Neptune projected an image.

In the image, a strange-looking spaceship was docked at the port of a planet. The hatch opened, and a man in a white robe walked out of the spaceship.

"This is the image I captured on a planet more than 900 universes away, a week before Harker's disappearance. Of course, there was a lot of interference in the surveillance footage, so I repaired it," Neptune explained. "From here, I captured the shape of the spaceship and performed a comparative analysis. I didn't have much hope at first, because changing the shape of a spaceship is too easy. Advanced artificial intelligence spaceships can complete a change in a matter of seconds. I don't know if they were careless, or if they didn't care, but the shape of the spaceship never changed, so I found the planets they docked at. "

"In these seven days, their spaceship stopped three times. One of them was the one in the projection, another was at an intelligence planet, and the last one was on a planet seven universes away from our current universe. It was also on the same day that Huck disappeared. After the spaceship docked, no one came out. Less than an hour later, the man in the white robe appeared on Planet Isa … "

"With this kind of speed, the man in the white robe must have some kind of teleportation spell. His short-distance warp is faster than their spaceship, so when they discovered Harker's position, they chose to abandon the spaceship."

Outside the atmosphere of Planet Isa, the man in the white robe stood proudly in the void. The man in the white robe waved his hand, and nine black-robed men appeared out of thin air. The man in the white robe pointed at them, and the nine men disappeared almost at the same time. The man in the white robe also disappeared.

This image was captured by a satellite, and the recording time was exactly one minute before Harker was captured.

"These are the surveillance footage I found before they captured Harker," Neptune said. Neptune continued, "Through the location where their spaceships were docked, I captured some subsequent images."

Neptune projected the subsequent images.

On the planet where the man in the white robe docked, the man in the white robe quickly reappeared and returned to the spaceship. He appeared alone. Obviously, he had already pulled Huck and the other black-robed men into his miniature world.

The strangely shaped spaceship quickly rose into the air, and the image changed again.

After leaving the planet's atmosphere, the spaceship quickly activated the ultra-long-distance wormhole teleportation and disappeared.

"We were quite lucky. An astronomical telescope happened to point at the area where they activated the ultra-long-distance teleportation and captured the image of them teleporting away." Neptune paused. "However, everything I captured was interrupted here. The spaceship did not appear in my detection range again."

"Then why did you say that you were lucky?" Gu Ding was not in a hurry. He had been with Neptune for so long that he could tell from his tone if there was any chance of a turning point.

"Because of that telescope, I know the coordinates and time of the spaceship opening the wormhole. What we need to do now is to head towards the location of the wormhole. "

"But the wormhole opened more than three months ago. What's the use of going there now? The wormhole has long since closed," Gu Ding asked, puzzled.

"Let me explain it this way. You can think of the space we are in as a huge water ball, and at the same time, the space on the other side of the wormhole is another water ball. The effect of passing through the wormhole is equivalent to leaving the water ball we are in and entering another water ball. "

"This kind of separation and injection will inevitably cause the outer walls of the two water balls to shake violently, and this vibration will also produce ripples. Just like a fish jumping out of the water and then falling back into the water, it will cause the water surface to react. "

"In that case, using simple physics and mathematics, we can deduce the final landing point of the fish based on the volume, mass, streamline shape of the fish's body, as well as factors such as the time, position, and transmission distance of the ripples, etc. Complicating that kind of calculation can also be applied to Spatial Science. "

"Simply put, after going to the scene and checking out the aftermath of the wormhole, I can make a rough estimate and determine the coordinates of the exit at the other end of the wormhole."

Gu Ding was completely confused by Neptune's words. After all, he was only a student at the Basic Military College and was far from being exposed to advanced content like Spatial Science. However, he understood the last part of Neptune's words. In short, after going to the scene and looking at the wormhole, he could deduce the teleportation coordinates of the spaceship.

"Then let's go now. With the performance of this spaceship, we should be able to go back and forth across the distance of seven universes in no time," Gu Ding said decisively.

"With the performance of this spaceship, we can reach it with a simple space jump. A round trip will only take half an hour at most. Lili and the others will probably arrive in a few days, so it won't affect our rendezvous, "Neptune said as he directly launched a space jump.

More than ten minutes later, the huge black battleship had arrived near the coordinates of the opening of the wormhole.

"Gu Ding, leave the spaceship now and fly to the coordinates where the wormhole is," Neptune spoke again after arriving.

Gu Ding nodded, pushed open the hatch, and flew toward the coordinates given by Neptune.

Gu Ding, who had arrived at the coordinates, floated in place and communicated with Neptune through his consciousness. "What now? What should I do? "

"Don't do anything and don't move. Just stay still and float at this coordinate," Neptune instructed.

When Gu Ding heard this, he could only quietly float in place and wait patiently.

After waiting for more than two hours, Gu Ding finally heard Neptune mutter as if he was talking to himself. "How could this be? There's no way to calculate the result … "

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong? "Gu Ding could not help but ask.

"I've repeated the calculations many times and there's a constant missing. No matter what, there's no way to get a result. However, I've clearly taken all the factors into account … "Neptune felt that he had not missed anything.

"Then take your time to think about it. Don't be too anxious. It's easy to make mistakes if you're anxious," Gu Ding had no choice but to comfort him.

For the rest of the day, Gu Ding floated motionlessly in place. He was afraid that he would interfere with Neptune's calculations. However, Neptune did not seem to be able to calculate the result and kept muttering in a low voice.

"Brother Gu Ding, did something happen? It's been a day. With Neptune's calculation ability, a few hours should be enough for him to calculate the result, "Mi Coco's voice came from Gu Ding's communicator.

"Neptune said that he doesn't know why there's a constant missing. No matter how he calculates, there's no way to calculate the result. However, he said that he's taken all the factors into account, so there shouldn't be anything missing," Gu Ding explained to Mi Coco.

"A constant missing?" Mi Coco's voice paused for a moment before she suddenly spoke again. "It might be time. Let Neptune try."

"Time?" Gu Ding did not understand what Mi Coco was saying at all, but Neptune heard Mi Coco's words clearly.

"That's right, it's time! All this while, I've been using the main timeline to calculate the space coordinates. Due to inertia, I've neglected the changes in the timeline. Although this dimension we're in is a basic dimension and only has one main timeline, in some special spaces, a second timeline may also exist stably … No wonder the Dace family disappeared overnight. They entered another time dimension. This is the best explanation!!! "