Not long after Gu Ding arrived at the second yellow area, he found a dot within his map's detection range approaching him at high speed.

He selected the dot and checked the details. Gu Ding could not help but grin. That was because that dot was Neptune.

Just as Gu Ding closed Neptune's personal information, Neptune appeared next to Gu Ding.

"Don't slow down. Follow me!" Neptune's voice rang clearly in Gu Ding's ears. Then, he turned around forty-five degrees.

Gu Ding immediately turned around and chased after him. He could not help but ask, "Has your detection ability recovered?"

"No, Robert released a lot of nanomachines that are invisible to the naked eye, but I can see them. I accidentally found one of them. After capturing it, I shared the vision of all the nanomachines, "Neptune explained.

"These nanomachines won't be discovered by others, right?"

"No, these nanomachines don't have any energy response, and they're so small that they're invisible to the naked eye. Everyone's detection ability is now ineffective. In addition, the token's detection function only works on participants. It's impossible for anyone to discover them, "Neptune explained.

"One more question. Why are we taking a circular route?" Gu Ding quickly realized that Neptune was not taking him in a straight line, but a circular route.

"You found out …" Neptune finally laughed when he heard the question. "That's because the speed of the nanomachines is limited. Now that I've brought a lot of nanomachines with me, I have to go in a circle to get them to provide my vision of the entire area. "

"How many nanomachines did Robert release?" Gu Ding was curious about this question.

"More than three hundred million. You're not interested in the specific number, are you?" Neptune shrugged. "I can see a lot of nanomachines floating around the area he passed through. I happened to pass by an area he passed by, so I controlled some of them and stored them in my mini world. Also, through the nanomachines, I can communicate with Robert and keep track of his movements. In turn, he can see everything that's happening here. "

"How many do you control?" Gu Ding asked.

"More than six million." Neptune curled his lips.

"What's the detection range of each?" Gu Ding continued to ask.

"A little more than three square kilometers. If we reduce the resolution, the detection range can reach up to 28 square kilometers." Neptune gave a more accurate answer. "If it's the original pixels, the detection radius is one kilometer. Lowering the pixels, the furthest detection radius can reach three kilometers. But because we didn't need too precise an image, Robert set the default to the furthest radius. In order to prevent the movement of the nanomachines due to wind or other reasons, which could lead to blind spots in the investigation, I set the distance between each nanomachine at 2.5 kilometers. "

"But monitoring won't be of much use. Those people will still catch up to us. Could it be that you have other tricks up your sleeve? " Gu Ding thought about it. Neptune had always been meticulous. Since he had set up surveillance, he must have other backup plans.

"Of course. You'll find out later." Hearing Gu Ding's question, Neptune smiled and kept him in suspense.

Since Neptune had said so, Gu Ding did not pursue the matter any further. He knew that Neptune would never do something he was not sure of.

Gu Ding followed Neptune in a big circle.

Many of the pursuers noticed that the route of the golden skull had turned into a big circle on the map, and they were a little puzzled.

Some of them knew that Gu Ding had previously controlled demons and exotic beasts to build a protective wall for himself. They suspected that Gu Ding had done something similar, so they slowed down a little and became cautious.

It was always good for others to rush to the front. Anyway, with Gu Ding's strength, it was impossible for him to be killed by those in front. They just needed to take advantage of the chaos to hit Gu Ding. This was what many people were secretly thinking.

After successfully setting up the surveillance circuit, Neptune and Gu Ding returned to the center of the circle.

After that, Neptune lay on his back on the grass with a calm look.

"Don't you need to set up anything else?" Gu Ding asked with some doubt.

"No, it's all set up!" Neptune looked up at Gu Ding, pulled a blade of grass from the side, put it in his mouth, and then closed his eyes again.

Seeing Neptune's lazy look, Gu Ding also knew that Neptune must have set up something else, but he just did not see it. He immediately sat on the grass, closed his eyes, and began to continue sorting out his Inherited Memory.

The two of them did not stop for long before Neptune suddenly sat up, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly. "The show is about to start!"

Gu Ding's consciousness also left the soul space, and he opened his eyes.

Neptune stretched out his hand, and a screen nearly three meters long and one meter high appeared in the void.

On the screen, a group of people was rushing toward Gu Ding's coordinates. There were many people in this group, more than two hundred, and there were members of various clans. The one in the lead was a tall and sturdy bald man with a moustache. His upper body was as strong as iron, and he was bare-chested. The people around him seemed to be very afraid of him, and they did not even dare to raise their heads. They just walked with their heads down expressionlessly. In the entire group, no one made a sound, and it seemed that no one dared to say anything.

"This guy doesn't seem to be a good person." Gu Ding saw the strangeness of this group at a glance.

"From the reaction of the others, this group must have been forcibly organized by the big bald man. In the entire group, the others only fear and hate him. "Neptune also saw the situation of the entire group from the micro-expressions of these people.

"How are you going to stop this group of people?" Gu Ding was still very curious about Neptune's arrangement.

"You'll see soon …" Before Neptune's voice trailed off, an exotic beast's roar suddenly came from the projection.

Seeing the scene on the screen, Gu Ding could not help but raise his eyebrows because he saw a group of exotic beasts appear out of thin air, directly rushing into the group led by the big bald man, and began a wanton massacre.

Big bald man and the others were completely caught off guard. In a situation where they were completely unprepared, the entire group was attacked by these exotic beasts, and they could not organize any combat power to resist at all. For a moment, the violent roar of the exotic beasts and the screams of the pursuers rang out incessantly.

"These exotic beasts suddenly appeared … Did you use the concealment formation plate that Mi Ke 'er gave you?" Gu Ding was stunned when he first saw it, but he immediately understood what had happened. Neptune used the Concealment Array Disc to hide the exotic beasts that were originally guarding there, making them invisible to the naked eye. Hence, the scene just now happened.

"When did you set up these ultra beasts?" Gu Ding still did not understand one thing.

"Before I caught up to you, I had already calculated the route and set it up. You should also know that I can clone myself. Those strange beasts were all lured here by my clones. " He looked at Gu Ding and continued, "Actually, I didn't set up those nanomachines to monitor the enemy's movements, but to allow us to watch the battle between these pursuers and the demons and exotic beasts."