Hauss was a slightly thin middle-aged man with a face full of white beard. His slightly curly short hair was a little messy. At that moment, he looked at Lilliath and Ayesha with an unfriendly expression and asked directly, "You must have hacked into our system and moved your reservation to second place, right?! I check our appointment list every day before I get off work, and I clearly remember the order of the patients' appointments before I got off work yesterday. "

Lilliath knew that she had no choice but to admit it, so she immediately responded, "Doctor, please save our father. We had no other choice …"

As she spoke, tears gushed out of her eyes like a broken dam.

Ayesha was stunned when she saw Lilliath's reaction. She did not have Lilliath's good acting skills and could not squeeze tears out of her eyes. She could only stare at the doctor with a pair of big innocent eyes and pretend to be pitiful.

On one side, there was the attack of tears, and on the other side, there was the attack of poor Barra's big innocent eyes. Moreover, the ones who launched the attack were two cute little lolis.

Even though Haus was usually cold and detached, he had completely fallen for her in this situation.

"Alright, alright, stop crying," House said with a straight face. House kept a straight face. "If you put yourselves ahead of that heart patient, then I won't accept patients like you today no matter what. However, you put yourselves in second place, and there are no patients with major problems behind you. I'll make an exception this time, but don't do this again! Alright, let me take a look at the patient. "

Only then did Lilliath and Ayesha move aside.

Biggie, who had changed into a mask, lay quietly on the hospital bed. Tagore lay next to his head.

"What's wrong with this cat? It looks like it's badly injured. "House frowned slightly." This isn't a pet hospital. "

At that moment, Neptune's voice rang in Lilliath's ears. She explained according to Neptune, "This cat is our pet, Carter. Last night, as soon as we settled down on Planet East Tower, my father said he would take Carter out for a walk. When we packed up and went out to look for them, we found them like this. So, we immediately injected them with cell repair agents and gave them emergency treatment. Then, we came to you. "

"Indeed, there are no doctors on Planet East Tower who can treat his broken bones." House immediately began to examine Biggie's body. He now knew why the two little girls had come to him.

As one of the top ten in the entire Faye Cosmic Nation, Hauss naturally knew more than simple surgical skills. He was also a Rank-13 Gene Body and possessed powerful telekinesis that was comparable to a demigod. He could control three hundred telekinesis threads at the same time to perform micro-level operations. To him, these telekinetic threads were even more flexible and reliable than his own hands.

"Adeline, push the patient into the operating theater and help me prepare the S-level bone remodeling agent. Also, reserve an extra-large cell repair cabin." It had been more than a month since House had received such a difficult case. He was also a little excited.

Biggie and Tagore were immediately wheeled into the operating theater.

The two women sat outside the operating room and waited patiently.

In the operating theater, House quickly got busy. Invisible telekinetic threads were inserted into Biggie's body. They wandered around his body, searching for various bone fragments and quickly piecing them together. The project of this surgery was undoubtedly extremely huge. This was because Biggie's bones had been broken into thousands of pieces. Not only did House have to find the thousands of pieces, but he also had to piece them together in the correct position. It felt like he was playing a jigsaw puzzle made of thousands of materials of different shapes and sizes.

It took thirty-six hours for Drug Stone to make one revolution. From ten o 'clock in the morning to eighteen o' clock in the afternoon, a total of eight hours had passed. The lights in the operating theater were still on.

"It'll be fine. This doctor is the best. He'll definitely be able to cure Biggie and Tagore." Lilliath saw Ayesha's listless look and comforted her. "We haven't eaten anything since last night. I'll go buy something to eat. What do you want to eat? "

"Just anything. I'm not hungry now." Ayesha, who had never been resistant to food, said such words at that moment. It was obvious that she was feeling depressed.

"I'll be right back. Wait here. If there's any news, let me know immediately," Lilliath said and turned to leave.

House's private clinic was located next to the bustling downtown area. It was not a big place. It was also very convenient to buy things from this location. In fact, not many people knew that he was the legendary doctor. They all thought that he just had the same name as the legendary doctor. In a way, he was in a semi-reclusive state. Treating ordinary people's minor illnesses did not earn him much in a year. However, his savings were enough for him to squander for the rest of his life.

Lilliath simply bought some light food and drinks and returned to the clinic. She returned to the operating theater and sat down. The operating theater lights were still on. Seeing Ayesha's expression, Lilliath did not ask any questions. Elsa simply took a piece of bread and slowly nibbled on it. Lilliath ate her own food in silence and continued to wait patiently.

While House was performing surgery on Biggie in the clinic, Gu Ding's body was also undergoing changes on the Golden Eagle. The golden Righteous Force in his body was finally completely converted into God Source. The richness of the God Source far exceeded that of a 1-star Lower Rank deity. It was infinitely close to the strength of a 2-star Lower Rank deity.

After the Super Circulation was formed, a spark automatically burst out of Gu Ding's soul space. If Neptune had seen it, he would have known that it was a Sacred Fire tinder produced after cultivating the Sun Scripture to the extreme. However, this tinder was not golden like the Star Fire. It was black like the God Source in Gu Ding's body.

After the spark appeared, the unknown black energy extended a tentacle and directly penetrated the barrier of the physical plane into Gu Ding's soul space. It quickly rushed toward the black spark. In an instant, the spark seemed to have received fuel and began to burn crazily. From its original size of a sesame seed, it quickly expanded into a handful of black flames several meters high. It flickered in the soul space. It was a real Sacred Fire!

After the Righteous Force was completely converted into God Source, the cells in Gu Ding's body seemed to be stimulated by some external force. They began to strengthen and divide crazily. One could even say that they directly mutated. His Cell Index, which was originally 1 million points, soared to 10 million points in less than half an hour. The gene chain that had trapped Gu Ding at Rank-7 Gene Level finally could not withstand the impact of the energy and broke, allowing Gu Ding to advance to Rank-8.

After entering Rank 8 Gene Body, Gu Ding's Cell Index soared again and directly increased to one hundred million points. At the same time, the fourth gene chain quickly condensed and formed, turning the original three-helix structure into a four-helix.

What was even more special was that the gene segment on the third gene chain that was produced due to the Martial Dao force field had mutated again. It directly split off a branch and embedded itself on the fourth gene chain, causing a change in the gene segment on the fourth gene chain. Not only that, but in addition to the black gene chain, several other special ability chains in Gu Ding's body also underwent various changes at the same time. Moreover, they were all major gene segment changes.

When the changes in Gu Ding's body completely stabilized, it was already nine o 'clock in the afternoon. The sky had just begun to darken.

Neptune had been trying to detect the changes in Gu Ding's body. Therefore, the moment the strange energy source disappeared, he checked Gu Ding's body data:

Name: Gu Ding

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Gene Level: Rank 8

Cell Index: One hundred million

Spirit Index: One hundred million

Special Ability 1: Level 1 Advanced Rage Attack (Evolvable)

Special Ability 2: Level 3 High-Speed Regeneration (Evolvable)

Special Ability 3: Level 1 Advanced Damage Overlay (Curse Series Ability) (Evolvable)

Special Ability 4: Absolute Seal (Level 2 Taboo Power) (Evolvable)

Special Ability 5: Level 3 Advanced Iron Block (Evolvable)

Special Ability 6: Level 2 Advanced Repulsion (Evolvable)

Special Ability 7: One-star Martial Arts Field (Evolvable)

Ability Description: Suppress the opponent's strength and speed by 90% and increase your own strength and speed by ten times.

Ability Limit: Can only be activated once every ten days.

At this time, Gu Ding finally opened his eyes and saw the projection released by Neptune.

He found that his original ordinary abilities had all evolved into Advanced Abilities. Even his original Advanced Abilities had been upgraded by a grade. Not only that, his original Martial Arts Field had directly evolved into a Martial Arts Field. Not only had the suppression on the opponent become stronger, but there was also only one condition left. It was reasonable to say that his basic combat effectiveness, which should have been increased to ten million points, had been directly increased to one hundred million points. This time, Gu Ding's combat effectiveness could be said to have skyrocketed in a real sense.

However, at the same time that they saw the good news about Gu Ding, there was bad news from Dr. House's clinic.

The door of the operating theater was pushed open, and Dr. House's face was a little gloomy.

His expression made Lilliath and Elsa's hearts sink to the bottom of their chests.

"I'm sorry. The surgery was very successful. I successfully pieced his bones together and performed surgery to repair his internal organs. However, the remaining God Source in his body is still constantly destroying his body. Even in the cell repair cabin, the God Source's destructive range is still slowly expanding. At the current rate, I don't think he will survive more than a month. In the entire Faye Cosmic Nation, only the Lord, who has become a deity, might be able to cure his injuries.

"Also, that cat's physique is very special. I want to perform surgery on it, but I can't break its defense at all. Moreover, I also discovered that the human potions had no effect on its injuries. So, there's nothing I can do. I'm really sorry … However, its injuries have not worsened. I think it should be self-healing, and it should not be in danger for the time being. "