinking about it for a while, she pressed herself to continue painting. Hei, she firmly believes that with her own efforts, she can reproduce Aunt Shan's painting!

While she was immersed in the hard work, someone knocked on the door of her office. As soon as Lin Peizhen raised her head and called in, she saw Zhou Mingming walking in and sitting in the seat in front of her.

"Sister Peizhen, there is something I want to tell you..." Zhou Mingming said with some embarrassment.

"Huh? What's the matter, tell me." Lin Peizhen was afraid that Zhou Mingming would see her "masterpiece", so she put the painting in the drawer as quickly as possible. She looked at the other party very seriously, guessing that the other party must have come to work with her. She talks business.

"It's Miss Peizhen, when you showed me those videos and shared the information today, I didn't know that the Auntie Shan you mentioned who loves painting is my mother!" Zhou Mingming looked up and found that Lin Peizhen was very calm She seemed a little strange in her composure, and couldn't help but complain to herself. It seems that she is still a bit more fragrant. Sister Peizhen is not like a crazy groupie at all. Maybe she just likes to draw. "My mother said, You are especially welcome to come to my house to play, and then you can have dinner at my house..."

Well, Aunt Shan who loves to paint, Zhou Mingming's mother wants to treat her to dinner... Lin Peizhen looked calm, but her brain was quickly connecting related words. After the connection was completed, she immediately reacted and grabbed Zhou Mingming in front hand: "Aunt Shan is your mother?"

"...Yes." Zhou Mingming was a bit taken aback, caught off guard.

"I really like Aunt Shan very much!" Lin Peizhen stammered a little, "...I, I would like to go to your house, so tell me, would Aunt Shan be willing to paint for me?"

"...Yes, sister Peizhen, my mother said that she doesn't draw very well, as long as you don't mind..." Zhou Mingming also stuttered.

"I don't dislike it! I don't dislike it at all." Lin Peizhen can't wait to pull Zhou Mingming over for a kiss. The combination of her favorite company partner and her favorite single aunt is no longer double happiness, but triple happiness. hapiness! She couldn't wait to hum a song excitedly, she was so happy, it turned out that the luckiest person was not someone else at all, but her!

Zhou Mingming looked at Lin Peizhen's smile and followed suit: "Sister Peizhen, if it wasn't for you, I still don't know that my mother is that single aunt! After a while, our project is over, and then we can go to my house As a guest, I can spare time to prepare for it.”

What she said hit Lin Peizhen's heart word by word. Lin Peizhen was stunned for a while, and suddenly realized that the single aunt and son-in-law's family she had been complaining about to other fans was Zhou Mingming's husband's family. Nausea, what kind of a good boy Zhou Mingming is, if others don't know, how can she not know?

He used to do well in the company, but since he got married, Zhou Mingming would sometimes go to the toilet to answer the phone after getting off work late. They had heard these things for a long time, let alone a few months ago Once Zhou Mingming's mother-in-law called her to sneer and sneer at her, saying that women should go back to take care of their family and so on. If it weren't for Lin Peizhen and Zhou Mingming's good relationship, she would directly suppress the matter from her. Going to the leader, it is estimated that there will be a few more thresholds for promotion in the future.

The more she thought about it, the angrier Lin Peizhen became. She grabbed Zhou Mingming's hand, motioned him to sit still, and pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "By the way, Mingming, since you just came in, why don't I order food? We'll wait." Let's talk while eating next time, you also know that our project has been busy recently, you have to stay and work overtime often, I'm afraid your husband will get angry again."

As soon as she said this, Zhou Mingming also sat down with a dark face. She lowered her head and stammered: "It's okay, Sister Peizhen, I will try my best to coordinate, don't worry...and you know, I don’t work overtime very much, I basically go back on time every day and work from home.”

In fact, the busyness in the company has always been phased. During this period of time when the project is over, she has to be busy as the person in charge, but this busyness is not like those programmers watching the early morning sunrise. , It's just a few hours late to get off work, and she has already coordinated with the project team to go back early and work at home, so she always goes home on time.

"Oh, is that so?" Lin Peizhen had finished ordering, and she looked at Zhou Mingming seriously, "Mingming, don't forget, I'm also in the group of your project team, I saw it with my own eyes , You sometimes reply at one or two o'clock, of course work is very important, but the company has never had the habit of squeezing people out of family, you, Sister Peizhen, I have been there, and I have always been worried about you."

Zhou Mingming smiled wryly, what can she say, can she say that she and her husband haven't had much married life these past few months? Ever since that day, when her husband rejected her request to move out, and told her to be quiet and go home to work, she felt that her heart was mostly cold, and the next day, she couldn't hold it back even more. , directly told Mama Wu that he was going to work overtime, and even had two conflicts with Mama Wu...

She just felt that she was like a live-in nanny in that house. She could only rest after finishing the housework every day. No, the live-in nanny still had a salary and rest days, but she didn't even have a rest day.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine." Zhou Mingming looked at Lin Peizhen, her eyes were a little embarrassed and she wanted to escape, with a bit of expectation, "Everything will be fine, I think marriage will always be good." It needs to be adjusted, and it always takes a little time." Now my mother is finally happy, and she doesn't want to bring her mother unhappiness.

Lin Peizhen looked at the girl in front of her who was growing up in the company, and felt very distressed, but there were many things that she couldn't say in her heart: "When you get married, you have to be right about the marriage, the right Be responsible for yourself, but sometimes, how can it be so easy?"

She patted the girl lightly, as if recalling her past memories: "Do you know how many people there are on this earth? Do you know how different people are? It's really important to find someone who fits you perfectly. It’s hard, yes, most of the elders tell us that marriage is about accommodating, and it will become stable after a long time of accommodating, but there must be people and things that are never incompatible in the world, I can only tell you clearly, in When I realized that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t change everything, so I gave up. I hope you have a good life, but I don’t want you to force yourself.”

"Reluctance may bring happiness, but most of the time, it will only bring pain." She said seriously, "Most people try to make peace and not break up. Fear of other people's impulsive decision will affect your whole life, but you are different, obviously, I have been friends with you for so many years, every time you have something, you keep it in your heart, firmly believe that you can solve it, but there are really many things, not yourself You can solve it with hard work, you have to know that there are always things that you can’t do anything about, so what are you going to do at that time?”

"You want to be good for others and for everyone, but do they really need this, okay? Have you ever asked whether your forbearance will really bring happiness to others?" Lin Peizhen spoke earnestly, even if She knows that saying these words is fundamentally offending people, and even in some people's hearts, it is a troublemaker, but she can see from the little emotions and clues that Zhou Mingming occasionally leaks, that Mingming's pain in this marriage , not to mention the experience of being a single aunt today.

A man who can't manage his family well, looks down on his wife's family, can't respect his wife's efforts, asks his wife to go back every night, sneaks away from people and works until two or three in the morning, and it is said that her wife is forced to go home every night Going back to wash the family's dishes and chopsticks, and cleaning for an hour or two, no one helped... Of course, it might not be so bad individually, but together, Lin Peizhen doesn't think this man is a good match at all.

"Sister Peizhen, your meal is here." Just as Zhou Mingming was about to answer, he lowered his head and remained silent. It was the girl at the front desk who helped put away the takeaway and brought it in. The dishes I ordered today are quite simple, and they are salads. After all, Lin Peizhen likes to control her weight, but in her opinion, Zhou Mingming is a little too thin, so she helped to add some dragon fish and duck breast.

"Come on, let's eat." But as soon as the lunch box was opened, Lin Peizhen looked at Zhou Mingming wrinkled his nose and retched just smelling the smell, her heart tightened and she hurriedly asked: "Obviously, when was your last menstrual period?"

After Zhou Mingming retched, she looked at Lin Peizhen with a pale face. She just wanted to wave her hand and tell him that she was fine. After all, she and her husband had no married life in the past two months. God, what's the matter... She looked at Lin Peizhen with a little panic in her eyes, but her heart sank after being persuaded just now, sinking lower and lower.


"Brother Haohai, tell me... what should I do?" Sitting in the car, Lu Xiaomei bit her lip and looked at Wu Haohai beside her. She made a pitiful expression. Her good friend was always on time, but this time she was late. For two weeks, she had a guess in her heart, bought a pregnancy test last night, and the result was exactly what she wanted. As soon as she got the result, she had already sent the photo to Wu Haohai , just waiting for the other party to reply.

"Let's go to the hospital first to confirm..." Wu Haohai couldn't describe his mood when he woke up early in the morning and saw the news. At that time, he was most thankful that his mother had called his wife out for breakfast early, otherwise he would It is estimated that he can show his feet on the spot.

Lu Xiaomei looked at Wu Haohai and shed tears: "I have tried this pregnancy test from several companies, and it is basically accurate... The problem now is not whether the doctor confirms it, but what I want to know is, are you willing to bear the burden for me?" Responsibility?" Tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, but they didn't damage her delicate face, they just made her look extraordinarily pitiful.

Today she has already made up her mind, she doesn't care what Wu Haohai has in mind, she has to settle this matter, even yesterday she secretly sent a few hints in Moments, just waiting for Wu Xiaomei to come to her door, she always likes it I take things into my own hands, but I don't want to put my fate on others.

Wu Haohai fiddled with his hair vigorously, full of annoyance, he looked at Lu Xiaomei: "You want to know, and I want to know too, you said that this matter is settled now! What will you do if you are called to work? Have you thought about it?" Is this a problem? We will be slaughtered to show the monkeys at that time, it will be a total shame, and no one will be able to hold their heads up in the future."

Although he knew that Zhou Mingming had never been the kind of troublemaker, who knew how crazy he would be when he met a mistress? Wu Haohai didn't dare to vouch for her. If he could do it all over again, he would definitely take safety measures. Even if he really planned to be with Lu Xiaomei, he couldn't be so hasty.

Lu Xiaomei's heart sank when she heard this, she stretched out her hand and fiddled with the door twice, pretending to get out of the car, when Wu Haohai grabbed her hand as she expected: "What are you doing now? Come on, I'm bored enough."

She cried and replied: "You mean now that I'm pregnant and you are very angry, right? You don't want to divorce at all, so you can have a good time with your wife. Why do you agree to be with me? I am Xiaosan, don’t I just like you? Well, I’ll go and kill this child myself, so it’s okay? Anyway, it’s not too old now, I heard that medical abortion is enough, so that it won’t disturb the happy life of your husband and wife, right? .”

"Xiaomei, listen to me." Wu Haohai pressed the other party on his body helplessly, for fear that the other party would run away. He has no feelings for Lu Xiaomei. Since he was willing to hook up with Lu Xiaomei at the beginning, he must have something in his heart. He has a different heart, but this different heart is not enough to support him to face the divorce and the fact that he has no reputation. He sighed helplessly: "Don't we have to think about everything in the long run? Didn't I tell you just now, we both You work in the unit, and your father is also a member of the unit. When these things happen, who can be a man? Not to mention that you have a baby right after I divorced her, how ugly it will be then?"

He's not really a love brain, Lu Xiaomei will get carried away by emotions, but he won't, he still plans to climb up in the unit!

Lu Xiaomei pressed close to Wu Haohai's ear, and said softly: "Brother Haohai, we can make Zhou Mingming the wrong party."

"She, how could she be at fault?" Wu Haohai shook his hands helplessly. Although he was angry with Zhou Mingming and had quarreled with him several times, Zhou Mingming still had nothing to say as a wife, and he usually went home every day. Just do the housework, except for the occasional talk back to my mother, so there's nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, we made her the wrong party." Lu Xiaomei continued, she had been preparing for today for several days.


"No, no, this is not allowed!" Wu Haohai opened the car door in a panic, "Let's go to the hospital and line up for an examination first, and we'll talk about it later!" He was a little flustered by what Lu Xiaomei said. He wanted to divorce, but he didn't As for doing this for a divorce? In the worst case, let Lu Xiaomei abort the child first, and make a long-term plan later.

Lu Xiaomei followed Wu Haohai aggrievedly, lowering her head, but her eyes became more and more fierce, but suddenly, she froze. They had just registered at the obstetrics and gynecology clinic of the People's Hospital when they heard The machine called the number.

"No. 2993, Zhou Mingming, please go to Consulting Room No. 3." After the number was called, they watched Zhou Mingming enter Consulting Room No. 3 with the support of a lady across the crowd.

Lu Xiaomei pursed her lips, knowing that the opportunity had come.


Far away in the old residential area, Shan Jingqiu, who was sitting in a wheelchair, had just finished a painting. She lifted the painting up happily, looking at it with great satisfaction.

On the screen, an old man is sitting on a stone and fishing. The hook under his head is straight, and there are only a few words written beside it: "Shan Taigong is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait."

Fish, hooked.