Everything had happened so fast. I didn't even know that Jacy had been in labor all day. Why the hell would she hide it from us? Hell, she probably didn't even know. Not technically. She just thought it was par for the course.

Still, my baby was here. My little girl, my baby Maya. Jacy and I hadn't discussed names all that much, but we had mentioned a couple to each other, just one every now and then. Maya hadn't even been one of them, but I loved the name. I also like how she had combined our names to make the middle name. And when I asked Jacy later she told me it wasn't just the sounds that she combined, she even combined the spelling of them.

Deek stuck around for a while, and after Jacy was cleaned up and moved to the bedroom with little Maya, she decided to let the other visitors come in. After she put some clothes on, that is. When the three men who had come rushing over with EZ came into the room, the first words spoken by Lucian were:

"Why the hell has he seen you naked more than your mate?" He was pointing at EZ when he spoke.

"I believe that is most likely due to them getting ready for the club so much over the last seven years." I answered for my wife. "But that is just a guess, of course." I added as I looked at her.

"That is the reason. I most definitely didn't want to sleep with her. And I often complained at her to put her clothes back on." EZ laughed as he agreed.

"Oh hush, you little diva. Half the time you were telling me to strip so you could force me into something different to wear." Jacy retaliated against his words.

"That's just because your sense of fashion is atrocious." EZ pretended to shudder. "I, at least, made you a little better over time. You naturally started to choose better options, at least when we went out to the clubs."

"If I didn't, I would have had to deal with a diva tantrum."

At that moment, Maya started to cry from all the noise, and most likely because she was hungry.

"Alright, hush, both of you." I growled at them as I went to pick up my baby girl. "Your arguing woke Maya."

"Sorry." EZ flushed as he stopped his quarreling.

"Is she hungry?" Jacy was a little nervous as she asked that. She didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Most likely." Deek said as he walked over to the side of the bed. "Here, let's teach you how to breastfeed now."

"Seriously?" Jacy looked nervous. "I..I..-, th..that's, I've n..never-."

"Don't worry about it. You will pick it up easily enough and then you won't even have to worry about it. You can even pump milk so that Kyle can feed her." Deek was smiling as he gestured at me to hand over my baby.

I was protective already, and I didn't want to just hand my daughter over to him; however, he was here acting in an official capacity as the doctor so I should stop the possessiveness for now. I sighed and handed her over.

"Alright Jacy, here we go."

Deek was helping Jacy guide the baby to her nipple and tried to help her get the baby to latch. He was working with her for several minutes while the rest of the guys in the room were doing their best to look elsewhere. I had heard EZ and his two mates talking about all the time that EZ was going to be spending with Jacy and Maya for the time being. Lucian was texting on his phone to CeCe and grinning at the screen. I was glad they were doing their best to give Jacy a little bit of privacy right now.

"Ouch!" That was weird, Jacy didn't usually voice her pain unless it was intense. She had held in the labor pain until it was almost time to fucking deliver for crying out loud!

"What's wrong?" I asked as I hurried to her side, climbing up to sit on the bed next to her.

"We're having a little bit of trouble." Deek said at the exact moment that Maya started to cry again.

"What problem? What's going on?" That seemed to draw the attention of the others as they came closer, Jacy's breast still exposed, but they didn't care.

"Well, Maya is latching but she doesn't seem to be getting any milk." Deek seemed puzzled. "She should have been producing milk for the last few weeks so there shouldn't be an issue."

I watched then as Deek started to massage Jacy's breast in an attempt to coax some milk out of it. He was squeezing and pulling the breast, literally in a milking motion you might use on an animal. Or at least that is what it looked like.

"I think we're going to need to supplement for now. Did you happen to buy any formula?" Deek turned to me with a shocked look on his face, he clearly hadn't expected this. 

"No, I didn't think we would need it. Everything else is ready though. We have a pump and bottles, but no formula." I was starting to panic now. Was my baby going to starve because we hadn't gotten formula ahead of time? What was going to happen to her?

"I will go and get some." EZ jumped up off the bed. "You want the little bottles they give them at the hospital right?"

"EZ, how did-?" I started to ask, but he interrupted me.

"I have another niece and nephew, remember? I've seen them before."

"Get more than one brand, we will go back after we find out if Maya has a problem with any of them." Deek told him, ignoring everyone else in the room.

"I will go with you." Bastian offered immediately. 

"Me too." Laremy started to follow them.

It was now just Deek, Lucian, Jacy, myself, and the very unhappy and crying Maya.

"Shh. Shh. Shh." Jacy was rocking the baby in her arms, trying to calm her down. "What should I do until they get back?" She asked Deek, panic filling her voice as well.

"Let's try to pump some milk for her. That might help a little bit."

Hearing his words, I ran to get the breast pump and baby bottles that were in the other room. They had all been cleaned and sterilized ,like they were supposed to have been, so they were ready to use. I had been making sure that we had the essentials even before that baby shower today. Thinking about all the stuff that we had just gotten today that needed to be cleaned and put away made me a little more nervous. That was going to take a while.

I put that from my mind though and rushed back into the room. Deek handed me Maya and took the pump from my hands. I handed the bottles to Lucian who was just sitting there looking lost.

Maya was still crying so I patted her back and rubbed soothing circles while Deek and Jacy got the pump ready and started to try and pump milk for the baby. The machine was turned on, and I saw the pumping action start to work almost immediately. Jacy's nipple was pulled a little then the suction would release. That repeated over and over.

I could tell when Deek had turned up the power of the machine. Jacy's nipple was pulled into the funnel shaped device even more, and the suction lasted longer than it did before releasing her. Nothing was happening though, there was no milk coming out.

After a few minutes there were some bubbles seen. I thought for sure that milk was about to start flowing, or something positive at least. But nope, blood started to come out of the nipple. It was like blisters or something similar were forming on Jacy's nipple.

"Ah, holy shit that hurts." She cried out in pain just before the blood started to flow.

Deek turned the machine off immediately. He pulled the pump away and then placed a cloth against the blood soaked breast.

"This isn't good." He mumbled to himself.

"What's going on?" I asked him, confused.

"As of right now, it seems that she doesn't have any milk. It could possibly start coming in sometime in the next couple days. But, to be honest, it should have started already. At Least the colostrum anyway."

"What's that?" Lucian asked. It was the first thing that he had said since asking why EZ saw her naked.

"It's the beginning milk, it's got the most nutrients for the baby and should have been produced days ago."

Deek's explanation didn't tell me why he thought Jacy wasn't making milk, and that was what I wanted to know.

"Deek?" I called him and didn't speak again until he looked at me. "Why isn't she making milk?"

"I don't know." He just shook his head.

"You have a theory though, don't you? A guess of some sort."

"I have a guess." He agreed.

"Is it because she is an Alpha? Could that do something to her hormones?"


I could tell by the look in his eyes that my guess was the same as his. This wasn't good.

Thankfully, EZ and the others got back then. He rushed into the room with several bags filled with small, premixed baby formula.

"I got all the brands that they had. They came in four and eight packs so I got two eight packs of each. I know that won't last long with the baby needing to eat so often."

"Thank you." I gave him a look that I hoped showed all my gratitude.

Deek took the bags and dumped half of one of the little premixed bottles into a baby bottle. With the bottle ready he came to me and handed the formula ready.

"Here goes nothing." I said as I put the bottle into the baby's mouth.

She started drinking it immediately. She was finally eating and that made me happy. What didn't make me happy was that not five minutes after she ate she spit up everything that she had eaten.

"OK, so that brand doesn't sit well with her. Don't worry, this is common."

We tried a different brand at the next feeding time and again she spit it up. At the third feeding time, she did the same thing. Three of the four brands seemed to be a no go.

"She might have reflux. I wouldn't expect that in a shifter baby, but if she spits up the last one, I will have to check her for that." I didn't like the sound of what Deek was saying. I needed my baby to be OK and be able to eat.

Finally, with the last brand of formula she was able to hold it down. She didn't look particularly comfortable though.

"This brand seems to sit well with her. I suggest getting this but in a sensitive mix. Get something that will be easier on her belly and therefore easier for her to digest."

"OK.." I was nodding at Deek's words as I watched Jacy holding the baby, happy that Maya was finally able to eat.