When Ning Shibai woke up again, his eyes were black, and his hands were fixed at the bedside.

If you want to shout, your mouth is sealed.

When he was flustered, a familiar voice came from his side: "don't move, I'm here."

This is Zhan Fengli's voice, from which he stands beside her.

Ning Shibai: "why..."

At this time, Ning Shibai is lying in a ward with a foreign doctor doing a comprehensive examination for her.

Zhan Fengli stood by the bed and looked down at the woman on the bed. His eyes were deep and cold.

If she doesn't, no one knows him.

After checking and testing for four hours, the doctor turned to speak pure English to Zhan Fengli and said, "Sir, please come to the office with me."

Zhan fengliepian said to Ning Shibai on the bed, "you wait for me here, I'll come right away."

Ning Shibai's mouth is sealed and he can't speak.

This feeling of being controlled for no reason is maddening!

She silenced the fermenting anger.

Zhan Fenglie follows the doctor to the office.

shut the door.

They sat on the sofa.

"How is it?" asked Zhan Fengli in a fluent foreign language

The doctor took off the mask and laughed: "Sir, your wife is really a woman, not a transsexual. There is no doubt about that."

Zhan Fengli:?

Isn't she qianchongxi?

A mistake?

But how could it be? Everything she was good at pointed out that she was Qian Chongxi, a woman, how could she drift, how could she point guard and throw high line.

Is there such a coincidence in the world, coincidence to her and qianchongxi God like, but also coincidence to the same hobby?

I can't tell whether I'm happy or not.

Fortunately, he and she were able to have their baby. Sadly, Qian Chongxi really died

Stunned for several seconds, he asked, "how can she be treated for sleepwalking and amnesia?"

The doctor said: "generally speaking, such a serious sleepwalking is rare in adults. It is mostly caused by mental disorders, or alcohol and drug abuse. Does your wife have a hobby of drinking alcohol, or what drugs she often takes?"

Zhan Fengli thought slightly, "there's no alcohol or drugs."

"Well." The doctor nodded with approval, and then said: "I have done a comprehensive brain test for your wife. The slight nerve injury you said before has been cured. Your wife's amnesia is selective amnesia."

"For example, she may be suffering from external stimulation, or brain collision, forgetting things she doesn't want to remember, or things and people she wants to avoid, so she will lose her memory."

Zhan Fengli: "how to treat her selective amnesia."

After a pause, the doctor said, "Sir, maybe your wife doesn't want to remember the things that make her want to escape. Maybe those things make her very painful. Selective amnesia is also a kind of subconscious self-protection of patients."

Zhan Fengli

He knew nothing about her past.

The doctor also said: "selective amnesia will gradually recover after the erosion of time, but if something has a great psychological impact on her, it may be selectively forgotten all the time, but most people may be cured, and psychological induction can be adopted to induce patients to recover their memory."

Zhan Fengli said, "well," and then asked, "how to treat sleepwalking?"

Doctor: "the main cause of somnambulism is excessive mental pressure. In addition, it may be overworked during the day, and emotional excitement may also lead to somnambulism. The best treatment is catharsis to relieve her inner depression. If your wife's somnambulism does not occur frequently, it is not recommended to take drug adjuvant treatment. If the patient sleeps frequently, It is recommended to take diazepam before going to bed. "( It can't be used as a professional solution to real diseases.)


Back on the helicopter, Ning Shibai was untied, the blindfold was removed, and the seal on his mouth was torn off.

She gazed at the calm man beside her, and her beautiful eyes burst with anger.

But Zhan Feng let her glare, a pair of deep eyes can not see any emotion.

It's Ye Yan who flies the plane. There are outsiders on the scene. In addition, the plane is noisy. She can't bear the anger!

Coldly gouged out his one eye, she leaned in the seat to close her eyes, closed her eyes, Daimei is also frowning.

Back to the top platform of the imperial shadow, it was already night. After getting off the plane, she went down the stairs to her room angrily.

As soon as I went downstairs into the dining room, the black cat, like a black lightning, came up to her and followed her to the living room.

Her man, she knows, he is very assertive, and he doesn't need to tell anyone what he wants to do.

However, he was her husband, the one she trusted, the one she could trust unconditionally. He didn't even say a word and directly tied her up.

If he told her in advance that he didn't want her to see or talk, would she not cooperate with him?

Where is the basic trust between husband and wife!

"Hungry?" Zhan Fengli came to her, and his voice was as indifferent as before.

"Leave me alone!"

Ning Shibai turns his eyes fiercely, turns around and walks towards the bedroom. As soon as she takes two steps, her wrist is caught by him, and she jumps back in front of him.

He struggled hard, but his strength was so great that she couldn't break free.

It's the feeling of being controlled that drives people crazy, so crazy that they want to kill people!

She raised her chin and stared at him coldly. Beichi honed her cold strength: "Jen Dafeng, don't think my good temper to you can let you do whatever you want here. From now on, from this moment on, you are you and I, the road is facing the sky, each side! It doesn't matter if you don't get a divorce. I'll see who's dragging you to death! "

Zhan Fengli stares at this speech, a mouth of one close is silent, silent a few seconds, he opens a mouth light way: "I am for you, don't be ignorant."


Ning Shibai's anger lasted all afternoon, and her whole life was about to explode.

"I just lost my dream, and I can't cause personal attacks on others. It's good for me to bind me like a zombie? Good! Even if I'm afraid that I may cause an attack on boss Zhan, you need to tie me to check. Can you tell me in advance that you can't? "

Zhan fenglies stares at Ning Shibai, with a slight frown on his brow and a suppressed anger in his eyes.

He didn't want to let anyone know that she was the one who was checking, and he didn't want to let her know that he was by the way sure whether Qian Chongxi had changed her sex.

Binding her, sealing her mouth and covering her face are the most simple and effective ways.

Staring at her silent for several seconds, he good temper said: "is to cooperate with the doctor."

"Shit! Do you think I'm stupid? "

Ning Shibai blurted out in anger.

Zhan Fenglie's deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his anger in his eyes was faint. He put up with his voice, and his magnetic voice softened a bit: "you're a woman, keep your mouth clean."

Smell speech, the flame in Ning Shibai's head flies to the top.

Are you dismissing her rudeness?

Is she not a woman again?

Like those people, do you dislike her as a woman, not gentle enough?

My heart was so painful that I couldn't breathe

Tooth a horizontal, chin coldly proud of raise, a word: "chicken fart duck fart cat fart, heaven and earth all special horse fart!"