Less than twenty minutes after Gu Ding and the others settled down at nightfall, Neptune projected a video.

In the video, a large number of Army spaceships suddenly descended. Apart from the Golden Eagle, there were thirty-two Army spaceships at the port. Almost all of the spaceships were fully loaded.

Many of the Interstellar Pirates began to panic when they saw so many Army spaceships suddenly appear. Some of them fled back to their spaceships and tried to pilot the spaceship to leave, only to find that the top of the port had been sealed. Subconsciously, they realized that the military wanted to carry out a major purge this time.

When the Army spaceship docked, more than six thousand soldiers with the rank of senior colonel and above walked down from the spaceship in a neat formation.

These six thousand people were all Gene Bodies of Rank 6 and above.

When these six thousand people appeared at the port, not only did they cause panic among the Interstellar Pirates, but they also attracted the attention of many locals.

The six thousand people quickly formed a square formation and stood not far away from the Golden Eagle.

The hatch of the Golden Eagle finally opened. However, it was not humans who walked out of the hatch. Instead, there were thirty silver mechs that were nearly four meters tall.

Even Gu Ding was a little stunned by the sight.

"It looks like they've really put in a lot of effort this time." Neptune's tone was slightly sarcastic.

The thirty mechs stood in three rows below the Golden Eagle spaceship.

Three people stood side by side at the hatch of the Golden Eagle. There were two men and one woman. The middle-aged man standing in the middle was no stranger to Gu Ding and the others. He was the Federal Government Army General, Sharp.

On Sharp's left was a tall, red-haired woman. She was dressed in a military uniform and looked valiant and formidable. On the left side of her waist was an exquisitely made silver pistol. It was obvious that she was also a gunner.

On Sharp's right was a man who looked to be in his early twenties. He was not tall and wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He looked slightly nervous and did not know where to place his hands.

"Who are these two people?" Gu Ding felt that the people standing next to Sharp were not ordinary people.

"The red-haired woman is a general of the Army and the chief gunner of Dragon Soar Cosmic Nation. The other man was a chief of staff who had just been promoted this year. He was a disciple of the chief of staff. However, don't underestimate him. Although he's a civil servant, he's also a Rank-9 Gene Body. His combat effectiveness is quite good, "Neptune said as he provided information about the two men.

[Name: Emily]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 37]

[Occupation: Federal Soldier]

[Military rank: General]

Gene Level: Rank-10

[Special Ability: Insight (Rank 9)]

Ability Description: No lie or fake move can escape her eyes. She can see through a person's true nature through the smallest details.

"Other Abilities: Gun Mechanic"

[Highest Bounty: 81 million Universe Credits]

[Name: Walter]

[Gender: Male]

[Occupation: Federal Soldier]

[Rank: General (Chief of Staff)]

Gene Level: Rank-9

Special Ability: Player (Level Eight)

[Ability Description: Able to treat a war as a game of chess. All opponents are just chess pieces in his eyes. Through the known information obtained from the opponent, we can accurately determine what the opponent will do.]

[Ability Flaw: The results of the judgment are sometimes interfered with by unknown information.]

[Highest Bounty: 130 million Universe Credits]

The information about the two men sent chills down Gu Ding's spine. The two men's abilities were very special. They did not directly increase combat effectiveness, but they played a key role in the battle.

"Walter must've set this up," Neptune was very sure of his guess. "He made such a big fuss. It's obvious that he wants to catch all the Interstellar Pirates in one fell swoop. Only he could come up with such a plan."

"Based on the current situation, the outcome of the battle should be one-sided. Two Federation generals, five generals, eight lieutenant generals, and fifteen major generals. Add to that the thirty mechs. Although the pilots of those mechs are only Rank-6 or Rank-7 Gene Bodies, they're all very good at close combat. Their combat effectiveness is comparable to a Peak Rank-8 martial arts practitioner. "

"The sky of the port has been locked down. No spaceship can escape. However, that's not the biggest problem. After the last lesson, the Army has learned their lesson, "Neptune said as he projected a new video. In the video, three Baby Dragon interceptors, which were larger than the Golden Eagle, were hovering just outside the atmosphere above the port, ready to attack.

"It's probably because we paralyzed the port's system last time." Gu Ding could guess the Army's reason for doing this. "In this case, even if we paralyze the port's system again, any spaceship that escapes will be immediately destroyed by the interceptors."

Another page popped up. This time, it was a statement from the Federal Government. The general content was: "A large number of Interstellar Pirates have gathered on Great Divinity. The Federal Government Army is doing their best to clear them out. The port has been closed. If there are ships that need to enter, please move to other planets nearby. The other planets' ports are open for free during this period. All civilian and transport ships that want to leave must wait at least three days before they can be released. "

"All civilian spaceships and transport ships have been banned for the past few days. They're worried that some Interstellar Pirates are hiding inside and taking the opportunity to escape."

"Under these circumstances, it's unlikely that we'll be able to escape." Liliath frowned slightly.

"There's no hurry. This is just the beginning. We'll always find a chance to escape." Gu Ding appeared very calm. "At least, we've left the battle from the beginning and have become bystanders. Neptune has erased all electronic records of us. The military won't be able to find us in a short period of time. We're in the dark while they're in the light. This is our advantage. "

In the video, the port had fallen into chaos. A large number of Interstellar Pirates were fleeing toward the city. They already knew that their spaceships could not leave.

Thirty mechs from the Army quickly rushed out to intercept them. The mechs, which were comparable to peak Rank-8 Gene Body combat effectiveness, rushed into the crowd and screamed.

On the other side, more than six thousand Army members were divided into more than twenty squads. One by one, they searched the spaceships in the port to see if anyone was hiding inside.

"I'd like to see how long it will take you idiots to unlock it!" Neptune cursed unhappily when he saw someone begin to crack the passcode lock on the spaceship's door. The lock was designed by him and made by Robert. Based on the current technological level of the Federal Government, it might take a day and a night to unlock it.

"If they can't unlock it, they'll destroy the door." Gu Ding felt that the Army would not have enough patience to unlock it.

"If they dare to destroy our door, I'll encrypt all the doors of their Army spaceships so that they can't get in or out!" Neptune said angrily.

Just as Neptune finished speaking, someone took a bomb and stuck it on the Grey-faced Buzzard's hatch. The Army's order was that if the door was not unlocked within three minutes, it would be solved by force. There was no need to waste time.

"Motherf * cker!" Neptune was furious when he saw this. "You asked for it!"