Chapter 500

Most ethnic minorities are very hospitable. Cui Hao dressed up as a doctor and entered the Miao village, followed by a low browed tiger behind him, which immediately caused a sensation in the Miao village. Many people took the initiative to chat up with him, and two boldly came up and asked Cui Hao if he could touch his tiger.

If a person appears in the city with a fierce tiger, it will certainly cause huge waves. However, it will not be in miaojiang. Most of the residents here are born as hunters and have strong folk customs.

"Distinguished guest, welcome to our Miao village. No guests have visited for several months. Welcome, welcome..."

Shortly after Cui Hao entered the Miao village, a middle-aged man with four young people behind him came here. He was very hospitable and saluted Cui Hao to express his welcome.

Cui Hao naturally responded with a smile and said at the same time "Ladies and gentlemen, I am a barefoot doctor who walks all over the world and knows some medical skills. I recently came to guizhai. I hope you will support me. I specialize in treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Without taking medicine or infusion, my acupuncture can be cured! Hang a pot to help the world and save all living creatures. Who has been cured of his pain and give me a free medical fee. A penny is not too little, and ten thousand is not too much!"

Since he came to the stockade to find a Guang, he must stabilize himself first. Cui Hao used his medical skills again to close the relationship between himself and the Miao stockade. His move was undoubtedly very effective. Hearing this, many people brightened up and laughed happily.

"Great! This distinguished guest is actually a doctor. Maybe his medical skill will be better than that of the witch doctor who came recently. Let's try it. Anyway, he said he could pay as much as he wanted!"

"This... Isn't very good? The rules of our Miao stronghold are to find a witch doctor when we are sick. It's the same in other strongholds. If we violate the rules, won't we give any witch doctor too much face?"

"Cut! That girl's film, if she doesn't come from the great witch family, I really want to teach her a lesson. Her medical skills are poor. She's so fond of playing tricks on people, so we don't have to pay attention to him! My ankle is getting more and more painful recently. Taking the girl's medicine, it's not good, but it's getting worse!"

With Cui Hao's cry, soon, many people from Miao Village gathered and talked. Cui Hao's hearing was excellent. In an instant, he heard the conversation between them. It seemed that he mentioned a girl... Witch doctor.

With a kind smile, Cui Hao glanced around and found an area similar to the square on the right. He smiled and said, "everyone, if any of you want to see me, you can queue up there! If you can't cure it, don't pay!"

If a hairy boy from Miao village said these words, people would naturally scoff. However, Cui Hao who spoke was an outsider, and he was followed by a fierce tiger that looked particularly fierce behind him. This kind of existence is very small at first sight, but he is definitely not that kind of liar.

Out of this mentality, many people soon followed Cui Hao to the open place and found a free table and chair. Cui Hao sat down and began to sit down.

The first person to see a doctor was a middle-aged man. He pointed to the back of his hand "Doctor, please show me. A small gray insect bit the back of my hand and gave birth to such an abscess. The witch doctor in our stockade gave me an antidote and pierced my abscess. However, instead of being cured, it made my abscess bigger. Moreover, it showed that there was ulceration and a lot of red spots all over me, It itches! "

Hearing the speech, Cui Hao looked at the pustule. If so, as people said, after watching, hearing and asking, he already knew it in his heart and nodded "The abscess on the back of your hand is caused by a kind of severe poison. Breaking the abscess directly will only accelerate the spread of its toxin. Therefore, after your abscess is pierced, the poison will spread all over your body and your life will not be long! But fortunately, you met me today, and the treatment problem is not big!"

With this, Cui Hao asked the middle-aged man to take off his coat and began to treat him.

"Shua! Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

His hands move unreasonably, and silver needles beat in Cui Hao's hands. The technique is Liu Qingfeng's flying clouds, which gives people a feeling of incomparable nature and smoothness. Everyone around has a wonderful feeling. It seems that watching Cui Hao prick a needle is a rare visual enjoyment.

A moment later, after the acupuncture, Cui Hao began to massage him and circulate his whole body's blood. Finally, he measured his back solemnly and slapped it out to drum up the dark strength in his body. This palm was unspeakable and crisp. Although its strength was not strong, Cui Hao's dark strength rushed into the middle-aged human body with a round momentum, and immediately destroyed the flow gathered by acupuncture Poison.

"Wow... Wow..."

The chest rolled back and forth, and the middle-aged man vomited two big mouthfuls of black blood in great pain. It looked shocking and terrible.

It's amazing. As soon as these two big mouthfuls of black blood spit out, he immediately feels unspeakable comfort all over his body, and the abscess on the back of his hand is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye. When the shrinkage reaches a certain degree, Cui Hao laughs "Now, the poison in your abscess has also been vented. I pierced you with a needle, and the pus flows out. You can recover in three days."

With these words, Cui Hao pierced his shriveled abscess with a silver needle. Sure enough, as Cui Hao said, there were streams of pus flowing out of the abscess, emitting a fishy smell.

With a happy smile, the middle-aged man said in surprise, "I feel no pain in the back of my hand. Moreover, I feel comfortable all over, and the red spots on my body have disappeared! You are a miracle doctor!"

"Wow! It's so powerful. It's so powerful! This medicine is much more powerful than our Witch Doctor girl who just came here recently!"

"Awesome, there are two brushes under his hand!"

Seeing Cui Hao's understatement of curing the disease of the first middle-aged man, the people present were immediately excited and talked one after another.

"Next!" with a smile, Cui Hao opened his mouth kindly.

Soon, another man began to talk about his pain

He always smiles and is very kind. Cui Hao treats patients one by one. He has the mind of a great doctor. No matter the old, the weak, the sick and the young, he is very careful and treats them equally.

Cui Hao's medical skills are absolutely against the sky. Under his treatment, men and women in Miao village have been cured. They are all grateful to Cui Hao.

This is the case when attending a clinic. It relies on powerful medical skills and word of mouth. When Cui Hao cured seven or eight patients, the gate of Miao village was already very busy. Most of them came to see the doctor, and many came to see the doctor.

Beside Cui Hao, there is a large piece of paper with a lot of money scattered on it. These are the thanks of the cured person. He doesn't care about the amount of money. He treats a person kindly. For some difficult and complicated diseases or persistent diseases, he will specially prescribe a prescription and tell the other party to take them seriously and on time.

About half an hour later, almost the whole Miao village knew about it. Many people with persistent diseases and pain flocked to ask for treatment. The news was also passed into the one month white exquisite house in the central area of Miao village.

In Miao Jiang, it is a large Miao village. Almost the central area is such a moon white exquisite house, because it is the place where witch doctors live.

The witch doctor is a member of the Miao Village specially sent by the witch family. In addition to treating the people in the village, he also conveys some orders of the ancestral court of the witch family. He is very respected. Generally speaking, the witch doctor will be assigned three subordinates, two witch warriors and a maid.

"Little master, it's not good, it's not good. A nasty foreigner came to our Miao village. He cured many people's diseases. Now the whole Miao village is praising him, and others are secretly slandering your medical skills!"

Outside the moon white exquisite house, a beautiful and petite girl quickly ran into the room. Her name was very strange. Generally, the maidservant called the witch doctor an adult, but she called the little master.