Princess Xinyang's tone was like ice and said, "why can't it be on your head? How could my son have been poisoned if you hadn't brought back the woman who brought the killer? "

Xuanping Hou frowned more tightly: "do you think the assassins who poisoned came to her?"

"Isn't it?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Xuanping was silent.

Princess Xinyang sneered: "don't you dare to speak? Don't you always like to take the blame? Tell me, how could I have wronged you? "

Xuanping Hou looked at her with a complicated look: "Qin Fengwan, does this matter affect your feelings with Xiao Heng?"

"What do you mean?" Princess Xinyang was puzzled.

Xuanping Hou Mou Guang is deep: "do you think that group of assassins are coming for his mother, will let you also have a trace of resentment towards him?"

Xuanping Hou said, and without waiting for Princess Xinyang to answer, he said, "Laozi is not a good thing in the first place, but he was wronged by others. Qin Fengwan, it's your own question. After a while, no matter what the result is, don't blame me. "

An ominous premonition rose from the bottom of Princess Xinyang's heart.

Xuanping Hou looked at her with solemn and cold eyes: "Qin Fengwan, I said at the beginning, you won't fall in love with me, and I'd better not like you. You mentioned it yourself on the wedding night. Let me not touch you. We will always be nominal couples and don't interfere with each other. But later, I touched you, you were pregnant, I asked you, do you want this child? You want to, he is my Xiao Ji's legitimate son, I Xiao Ji this life will only have a legitimate son, is your qinfengwan's child! If you don't want to, I have no choice. The belly is yours. It's not born in you.

Do I look forward to this child? You have a good idea of how the princess' house and Xuanping Marquis's house were guarded. They were more fortified than the Imperial Palace, and no fly could fly in! I'll ask you, how can an assassin poison a child? "

Princess Xinyang's eyes trembled: "you..."

Xuanping Hou nodded with a sneer: "yes, that's what it means. There's a spy! There's a spy around you

Princess Xinyang's face changed: "it's impossible. I have a dragon shadow guard around me, guarding the two children day and night. How can people have a chance to poison them?"

Xuanping Hou's sneer froze in the corner of his lips, and his eyes were cold: "yes, you have dragon shadow guards guarding the children. Who can poison them! Think for yourself

There was a thunder in Princess Xinyang's mind!

Dragon shadow guard!

No, it won't.

How can long Yingwei poison her children?

The guess was so bold, even absurd, that she laughed herself.

However, before long, her smile gradually solidified in the face.

Xuanping marquis is right. At that time, Xuanping Marquis's house and princess's house were well guarded, not to mention that other people couldn't get in. Even the emperor's Dragon shadow guard might not be able to sneak in without disturbing anyone.

Because she also has a dragon shadow guard.

In that case, except for long Yingwei himself, no one had a chance to do it.

But she trusted long Yingwei too much, so she never thought about this flaw.

Princess Xinyang held back her trembling body and tried to grasp the last possibility: "why... Not the gang? Is that group of people not suspected at all? "

Xuanping Hou said: "when did they come and when did they stare at Xiao Heng? I really don't know."

Because Xiao Heng is seldom around him, when the group stares at Xiao Heng, he is not at the scene and can't be surprised.

"But I can tell you plainly that when the two children had an accident, the gang had not yet come to Zhaoguo," he said

Princess Xinyang looked into his eyes: "Why are you so sure?"

Xuanping Hou did not dodge to meet her eyes: "she said it herself, she said that if she did not die, they would be attracted."

When he said this, there was no emotion in his eyes.

Xinyang Princess moved her eyes: "her last words?"

"Yes." Xuanping Hou road.

"Is she really dead?" Asked Princess Xinyang.

Xuanping Hou sighed: "anyway, I buried it myself."

Xinyang Princess wry smile: "you also personally buried, rare."

Xuanping Hou pursed his lips and did not quarrel with her. He gave her a deep look: "she did not involve Xiao Qing, and Xiao Qing did not die because of her and Xiao Heng."

Xinyang princess's focus is on the name: "do you remember his name?"

Xuanping Hou looked complicated and sighed: "why don't you remember? I chose the name. Did you forget it? "

Princess Xinyang gave him a sidelong look: "that's because you only know that word, right?"

Xuanping Marquis

Can husband and wife save face after so many years?

Xuanping Marquis's affection for Xiao Heng is actually very slow, or rather complex. He initially believed that his legitimate son was Xiao Qing. When Princess Xinyang wanted to bring Xiao Heng up, he refused in his heart.

But Princess Xinyang has just experienced the pain of losing her son. He can't deprive her of the right to be a mother at that time.

He used to give Xiao Heng a cold shoulder.

He is not a competent father, but Princess Xinyang is an excellent mother.

She taught Xiao Heng very well, except that he didn't practice martial arts, and became an astronomer. This is contrary to his desire to teach Xiao Heng how to kill Xiao Ji.

Don't talk about killing all sides. He won't even kill a chicken!

"I've finished what I have to say. Think of the rest." Xuanping Hou said, open the curtain to let Chang Jing will stop the carriage, he sat on the back of the carriage left.

"To princess's house?" Chang Jing asked.

Princess Xinyang was immersed in the terrible chaos like a storm and didn't hear Chang Jing's words.

"Yes, all right." Chang Jing said to himself and drove the carriage to Princess mansion.

Princess House still retains its original appearance, including the two delivery rooms.

She respects Xuanping as a guest and does not interfere with each other. This is a Pre Wedding agreement.

Xuanping Marquis said that he touched her, that is he will take everything in his own body, but in fact, no wonder he, she drank too much wine, she took the wrong medicine.

Xuanping Hou looked at her and asked: "Qin Fengwan, do you know what you are doing?"

He had a reaction, but he was restrained and calm.

Reaction is instinct, restraint is choice.

She said, "yes, Xiao Ji, I know."


In fact, Xuanping didn't bring the female slave of Yan to her. The female slave came by herself.

She clearly remembered the first sentence she said to herself: "I heard that you are a princess. Can I live in your princess mansion?"

It is a woman with wild power, which reminds people of the uninhibited horse on the grassland. She has wheat skin, deep facial features, and rough skin honed by wind and sand. However, her eyebrows and eyes are very delicate and deep.

White skin is the beauty of Zhaoguo women. When Princess Xinyang saw her, she knew for the first time that beauty and ugliness had nothing to do with skin color.

Her Zhaoguo didn't speak very well. It took a long time for Princess Xinyang to understand what she meant. It turned out that old man Xiao was overjoyed to learn that she was pregnant. For fear that something might go wrong with her, she sent 17 or 8 servant women to serve her.

She was very upset.

"I'm Xuanping Hou's wife."

"I know, but you don't love him."

So you can rest assured to live in my princess mansion?

Princess Xinyang didn't know whether to say that she was ungrateful or that she was bold.

Princess Xinyang finally let her live in.

There is no other reason. She is a slave from the state of Yan. She knows a lot about the state of Yan. Princess Xinyang is thirsty for knowledge.

They are very comfortable to get along with each other. She is different from Zhaoguo women. She has a different kind of free and easy and forthright, not so many bowed intestines.

Therefore, Princess Xinyang never expected that she would kill someone else's son in order to keep her son alive.

But on second thought, isn't that what she can do?

What a tough and determined woman.

No wonder it was brought back by Xuanping.

Xuanping marquis is unruly outside, but he still obeys the rules in the house. He won't easily touch the servant girls in the house. The two concubines are asked by old lady Xiao to cry, make trouble and hang. He never brings any women back.

Xiao Heng's mother is the only one.

He won't let other women offend her. There was a Huakui who didn't know the height of heaven and earth blocking her carriage, saying that he would go home with her and be a cow and horse for her, only to serve her and Xuanping marquis.

The next day the Huakui disappeared from the capital.

After thinking about so many things, Princess Xinyang finally calmed down.

She began to think seriously about the possibility of long Yingwei betraying her.

The answer is almost impossible.

If the Dragon shadow guard can betray its master, it will no longer be the Dragon shadow guard.

Longyingwei was handed over to her by the former Emperor. They only obeyed her and the former Emperor's orders, but the former Emperor passed away before she was betrothed to Xuanping marquis.

Did he give the order to poison the two children from underground?


A dream?

Wait, there is a man who is not the Dragon shadow guard of the former Emperor.

Dragon one.

As soon as this idea flashed through Princess Xinyang's mind, it was ruled out by Princess Xinyang. At that time, long was sent to Fengdu mountain by her to put an end to the chaos. Xiao Heng was almost full moon before he came back.

He had no motive at all.

On the night of Xiao Heng's accident, Long Yi and the guards of fengdushan mansion set up a bandit's nest. It's a must.

So, is it really the other four Dragon shadow guards?

But she couldn't figure it out. She didn't give them an order to poison the two children, and Xiandi didn't... if there were a third person in the world who could order them, or did Xiandi really climb out of the coffin?

It's not the emperor who let them murder her and xuanpinghou's son before he died. The emperor knew that she and xuanpinghou could not have children

The thought stops suddenly!

Princess Xinyang was stunned.

She seems to have figured something out.

Xuanping Marquis was still young at that time, but the former Emperor saw his potential. He was the youngest Marquis of the state of Zhao. He was canonized by the former Emperor himself. The former Emperor valued him as his right arm.

However, the first emperor attached great importance to the defense of Xuanping marquis.

The former Emperor secretly decided her marriage to Xuanping marquis. The reason is that if the former Emperor could live for a long time, he planned to kill Xuanping Marquis himself. If he went early, she would kill Xuanping marquis.

But at the same time, the former Emperor also understood that the state of Zhao was as dangerous as the egg, and that it was necessary to Xuanping Marquis for a moment.

So the former Emperor decided to make the most of Xuanping marquis. As long as he didn't fight back, he would let him live. Once he had an ordinary heart, he would be killed immediately!

However, Xuanping Marquis was extremely alert, ordinary killers could not get close to him, and the former Emperor thought of a beauty trick.

The reason why so many princesses were chosen by the former Emperor was that the former Emperor knew that she would never be attracted to Xuanping.

A person who will not be attracted to xuanpinghou can kill him at any moment.

However, the former Emperor was born in the imperial family. After so many years as an emperor, how could he not understand the truth that things are unpredictable?

What if she's moved?

The former Emperor did not allow her to give birth to Xuanping Marquis's children, and did not allow her to have unreasonable ties with Xuanping marquis.

It's not good to kill Xuanping Marquis directly. The country needs him. The only premise to kill Xuanping marquis is that he is rebellious.

As long as he doesn't, he can live.

But her children can't live.

At the beginning, the goal of long Yingwei was Xiao Qing. Unfortunately, even if Xiao Qingzao was born half a month ago, he was about the same size as Xiao Heng. The first time long Yingwei made a mistake, the second time he accurately fed the poison into Xiao Heng's mouth.

Princess Xinyang didn't know why she used poison, not anything else.

It was all considered by the emperor.

Maybe it's to avoid finding the head of long Yingwei, or maybe the emperor left a last trace of kindness to his grandson - to give him a decent corpse.

Princess Xinyang's strength was exhausted and her legs fell to the ground.

"Princess!" Yujin rushes in.

She didn't wait for Princess Xinyang to come back in Bishui Hutong, but the people in Princess mansion sent the news that the princess had returned, but the situation seemed to be a little wrong.

She came in a hurry.

"Princess, what's the matter with you, princess?" Yu Jin knelt down in front of her, holding her slightly shaking shoulder to ask.

Princess Xinyang had no blood on her face. Her eyes were empty. She seemed to be full of endless sadness, but she could not cry a tear.

Xinyang Princess eyes dull said: "I think, father will give me the Dragon shadow guard, at least trust me, only I can bear the heavy responsibility."

Yu Jin held her heartily: "Princess..."

Princess Xinyang laughed at herself: "but he still can't believe me... He's defending Xuanping Marquis... And he's defending me too..."