The bug swarm that Neptune chose was a small one. There were only about thirty of them, and they were all ordinary two-star Soldier Level.

However, according to what Gatins had said, these ordinary two-star Soldier Level bug beasts had combat effectiveness comparable to a three-star Lower Rank deity human.

The reason they chose this level was that Dockett and Elsa's strongest combat effectiveness was only three-and-a-half stars. They would not be able to break through the stronger bug beasts' defenses. If Lilliath did not rely on the firearms in her hands, she would also be able to handle two-star Soldier Level bug beasts at most.

The two-star Soldier Level was not a challenge for Gu Ding, Biggie, Robert, and Tagore.

The four of them attacked quickly and easily cleared out more than thirty bug beasts until only three were left.

Dockett, Ayesha, and Lilliath each chose a bug and rushed forward. Lilliath deliberately adjusted the power of her firearms to the level of 3 stars in order to train her combat skills, which was barely enough to break through the bug beasts' defenses.

Dockett shot out more than ten flying daggers one after another. Without the blessing of his divine skill, his attack power was only about two-and-a-half stars. Logically speaking, it would not be able to break through the bug beasts' defenses. However, he repeatedly attacked the same point and soon broke the bug beast's shell, killing his opponent.

Elsa, on the other hand, rushed forward with her giant axe and fought hand-to-hand with the giant bug that was seven or eight times her size. After a fierce battle, she found an opportunity and split the bug's head in half.

Lilliath, on the other hand, quickly retreated while holding her gun and shooting. Both shots hit the same eye of the bug beast. Before the bug beast could move, its brain burst open and it died.

"It's not difficult at all. Attack its weakness and it'll die in two or three hits at most," Lilliath complained. "It's all your fault for clearing out the bug swarm. You guys should stop following the three of us. We don't feel the pressure of training at all. Besides, you can go kill five-star bug beasts. There's no need to waste your time here. "

"You can handle a small number of them, but I'm afraid it won't be safe if there are too many of them." Gu Ding was still a little worried.

"I'll stay." At this moment, Robert suddenly spoke up. "Our Mechanical race is different from humans. This kind of training is of no use to us. Moreover, I've absorbed a large number of Source Stones during this period of time, and my cultivation level is already comparable to a Five-Star Lower Rank Deity like you humans. Even if I kill a Five-Star bug beast, I'll only get one point each. The accumulation speed is too slow, so I might as well stay and take care of them. "

Gu Ding had no doubts about Robert's strength. Long before Robert became a deity, during his battle with Potie the witch, Gu Ding discovered that Robert's strength was beyond his expectations. With Robert looking after Lily and the others, he felt more at ease.

"Alright then. Don't turn off your communicators. Poseidon will keep in touch with you. Just follow the route he gave you." Gu Ding nodded. In addition to Robert, Neptune would also keep an eye on their movements, which would allow them to avoid the powerful Zergs and humans.

"I'm going straight to the five-star area. What about you guys?" Gu Ding turned to look at Biggie and Tagore.

"I'm going to the five-star area too. Let's split up when we get there." Biggie nodded. At their level, there was no longer a need to form a team. It was more comfortable to move alone.

Tagore jumped onto Gu Ding's shoulder, making his stance clear.

Neptune gave them a map of a straight line. After bidding farewell to Lily and the others, the two of them and the cat left quickly.

The map given by Neptune showed that the four-star and five-star bug beasts were no longer in the city. In this ruined city, there were only three-star and below bug beasts. As long as they did not leave the city, they would not encounter four-star and above bug beasts.

Gu Ding and Biggie quickly left the city's encirclement, but they could see the city's former prosperity from the scattered high-rise buildings.

The straight line given by Neptune naturally did not avoid the area where the Zergs gathered. Whenever they encountered an obstacle, Gu Ding's engulfing flame would sweep out and end the battle in an instant.

After engulfing five waves of Zergs in a row, Gu Ding's Emperor Nature Manifestation increased slightly. They finally arrived at a desert on the outskirts of the city. This desert was the area where a large number of five-star Soldier Level Zergs gathered in the ruins.

"I'll send the marked map to you now!" Neptune had already clearly seen the distribution of Zergs in this area. After sending the map to Biggie and Tagore, he projected it in the void and explained to the three of them. "The areas with white dots are ordinary five-star Soldier Level Zergs, the yellow dots are special species, and the red dots are elite Zergs. The black skulls are bug hives. Don't go in there no matter what. There are at least three hundred thousand or more bug beasts inside. "

"There are eleven bug hives in this desert?!" Gu Ding was also a little frightened.

"Yes, this means that there are eleven different Zerg Tribes in this desert. I checked just now. The smallest bug hive has more than three hundred and twenty thousand bug beasts. The largest hive even has more than one million and two hundred thousand bug beasts. Most of the rest have around five hundred thousand, "Neptune continued. The Neptune continued, "The awakening of any bug beast in any hive is a huge disaster for the cultivators here. Once a bug tide breaks out, it's estimated that less than twenty people will be able to survive until human rescue arrives. "

"Don't the bugs in the bug hives come out on their own?" Gu Ding raised a question.

"The bugs in the bug hives are usually in a state of hibernation. Since there's a lack of food in this area, their hibernation allows them to live longer. When they feel that their hunger is unbearable, they will wake up and come out to look for food. The bug beasts and bug swarms that we see now are all awakened by hunger. Once they find food and are full, they will return to the bug hive to continue their hibernation.

"If the bug beasts in the same bug hive encounter each other while foraging for food, they will form teams. Most bug beasts of different species will kill each other and devour each other's corpses when they encounter each other, but a few can also coexist peacefully. For example, the Gowa Tribe and the Red Sickle Tribe. These two bug beasts have very similar genes, and their forms are not very different. They will not kill each other when they encounter each other. Because the Zerg Tribes have this competitive state no matter where they go, they are stronger than humans. "

Gu Ding and Biggie learned many new things from Neptune's words.

"Shall we split into three groups?" Gu Ding looked at Biggie and Tagore.

Gu Ding chose to move forward in a straight line. Tagore jumped down from Gu Ding's right shoulder and disappeared to the front right after a few leaps. Biggie saw this and chose the front left position.

As for Gu Ding and Biggie, they were not even demigods. The basic requirement to cross ranks was to become a 1-star Lower Rank deity. The 5-star Soldier Level Bug Tribe was four ranks higher, and the basic Merit Points were ten thousand points each. However, if it was calculated five times, it would be fifty thousand points each. Tagore was a demigod, so if it was calculated twice, it would be twenty thousand points each.

This kind of doubling was an advantage for Gu Ding, but he did not think that he would be the first in Merit Points after a month. Even if he had more than fifty thousand Merit Points, he would still be ahead of everyone else.

Whether it was the nine people in the TOP1, the seven people from the Freedom Alliance, or the few Interstellar Pirates and Interstellar Hunters who had more than eight-star Attack Power in the previous test, none of them were easy to deal with.

Gu Ding had the ability to kill groups of fire, but it did not mean that the others did not have the ability to kill groups of people. Although this area suppressed Soul Perception to a large extent, there was no guarantee that a small number of people would have other detection abilities.

Following the markings on the map, Gu Ding quickly found a small group of bugs. There were more than thirty 5-star Soldier Level bugs. He immediately used all his combat effectiveness and rushed into the group of bugs.

Even with the Emperor Body of Nature's amplification of more than four hundred times, Gu Ding's Attack Power was still less than five-star without using his territory. Under the effect of Damage Stacking, his fifth attack only managed to break through the first bug beast's defense. Even though he relied on the subtlety of his body movement, the speed of a 5-star Soldier Level Bug Tribe member was ten times faster than a human of the same level, and there were so many of them, Gu Ding was still injured.

The sharp insect legs easily cut through Gu Ding's defense, which was less than five-star. In just one exchange, Gu Ding's body was left with four wounds, three shallow and one deep. The deep wound even went straight through Gu Ding's left arm. However, the high-speed regeneration ability healed the wound in an instant.

The bug beast that Gu Ding attacked did not suffer any fatal injuries, which made Gu Ding feel that it was a challenge. The Emperor Body of Nature's operation accelerated, increasing its speed even more, and once again rushed toward the group of bugs.

On the second attack, he finally killed a bug beast, but there were more wounds on his body, a total of nine. Under the crazy operation of the Emperor Body of Nature's operation, Gu Ding did not notice that the amplification effect had increased again.

The original amplification effect of less than four hundred and twenty times had been increased to four hundred and thirty times without any new energy injection, and it was still increasing.

However, Neptune noticed this. He knew that this was the effect of the energy that Gu Ding's body had not finished digesting. Gu Ding's Devouring Fire had devoured tens of thousands of bug beasts, directly increasing his Emperor Body of Nature's from three hundred times to four hundred times. However, in reality, this kind of increase consumed less than a tenth of the energy devoured. The rest of the energy was automatically stored by Gu Ding's body.

This kind of high-intensity battle deeply activated Gu Ding's cells, and the energy capacity of his cells increased again. Naturally, the effect of the Emperor Body of Nature's effect increased as well.

Although Gu Ding did not notice the change in the Emperor Body of Nature's effect, he felt that this kind of battle made him feel comfortable. He attacked the swarm of bugs again and again, and finally, after nearly twenty minutes, the swarm was completely wiped out. His clothes were also stained with blood, and there was almost no place that was clean. However, it only looked scary, and in fact, it was quickly repaired.

After killing the swarm, the Devouring Fire appeared again and devoured all the bug corpses. At this time, Gu Ding noticed that the amplification effect of his Emperor Body of Nature's effect had increased to four hundred and fifty times.

"What's going on?"

Neptune explained the reason, which made Gu Ding's fighting spirit rise even more. "Alright, then continue this method of hunting. It increased by nearly forty times in twenty minutes. If I'm lucky, I can complete the third level of Emperor Body of Nature's cultivation today, and increase my combat effectiveness to a thousand times! "