Ricky's full name was Ricky Onassis. He was thirty-three years old and was the new head of the Onassis family. The Onassis family was one of the top ten richest families in Skyriver Sector.

The family had a long history. They started by making spaceship parts about five hundred years ago and had been passed down to the present.

Today, the Onassis family was not only in the parts business but also in the spaceship business. They were ranked fourth among the top ten richest families in terms of assets.

As the new head of the family, Ricky was considered a celebrity in Skyriver Sector. However, he had a hobby that many people knew. He liked to collect all kinds of spaceships with history. However, many people did not know that in order to get spaceships at a low price, he had done a lot of dirty things in secret.

He would frame a spaceship owner and send him to prison. Then, he would buy it through the Federal Government, or he would pay Interstellar Pirates to snatch it directly, or he would hire someone to pretend to be a spaceship expert to deceive the spaceship owner into selling it at a low price. He had done similar things dozens of times, and it was almost always successful.

However, this time, watching the video of Gu Ding violently beating up Ter, and that fellow Ter had even said his name, Ricky was a little furious. There were two reasons why he was furious. One was that the possibility of getting the spaceship was not high, and the second was that his reputation had been ruined by that fellow Ter.

It was not that the other big families had not worked with Ter before, but those who had worked with Ter were tight-lipped because that fellow Ter's character was too bad. He was like a bug, and whoever touched him would have bad luck. Getting involved with him would make the whole family lose face.

He was not worried that Gu Ding and Liliath would take revenge on him because families with a background like theirs had their own combat strength. If Gu Ding was really stupid enough to barge into his mansion, then there would only be one result waiting for him, and that was to be killed on the spot by his own subordinates.

What he did not know was that his name had been remembered by Gu Ding and Liliath.

In front of Gu Ding was a projection of a mansion. It was a mansion that the Onassis family had built on Fengyuan. This mansion had been newly built in recent years for the purpose of discussing the newly opened gene medicine project, and also to build a good relationship with the person in charge of Fengyuan.

Ricky had been discussing a new project with a pharmaceutical factory for the past few days. He and Gu Ding had arrived at Fengyuan's port on the same day. He happened to see Gu Ding's Grey-faced Buzzard and was instantly tempted. That was why the things that happened later happened.

"This guy really brings a lot of people with him every time he goes out." Gu Ding looked at the number of guards displayed on the projection. It was indeed much more than he had imagined.

"He's the person in charge of the entire Onassis family. His family won't allow anything to happen to him." Liliath did not seem surprised by the situation.

"There are thirty-six guards in total. Twenty-three of them are Rank-6 Gene Bodies, twelve are Rank-7 Gene Bodies, and one is a Rank-8 Gene Body. All the doors and windows of the house are guarded. It's impossible to sneak in quietly, "Neptune explained his analysis of the situation. "Even if you managed to sneak in, it would be difficult for you to succeed because Ricky Onassis himself is a Rank 6 Gene Body."

"The bodyguards hired by these rich people are basically retired soldiers, and some are even retired from the elite corps. These people had undergone professional training and were very experienced in fighting. Each of them had taken at least dozens of lives. Even if they're all Rank-6 Gene Bodies, these guys are definitely stronger than Ter. " Not only was Liliath very familiar with the bodyguard industry, but she was also very familiar with people like Ricky. "Based on the current situation, it's almost impossible for us to break in. As long as we alert a single bodyguard, we'll be surrounded. People like Ricky won't leave any loose ends for themselves. He won't hand over the people who attacked his house to the Federal Army for a reward. He'll only kill them on the spot and do it without leaving a trace. Even if the Federal Government finds out, they'll just turn a blind eye. "

"That guy provoked us. There's no way I'll let him go. At the very least, I have to teach him a lesson." Gu Ding was silent for a moment after he finished speaking. He seemed to be thinking about how to teach Ricky a lesson and escape in the end.

After a while, he asked, "Neptune, is there anyone else in Ricky's house besides him and his bodyguards?"

"No, his house is just a newly built branch in recent years. It's for the convenience of doing business. It's usually unoccupied, but a few cleaners come to clean it once a week, "Neptune explained. "Not only is the Rank-8 Gene Body one of the bodyguards, but he's also their housekeeper. When Ricky was in Fengyuan, the housekeeper took care of everything, including cooking, making tea, and arranging business negotiations. "

"This shows that this guy is extremely cautious. He's worried that someone will poison him. Also, he doesn't like to delegate power to others when it comes to business. He likes to do everything himself." Liliath had a rough idea of what kind of person Ricky was from the description.

"Neptune, is the cannon on our spaceship powerful enough to destroy his house without endangering the nearby civilian houses?" Gu Ding seemed to have an idea.

"I can adjust it. The smallest cannon should be able to do it," Neptune responded.

"You can't be thinking of …" When Liliath heard Gu Ding's words, she could already guess what Gu Ding wanted to do.

"That's right. Since there's no way to sneak in and teach him a lesson, bombing his house is a good choice. This house of his is worth at least fifty billion Star Credits, right? Doesn't he want my spaceship? I'll give him a cannonball. "Gu Ding grinned.

"If you do that, the person in charge of Fengyuan will blacklist you and inform the Federal Government to hunt you down." Liliath felt that Gu Ding might not know the seriousness of the matter.

"Don't forget, we're Interstellar Pirates. The Federal Government has been hunting us. Isn't it exactly what we want to see if the bounty becomes even higher? Besides, didn't you want them to change the wanted poster photo? Who knows, maybe you'll be replaced when the bounty is updated. " Gu Ding was very clear about the consequences of doing so, but the increase in the bounty was the main reason why he made this decision.

"Those bastards who made the wanted posters …" Lilliath was pissed off at the thought of the picture of her pouting on the wanted posters. "Alright, for the sake of the picture, I'll vote in favor of this operation!"

"This journey seems to be getting more and more fun …" Neptune muttered.