One last guy to take care of, in the chaos not noticing the necromancer backing closer to the door, there are a few people still standing and fighting, a few on the ground dead, and some injured, I step in front of Buford to protect his unconscious body, and grab onto his mother, praying she has some kind of power to help protect us.
This time no pain, just the humming and a shocked face on Claudette at the sudden surge of power going through her and worry about Buford on the ground.
Without thinking, I also grab Zaline to steady myself, that's when the room suddenly slowed down, enough for me to gain more clarity and the new feeling of both powers mixing with each other in my mind.
The next thing I know, Zaline's eyes go in the back of her head as she chants something in Cajun French, a small wind wisping in front of her, as a ghost-like figure with shaggy grey hair, black face, and glowing yellow eyes appears, glaring right at the necromancer, holding him in place with some type of spell chanting.
At the same time green fire piles in Claudette's hands, not surprising me that Buford inherited the ability from his mother, we Take aim at the last guy, and without a beat, he is dust in the air. Still holding onto them, we look over at the necromancer held in the door by the ghost.
He is looking at me with more fear now but does not stop his threats "You are my daughter, I will not leave you alone until you are with me, or I'm dead" he laughs the most horrendous laugh I've ever heard.
He then whistles loudly, and the next thing you know, a huge gust of wind comes in the room with such force, it knocks us all on the ground, releasing my hands to catch my fall.
The ghost is gone without my touch on Zaline, the necromancer free now, and noticing Janelle and Claudette knocked unconscious as well with Buford and everyone else in the room but me, Zaline, the necromancer, and the figure walking in behind him.
I scream "Remey! Watch out" as I see its just him, scrambling to my feet trying my last effort to protect myself and my friends.
He stops where he is and looks at the necromancer with a smile "Sir, shall we grab Acadia, I'm sorry I mean Adaline and go now before backup arrives" looking at him in disbelief.
"Remey... You're with him? You knew this whole time?" I had to ask.
He looks at me "Yes, this is Isaac your father, he asked me to help guide you to go with us and tell him what was going on with you and your powers, what do you say love?" as he holds out his hands to me.
Zaline in the background yelling trader, trouble and a lot of other words with colorful thought at him, stepping back further away from him, as I'm standing there stunned.
Feeling betrayed, hurt, used and regretfully sad that it all wasn't real with him, could it be if I went with him? Was it all just a way to get to me and help my so-called dad "Isaac"? Is he being forced to help him?
I don't have a choice at this moment, with tears in my eyes, sadness and hurt I couldn't understand at the moment, the ground started to shake, as the pain of betrayal and confusion got worse, I never noticed I started levitating and glowing golden color, all I could see and feel was the sadness and hurt.
I locked eyes with the terrified Remey, as him and Isaac were backing towards the door, and then the overwhelming feeling of anger hit me, now a few feet in the air, and bright yellow radiating from me, almost blinding them.
"I am the heir, the one that will protect my people from evil, to keep the humans safe, and our secret safe. I AM ACADIA" I screamed in a voice I did not recognize as my own. Then the power threw itself out into the room, not a wind but faster, not lightening but brighter, not fire but just as painful, with all my anger fueling it. Then passing blackness again before I fully hit the ground.