Inside the Dream, everyone from the Gu Ding Pirate Crew sat in a circle. Apart from Huck, who was still unconscious, everyone else was present.

Gu Ding was the first to speak. "Everyone should be aware of Huck's current situation by now. Do you have any good suggestions?"

"I want to enter the dream world again and meet Huck again. I want to ask him what information he's hiding from us. The more information we have, the higher our chances of rescuing him will be. "Lilliath made her suggestion, but it was immediately rejected.

"Lili, Huck is currently in the sixth level of the dream world. If you enter, you'll probably lose yourself before you reach the sixth level. Not only will you not be of any help, but you'll also cause us more trouble. Your suggestion is absolutely not advisable. "Neptune directly refuted Lilliath's suggestion.

"But …" Lilliath wanted to say something but was interrupted by Gu Ding.

"Lili, Huck is our partner. We won't give up on him until he's really dead. However, your suggestion won't help us solve the actual problem. Therefore, we can't use your suggestion. "

"What about Dockett? Do you have any ideas?" Elsa, on the other hand, asked the only doctor in the team. After all, doctors knew more things in this field than ordinary people. She took the initiative to change the topic because she was afraid that Lilliath would continue to argue with Gu Ding.

Dockett was stunned when he heard the question. He glanced at Elsa and said, "Huck's current situation is medically known as a deep sleep. If it was just an ordinary slumber, as long as there was enough stimulation, his consciousness could be summoned back. However, Huck's deep sleep is a deeper one. Even if his body is severely injured to the point of death, he won't wake up. The only way is to get a powerhouse with a strong enough soul to enter his dream world and bring him out. "

"According to what Brother Huck told Sister Lili, once he wakes up, the Soul-Consuming Bloodblade will immediately take over his body. When that happens, it'll be a huge disaster for everyone. Therefore, the main problem now is not to wake Brother Huck up, but to remove the will projection of the Soul-Consuming Bloodblade from his body. As long as we strip away the Soul Killing Bloodblade's will projection, Brother Huck won't be sensed by the Soul Killing Bloodblade when he wakes up again. " Mi Ke Ke, on the other hand, had a different opinion. He believed that the most important thing to do wasn't how to awaken Hark. The most important thing to do was to strip away the Soul-Consuming Bloodblade's consciousness projection.

"Mi Ke Ke is right. We must solve the problem of the Soul-Sucking Bloodblade's will projection first. Otherwise, Hak himself will not agree to leave the Dream World." Neptune agreed with Mi Ke Ke's suggestion.

"According to the information given by Sister Lily, after Brother Hark was possessed by the consciousness projection, his combat strength skyrocketed to first-rank heavenly god-level. This meant that the strength of that consciousness projection was at least first-rank Heavenly God-level, or perhaps even stronger. In that case, if you want to strip away a consciousness projection of such strength, you'll need to find a Heavenly God whose consciousness strength exceeds second-rank or above, "Mi Ke continued.

"It needs to be at least a third-rank, preferably a middle-rank or above, because we also have to consider the possibility of the consciousness projection carrying the attack attribute of the Lord Weapon." Neptune corrected and added to Mikko's suggestion.

"After expelling the Soul Killing Bloodblade's will projection, we must find a powerful soul cultivator with a soul strong enough to enter the sixth floor of Brother Huck's dream world and not lose himself. Since Brother Huck's combat strength is already seventh-rank true god-level, this soul cultivator's soul must be stronger than Brother Huck's, "Mi Ko continued to explain the follow-up solution.

"It's best if it's a Heavenly God Level Soul Cultivator. It's more reliable," the Sovereign of the Sea added. "In addition, before awakening Harker's consciousness, we have to make sure that the projection of that Sovereign artifact's consciousness completely dissipates and doesn't leave behind any traces that can be traced."

"Then, according to the information given by Mi Ke and Neptune, we must find a powerhouse whose consciousness strength is at least third-rank or above, and whose soul strength has reached heavenly god-level. In short, a third-rank Heavenly God or above should be enough. "Gu Ding combined the two's suggestions into one message.

"That's right. It's best if it's a middle-rank Heavenly God. If that doesn't work, we can also try a third-rank Heavenly God." Neptune nodded.

"It's not difficult to find Heavenly Gods in a high-level dimension, but the basic dimension we're in is just a low-level dimension. I'm afraid it'll be difficult to find one. Moreover, we need a Heavenly God or above third-rank. "Biggie frowned slightly.

"There's another problem. Even if we find a Heavenly God who meets our requirements, how can we get someone else to help us?" Lilliath raised a more practical question.

"This problem is easy to solve. We just need to make a deal with the other party." Faust finally smiled when he heard the question. "Everyone has needs, and Heavenly Gods are no exception. As long as we can find what the other party wants, the other party will be willing to make a deal with us. It's just saving a person. I believe many people are willing to make a deal with almost no cost. "

"Faust is right. As long as we find a Heavenly God who meets our requirements, things will be easy." Gu Ding nodded. "It's just that there are very few Heavenly Gods in this dimension we're in. That's why we need your help to monitor the situation in real time, Neptune. If there's any information about Heavenly Gods, let us know immediately."

"I'll keep an eye on all kinds of information on Skynet." Neptune responded and accepted the task.

"That's settled with regards to Hark. Everyone else, go back to your own business. Miko and Neptune, stay behind. We'll discuss the details. "Gu Ding waved at Miko and Neptune, and the others dispersed.

After spending more than two hours discussing the various details of rescuing Hark, the three of them basically confirmed that the plan they had discussed earlier was feasible. Only then did the three of them disperse.

In Countercurrent Space, a giant black spaceship was sailing forward at high speed. Space Diversion was not possible in this space, so all spaceships could only travel in normal flight mode.

It had been five days since Gu Ding and the others' last group meeting. However, during these five days, the spaceship was not as lively as usual. Everyone was worried about Hark's situation.

"Gu Ding, a rumor just appeared on Skynet that a female miracle doctor has appeared in Tarra Star Sector. Two high-rank Heavenly Gods were fighting, and both of them were injured. Both of them were on the verge of death, but she saved them both. "Lilliath suddenly knocked on Gu Ding's door in the middle of the night and shouted.

"Is this news reliable? It's not fake news to attract people to travel, is it? "Gu Ding asked with some uncertainty after opening the door.

"The news is true. Many people took videos, and Skynet is already a little abuzz." Neptune also suddenly appeared.

"Let's go and have a look. Maybe that female miracle doctor has a way to save Hark." Lilliath looked at Gu Ding expectantly.

Gu Ding looked at Neptune. "Still no news about any Heavenly Gods?"

"No." Neptune shook his head.

"About Tarra, are we going the same way?" Gu Ding asked again.

"We'll have to take a slight detour. It might delay our journey by about three days." Neptune checked and quickly gave an answer.

"Then let's go and have a look. It's good to try our luck. There's no news about Heavenly Gods for now anyway." Gu Ding smiled at Lilliath and nodded.