Chapter 158

Name:The Great World Author:Kwong Qi
The two chatted.

One thousand points, according to the new currency exchange ratio, is equivalent to one million.

Zhang Jian was slightly happy.

But more is the expectation of next action.

If he wants to find the leader of the experiment, he should not kill him, but also give him some feet. He must not live easily!

Zhang Jian did not ask Hao Fang if there would be follow-up rewards.

The reward for providing location clues is one thousand points.

However, if it goes on, there should be no reward.

Zhang Jian did not hesitate.

There's nothing to get down there, but you can avenge those miserable cubs.

Hao Fang was slightly stunned when he heard Zhang Jian's words, and then looked serious.

"Zhang Jian, this is no joke.

It's life-threatening to go down.

If the laboratory is equipped with a closed self explosion device, once we go in, it will be very likely to be buried below. "

General laboratories have closed self explosion devices, which is a setting to prevent the enemy from seizing laboratory data.

Advanced, usually.

"It is not clear whether there is a laboratory built in a hurry, but there is a high probability that there is a self explosion device."

Zhang Jian's strength is also OK. It is also a help when necessary.

According to the recent observation of key personnel of Shenjiang, there should be no animal guards with too high strength here.

The rest are scientific researchers, and the combat effectiveness is an ordinary person.

"I'm going down," said Zhang Jian.

Hao Fang didn't persuade Zhang Jian to insist.

The thick tree surrounded by four people is now stripped of its skin, and the bottom is silver white metal.

There are four square lines on the metal.

The other three members of the team took out a series of micro instruments again.

Mounted on metal.

Zhang Jian couldn't understand it. After a few minutes.


A soybean sized bulb on the instrument lights up green.

Then, those lines have light blue energy flowing, and finally the metal slowly separates, revealing a channel below.

One of Hao Fang's team, wearing a stethoscope like device, whispered, "the footsteps of four people."

Zhang Jian opened the pineal cone and was considerate on it. He couldn't hear anything.

Only the soft sound of the gears.

Hao Fang said, "the old way."

With that, another woman in the team took out ten bengyuan beast cards, summoned them, and summoned a fire element leader.

The leader of fire element belongs to the most powerful source beast in the fire system.

Its source technology is mostly explosive.

After the release, there will be an air wave shock wave. If someone is in the source Art Center, it may be burned to ashes in an instant.

Powerful, but releasing the source requires full source force and time, that is, shaking forward.

Rocking forward is the pre action of releasing the source.

For example, singing, fingerprints and other actions can be attributed to forward shaking.

Each source spell of the fire elemental leader requires a forward shake time of up to one minute and is very easy to be interrupted.

Therefore, except in certain cases, fire elemental leaders are not popular.

On the contrary, water element and wood element have therapeutic ability and are very popular.

Of course, it is difficult to obtain the element source beast.

The leader of the fire element is like an upside down mountain peak, with scattered red stones floating at the lower end.

There are two square stones on both sides to form the arm.

It is about two meters high and has a round crystal on its forehead.

This is his source core.

When the fire element casts a spell, there is a fire huff and puff at the lower end, and the forehead source core is bright and dark.

The woman counted the time silently.

About half a minute.

She dropped ten at the entrance.

On the way down, Bengbeng's body suddenly shrunk to the size of his fist.

Before Zhang Jian could see it, the collapse had begun to expand, and it was the size of a basketball in the blink of an eye.

While the explosion came from the metal entrance, the leader of the fire element completed the casting.

Source technique - big inflammation explosion technique!

The two arms of the fire element leader became red, and hot fireballs the size of a washbasin roared out.

Fireballs continued to bomb under the metal for half a minute, tilting down nearly a hundred fireballs.

The metal entrance edge has melted faintly.

Zhang Jian could feel a shaking when standing on the ground.

Hao Fang made another gesture, and another teammate summoned a water element leader.

The appearance of the water element leader is almost the same as that of the fire element. Just like twins, the color changes from red to blue.

This time, the release source of water element was shaken very short before operation.

In just ten seconds, two water dragons gushed out.


A large white water mist came out from the metal entrance, and suddenly the surroundings became damp and muggy.

After finishing this process, the fire element leader jumped down.

He doesn't walk with his feet on the ground

No feet, floating.

The leader of fire element drifted all the way, and the ground temperature decreased significantly.

Zhang Jian sighed that the team cooperated skillfully.

Don't look, it's just releasing the source.

There is no one second interval between two source arts, and they will not overlap each other, resulting in source art conflict.

It is difficult to do this without tacit understanding.

Put yourself in a position and exchange positions. Zhang Jian asked himself that he would not be able to connect so smoothly.

Interrupting his thoughts, Zhang Jian closely followed the back of the four person team in front.

The speed of the two men and two women team was unexpectedly fast.

All the way silent, buried his head forward.

Live up to the name of the high wind team.

Down from the metal entrance is a steep slope, which can be seen from the residual traces. It was originally a conveyor belt.

Now, Hao Fang leads the way. In front of him is a gale bird with pale gold feather tips.

Zhang Jian was even more surprised.

Pale gold, indicating that the gale bird is in a pseudo extreme form.

It only takes time to precipitate. In half a month at most, pale gold will change to gold, and then it will be the ultimate form.

Zhang Jian held back his curiosity.

You know, windbirds are unruly by nature and never want to be bound.

Only wild gale birds appear in extreme form.

According to statistics last year, there were more than 1.3 million gale birds contracted with humans.

However, none of them is the ultimate form.

Now Hao Fang

Still don't ask.

Everyone has his own secret.

There is a wind wall in front of the gale bird, and more than a dozen wind blades like sickles are suspended behind it.

The wind blade shakes slightly and is ready to explode.

After walking for five minutes, I finally reached a two person high metal gate.

"People from the association?

Are you here to die? "

Zhang Jian found a small horn above the right side of the metal gate. The sound really came from inside.

Listen to the voice, the other party estimates that he is a middle-aged man.

And speak slowly, cold, without any emotion.

Hao Fang answered with action.

He nodded slightly and the windbird's wings waved forward.

Whew, whew, whew——

The wind blade broke through the air.

Bang bang——

The wind blade hit the metal gate and suddenly made a crisp metal cruising sound.

Sparks splashed everywhere.

The metal gate is intact, with more than a dozen deep gullies on the surface.

The horn was also destroyed and could not make a sound.

"With interlayer, it seems that there is no self explosion device." Hao Fang made a judgment.

Generally, if there is an interlayer at the entrance gate of the laboratory, it indicates that the people in the laboratory are very important.

It is too important to build self exploding devices. If they are caught by the enemy, they will also be redeemed at a high price.

"Speed up, do not rule out other exits.

If the laboratory is under the swamp, it will take them at least half an hour to open the channel.

If it's under normal ground, ten minutes is enough. "