Sharp's body was pinned to the ground by his own long sword. The long sword had pierced through the left side of his chest and into his heart.

It was clearly not Bart's first time doing something like this. Just by feeling it, he knew that Sharp's heart had been completely pierced through. Even a Rank-10 Advanced Regenerative Ability user would not be able to survive under such circumstances.

He pulled out the sword and fresh blood flowed out of the wound on Sharp's chest. He sheathed the saber and put it back into his storage space. Then, he turned around and strode away.

Bart exited the mall's main entrance and disappeared with a few leaps.

At the port, Walter was already stunned. He could not accept what had happened in front of him.

Sharp was dead. This meant that Biggie and Bart, who had killed Sharp, had almost no opponents left. This mission was a complete failure.

He stared at the screen and waited for a few minutes as if he was waiting for a miracle. However, a miracle did not happen. He lowered his head dispiritedly and dialed Emily's number.

Emily's voice came from the other end of the communicator. "Walter, what's the matter?"

"Senior Sharp, he …" Just as Walter was staring blankly at the screen, he suddenly realized that Sharp's body seemed to have moved. His words were stuck in his throat as he stared at the screen.

"Hey, what's wrong with Sharp?"

"Hey, say something …"

"That's weird. There's no problem with the signal. Why is there no sound all of a sudden?"

Emily's voice kept coming from the other end of the communicator. After a while, Emily did not get a reply and hung up.

Sharp on the screen did not seem to move at all. Walter wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him. Just then, Emily walked over. "What did you say just now …"

As she asked this question, she happened to glance at the video projection in front of Walter. In the projection, Sharp was lying motionless on the ground with his chest covered in blood. She covered her mouth in disbelief. After a while, she asked, "Sharp is dead?"

"I think I saw him move just now …" Walter said uncertainly.

"Sharp has never awakened any ability. If he dies, he will not come back to life!" Emily's face was cold. She had known Sharp for almost ten years. Although the two of them did not have much interaction, they had worked together for ten years after all. She found it hard to accept the news of Sharp's sudden death. "Why didn't you inform me in time when Sharp was at a disadvantage? Even if I can't get there in time, at least he still has a chance to be saved. Do you know how great a loss it is to the federal government to lose a general? "

"Bart set a trap in that building. I'm worried that you'll …" Emily interrupted Walter before he could finish his sentence.

"Do you think that the Rank-7 Gene Body named Bard has the ability to handle two Army generals at the same time?!" Emily retorted. "Or do you think that I'll definitely die if I go?"

After a series of curses, Emily was about to say something, when she saw Sharp slowly rising to his feet in the video. She was immediately stunned.

At that moment, Walter, whose back was facing the video, turned his head after seeing Emily's expression. He saw Sharp slowly standing up in the video, and the wound on his chest began to heal at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

In the mall, Sharp slowly stood up and looked around blankly. He only remembered that he had been hit by Bart's strange move. Then, his body became heavy, and he could not move at all. The whole world was dark.

Suddenly, a knife was stabbed into the world of complete darkness, and a tiny ray of light seeped in. He used all his strength to pull out a gap in the gap, and only then did he manage to escape from the darkness.

The moment he woke up, he felt pain in his chest. Then, there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart. That strange feeling suddenly gave him a new understanding of swordsmanship.

He scanned his body with his intelligent wristwatch.

Gender: Male

Age: 43

Occupation: Federation Soldier

Military Rank: General

Gene Level: Rank-11

Special Ability: Sword Heart

Ability Description: Able to instantly understand everything about a sword, including its past owners' sword techniques and their understanding of swordsmanship, and even the scene of every battle.

Other Abilities: Ten-star Swordsman

Highest Capture Reward: 130 million Universe Credits

When he saw the latest information about his body, he was a little stunned. He had inexplicably broken through to Rank-11 Gene Body, and he had also understood the special ability that all swordsmen dreamed of — Sword Heart. Even his understanding of swordsmanship had reached the level of a ten-star swordsman. This time, it could be said that his strength had increased by a considerable amount.

He looked around but couldn't find his knife. He guessed that Bard must have taken it, but he calmed down instead. Even without his sword, his combat effectiveness was not the same as before, and he was not in a hurry to seek revenge on Bart. For now, it was more important to consolidate his strength. A series of swordsmanship insights suddenly flashed through his mind, and he could not wait to cultivate.

After confirming that Sharp was fine in the video, Emily dialed Sharp's number.

Sharp looked down. They had known each other for so many years, but Emily had never called his number. He guessed that it might be something urgent, and immediately answered the call. "Emily, what's the matter?"

"It seems that you're fine. Come back quickly and let the military doctor examine you." Emily was relieved to hear that Sharp's voice was normal.

"Is there anything else? I'll come back right away! "Sharp looked down at his blood-stained clothes, shook his head, and quickly ran out of the mall.

Gu Ding and the others had also seen Sharp's resurrection.

"How did he suddenly come back to life?" Liliath could not understand. "His heart was clearly pierced, and he doesn't have the ability to regenerate, let alone resurrection."

"I only noticed that his Gene Level has advanced. As for the rest, I'm not sure. However, logically speaking, a Gene Level advancement shouldn't be enough to bring someone back to life. " Neptune was also a little confused. "The only explanation is that he gained an ability similar to resurrection during the advancement. Or maybe the demigod item has a special effect that gave him the ability to regenerate. In any case, this guy came back to life. Not only did he come back to life, but he's also stronger than before. This isn't good news for us. "

Sharp, who had returned to the port, did not feel depressed about his defeat. After a round of examination by the military doctor, the results showed that his bodily functions were normal. What surprised Emily and Walter even more was that there were no wounds on his chest.

"How do you feel?" Emily looked at Sharp suspiciously. Sharp's temper was not good in the past, and it could even be said that he was a little irritable. Usually, he would not react so calmly after losing a battle. However, in Emily's eyes, she knew that Sharp's calmness was not fake. It was real.

"Better than ever." Sharp looked at his hands and gave a strange answer.

"What happened just now?" Emily had a strange feeling that something was amiss. "We clearly saw you die …"

"I died?" Sharp was a little confused when he heard that. "I only remember that my body became heavy, and then I fell into darkness."

"Walter, show him the video of the battle. Let him see it for himself," Emily shouted at Walter who was not far away.

Walter immediately projected the video. The entire video was less than twenty minutes long, but the images were very clear.

When Sharp saw himself being wrapped in a layer of black cocoon, and the cocoon slowly seeping into his body, he frowned slightly. Then, he saw the scene after that. That Bard guy took his own knife and stabbed it into his heart.

After Bard left, there was nothing but silence in the video. Even Sharp himself found it hard to believe. Almost twenty minutes later, he finally saw himself slowly stand up, and the wound on his chest began to heal quickly.

He shook his head in confusion. "I have no memory of what happened after I was tricked by his array. I only remember that I was in darkness, and then I saw a knife stabbing in and tearing an opening in the dark environment. Then, I tore the opening and escaped. After that, I saw that there was a wound on my chest, and it was bleeding. However, the wound healed at an uncanny speed, and there was no trace of it left. "

"Also, there's good news. I've advanced to a Rank-11 Gene Body," Sharp said, and announced the good news that made Walter and Emily excited. "Also, my understanding of swordsmanship has increased by a level. Although the knife was taken away by that kid Bard, my strength has improved greatly. I'm going to stabilize my strength for the next few days. I'll need you two to take charge of the mission. "

"But …"

Walter seemed to want to say something, but Emily interrupted, "Got it. I'll give you three days at most. Take advantage of this time to consolidate your strength. We won't contact you if there's nothing special. Even if Biggie or Bard appears again, I'll take care of them. "

Sharp only smiled faintly. "If you meet Bard, be careful. That guy is very good at scheming. I underestimated him this time, and I've completely failed. However, the next time I meet him, he won't be so lucky. As for Biggie, if there's any news, let me know immediately. Getting him to test out your swordsmanship should be better than training behind closed doors. "

"Alright, since you've come back from the dead, I'll leave Biggie to you." Although Emily was reluctant, she still agreed.

"Other than Gu Ding's crew, the other guys are hiding very well. Basically, they're hiding in some places where there's no surveillance. Tomorrow morning, we plan to start searching the areas with little or no surveillance. We should find something. "