An Guogong looked at her and said, "Jiao Jiao, what's the matter with you? Is there anything wrong with this sword?"

The Duke of an loved Gu Jiao, and every little look of her fell into his eyes.

Gu Jiao didn't know how to explain for a moment.

Anguo knew his precious daughter too well. He ate soft rather than hard. He said with a sad face: "Jiaojiao, you must tell your father what you have. Don't hide it, or I'll worry."

An adoptive father is also a father.

On his wedding day, he claimed to have lived like this, and Gu Jiao didn't think much.

His voice was so soft that it was hard to resist.

But should we start with and?

While Gu Jiao was considering her words, Xiao Heng and xuanyuanqi came over.

As soon as they entered the room, they noticed something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Dad, Jiao Jiao." Xiao Heng said hello and asked, "is something wrong? Your expression is strange."

An Guogong looked at Gu Jiao and seemed to be waiting for her answer.

Gu Jiao sighed helplessly, "well, steward Zheng, please take everyone down first."

"OK!" steward Zheng called out the servants in the room.

Several people sat down around the eight immortals table. Gu Jiao had an Guogong on her left, Xuanyuan Qi on her right, and Xiao Heng on the opposite.

"Go ahead," said angoo.

"I had a dream," Gu Jiao said about her dream of dying under the sword.

"It's just a dream. Jiao Jiao doesn't have to take it seriously." an Guogong comforted. He didn't know whether he was comforting Gu Jiao or himself.

Xuanyuanqi's face became dignified, and he was silent.

"What else did you dream about?" Xiao Heng asked.

Gu Jiao thought and said truthfully, "I dreamed that the state of Yan was at war with the state of Liang and the state of Jin. Xuanyuan army and many people died in the hands of Chu Feipeng and gongsunyu."

She's dead, clearance is dead, everyone is dead.

Xiao Heng finally understood why she wanted to lead Heifeng to fight in person. She wanted to rewrite everyone's fate.

In fact, she did.

She killed Gongsun Yu herself, and she turned the wheel of fate.

It's his charming

How could he be lucky enough to marry such a good girl?

He was distressed and moved. He took her hand and said softly, "gongsunyu is dead, Chu Feipeng has become a useless man, and everything in his dream will not happen again."

"Yes." Gu Jiao nodded.

Xuanyuan Qi suddenly said, "is the swordsman dead?"

An Guogong looked at him, "it's just a dream. How can you really believe it?"

In his opinion, those dreams on the battlefield can be understood as pre war tension.

Xiao Heng also looked at Xuanyuan Qi unexpectedly. Listening to Xuanyuan Qi's tone, he seemed to believe that Gu Jiao's dream had special significance.

Xuanyuanqi... Do you know anything?

Gu Jiao is concentrating on the sword, and doesn't spare extra brain to think about Xuanyuan Qi's reaction.

She shook her head. "I don't know who the swordsman is, so I'm not sure if he's dead."

Many people died in the battle. Maybe the swordsman is dead, maybe not yet.

Moreover, Pucheng World War I was nine years earlier than in her dream. In other words, she was the swordsman she met nine years later. At present, the swordsman may still be a child.

Maybe he won't be a swordsman in nine years.

It's not like Gongsun Yu's four men. They were already a malignant tumor early.

"Be careful, it's a ten thousand year boat." when it comes to Gu Jiao, Xuanyuan Qi doesn't want to be careless. He asks again, "is that swordsman from the state of Jin or liang?"

Gu Jiao shook her head: "I don't know."

She knew nothing about each other. She let a sword through her heart from behind.

If it hadn't been for the extra perspective of the dream, she wouldn't even know what mask each other was wearing.

"Can you draw that mask?" Xiao Heng asked.

"I'll try," Gu Jiao said.

Xiao Heng went to get paper and pen. Gu Jiao's brush painting was not good. She sketched with charcoal.

After painting, I was quite satisfied.


She put the picture on the table.

The three of them stared at the painted tusk mask. They really couldn't imagine its origin.

"And this sword," xuanyuanqi said. "Write back and ask the national teacher about the origin of the sword."

An Guogong nodded, "OK."

Gu Jiao paused and said, "I suddenly remember a person about this sword. Maybe I don't have to ask the national teacher, just ask him!"


After the newly married couple left, an Guogong sat in a wheelchair, turned his head to Xuanyuan Qi, who was deep in thought, and said his doubts: "you seem to really believe your charming nightmare."

Xuanyuanqi said, "she can see it in her dream."

An Guogong was stunned.

Xuanyuanqi said, "she has been rewriting everyone's fate. Now, it's someone's turn to rewrite her."

The assassin is dead. If he is not dead, he will find him himself and kill him!


June in Beijing is hot and dry.

A pair of master servants walked listlessly in the flowing street. From time to time, vendors pushing stalls passed by and almost ran into them.

"Be careful! How do you walk!"

The grey bodyguard turned sideways and blocked his son with his body.

The vendor who was scolded by him turned his eyes and left when he saw that he wore a sword around his waist.

"Childe, childe, how long do we have to spend in the state of Zhao? The monk refused to explain, so we can't fight. We can't say anything. We can't --"

The grey bodyguard said, feeling that there was no movement behind him. As soon as he turned around, he was startled, "young master? Where have you been!"

Young master Mingyue is in a sack.

Gu Jiao dragged her sack into the alley.

Here, the carriage of Marquis Xuanping's house has been waiting for a long time.

Gu Jiao threw the man into the carriage, clapped her hands, jumped up and sat down next to Xiao Heng.

After the war, she hardly moved her muscles and bones, and Gu Jiao felt itchy.

She looked at the sack on the ground and said very seriously, "I don't think he will confess obediently. We have to torture him."

"I'll do it!" said the man in the sack.

Gu Jiao: "?"

I haven't said what I want to ask!

Gu Jiao's feet stiff in the air, especially wronged.

Xiao Heng smiled gently, held her soft hand, gently rubbed her fingertips with his thumb, and whispered, "go back and compensate you."

Gu Jiao said, "the kind made with sauce."

Xiao Heng laughed low, and the bottom of his eyes was like a broken Star: "good."

Someone in the sack: Hello? Interrogate me. Don't stuff me with dog food!

Gu Jiao releases Mingyue's son from the sack.

Young master Mingyue sat down on the stool beside Xiao Heng, shook the folding fan in his hand and said, "what do you want to ask? Ask. I'm in a good mood today. I don't care about you."

Gu Jiao looked at Xiao Heng: "his mouth is hard. Can I beat him?"

The tiger body of young master Mingyue was shocked!

Good girl, why do you always want to beat people!

"Wait, girl, what happened to your face?"

The light in the carriage was dim, but he had excellent eyesight and saw the suffocating beauty of his face.

He could hardly look away.

God, is this girl poisoned? Why did you become a great beauty when you disappeared in January?

Xiao Heng: "well, you can beat it now."

Mingyue childe: "...!"

"Don't look, I don't look, all right!"

He closed his eyes in an attempt to survive.

"No," said Gu Jiao.

"No, you..." he was only halfway through his words. He felt something flying towards him. He instinctively raised his hand and grabbed it. It was a sword.

The familiar touch shocked his heart. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked down at the long sword in his hand.

In order to let him see more clearly, Gu Jiao lit the oil lamp on the small table.

His reaction was seen by Gu Jiao. Gu Jiao basically had a number in her heart, but she still asked, "is this the sword you're looking for?"

"Yes, it is." Mingyue didn't hide or deny. He touched the handle of the sword in his hand unbelievably. Because he was too nervous and excited, his arms and fingertips were trembling gently.

"It's really in your hands..."

Gu Jiao didn't explain that she only got it today: "what's the origin of this sword? Don't lie, I'm afraid you can't get off the carriage alive."

The cold light in the bottom of Mingyue's eyes flashed, and the murderous spirit burst out in an instant. However, just for a moment, he covered his heart with a muffled hum.

The murderous spirit dissipated.

"Are you hurt?" Gu Jiao asked.

"No, it's not injury." as for what it is, he didn't say much, but said to the second humanitarian, "I'll tell you its origin. Can you give it back to me? It's not free. You can make a price."

What he said was that it was not enough.

Xiao Heng said lightly, "you first say that if we are satisfied, we will consider whether to agree to your terms."

Gu Jiao nodded: "yes, that's it!"

There is a tangle in the bottom of Mingyue's eyes. It is reasonable that he can't reveal his identity, but in order to get back the sword, he can only betray his promise.

He confessed, "it's my master's sword."

Xiao Heng asked, "who is your master?"