Shen Yanxiao's words shocked everyone present!

This is an absolute declaration of extermination!

The target she wants to kill is the broken Star Palace, one of the two giants in the bright land!

The onlookers all thought Shen Yanxiao was crazy, but there was a voice in their heart telling them that there was nothing the city could not host.

"Shen Yanxiao, don't be so arrogant!" Elder martial brother Qian is gnashing his teeth and looking at Shen Yanxiao, but his heart can't be calm for a long time.

Shen Yanxiao said with a smile: "don't let me be arrogant. I've been arrogant so many times, and I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Seeing Shen Yanxiao's appearance, the five animals were relieved. They were already tired. They were as excited as beating chicken blood in an instant.

Zhuque attached to the body rushed down, the figure turned into a child's no, behind him blue sealed glass quietly appeared, there is no nonsense, he immediately rushed to the closest to him a two turn strong, one hand a Yang, sharp nails directly spin its head!

My sister said not to keep one.

Elder martial brother Qian watched blue seal glass kill a two turn former in the blink of an eye, but he took a breath of cold air in surprise.

What's that little boy from? He couldn't even feel the breath of his body.

When did such a terrible person appear around Shen Yanxiao!

"Do it." Killing heart has been up, Shen Yanxiao shouted, with Zhuque rushed into the crowd of broken Star Palace.

After Shen Yanxiao, Zhu Que and LAN Fengli joined in the original balanced war situation, great changes took place immediately.

Blue sealed glass is like a death god holding a sickle. The figure passes by and takes away a wisp of spirits. The strong man of the broken Star Palace who falls under his hand doesn't know when blue sealed glass is near or out of his hand.

Shen Yanxiao joined the front line of Qi Xia to deal with the other three strong men of Qian senior brother.

Zhuque rushed to support Yan Yu.

For a while, the wailing sound continuously spreads out from the strong mouth of the broken Star Palace.

Once the balance is broken, there is no possibility of recovery.

People can only see that the members of the unreal spirit group are frantically crushing the people in the Star Palace.

As Shen Yanxiao said before, if one doesn't stay, five animals will be merciless. Blue sealing glass disrupts the formation of the broken Star Palace, reaps the life of one sacrifice after another, and loses the auxiliary of sacrifice. The strength of other professionals in the broken Star Palace is greatly reduced, and the defensive nature is even more precarious.

However, the members of the unreal spirit group are so fierce that they attack more and more fiercely.

In the blink of an eye, the number of people who fell here in the broken Star Palace has exceeded ten, and most of the remaining ten people are also hanging lottery tickets. They are all in a mess. How can they be arrogant or not?

"Everyone come here!" Elder martial brother Qian's heart is dripping blood. He looks at the people he brought out by himself being slaughtered one by one. His eyes are red with anger, but he also knows that if they continue like this, they will only be gradually exhausted by Shen Yanxiao and they will not be gradually eaten, so

At the call of elder martial brother Qian, the remaining ten people in the broken Star Palace immediately gathered around him, but they had lost the luster of the past. On their tired faces, their frightened eyes had revealed their inner fear.

Glory is not there. They have been beaten down by Shen Yanxiao as if they were bereaved dogs.

Once famous for the bright land, the most elite human being, broken Star Palace Now it's like a joke.