Chapter 108 - My Wealth Is Yours Too


Thank you Lee E, for gifting a castle to this book yesterday. I am grateful for your support. ^^




Sophie's marriage to Duke Romanove was supposed to be an arrangement because she asked for his help. However, she found herself feeling confused.

Duke Romanov was unlike any man she had ever met before because she could not read his mind or understand him. Sophie thought she understood his motivations towards her, but she was proven wrong. 

When Duke Romanov was actually around and they happened to be in the same room, the great banquet hall, for example, the man was polite… but still distant.

Leland treated Sophie with the amount of respect that a Luna of their pack would truly have and this would in turn influence the members of his pack to do the same.

In Sophie's eyes, as she watched the duke pull out and offer her a chair during dinner, the man was more gentle than ever. This was the first time they met again after… that night.

She thought she would be embarrassed and couldn't look him in the eye, but she was wrong. His casual attitude quickly put her to ease. Duke Romanov acted as if nothing happened and Sophie thanked him inwardly.

She wouldn't know what to do if the duke suddenly changed his attitude toward her after they had sex once.

If he looked at her with lust, or spoke to her intimately because they had been intimate before… she would feel awkward.

She remembered after Nicholas and she had sex for the first time, the connection between them went up several notches and immediately they felt such closeness for each other. She no longer felt shy or awkward being around him, even without clothes on.

But it's different with Duke Romanov. What happened between them was a transaction and no feelings were involved. 

At least on Sophie's side. She secretly prayed that it was the same for the duke. She hoped he didn't grow feelings for her.

Leland looked at Sophie with a flat expression. He could feel what she was feeling and he understood what she wanted. She hoped her new husband would pretend that the sex never happened and make no mention of it whatsoever.

Fine. Of course, he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. The thought must be bothering her so much that she didn't even realize that he already pulled out a chair for her.

"Please take a seat, Sophia," Leland softly said. He pointed at the chair. 

"Oh… th-thank you…" Sophie nodded absent-mindedly. She thanked him and sat on the chair. The man sat back on his chair and started his dinner. Servants quickly and efficiently served the sumptuous dishes, wine for the duke, and fruit wine for Sophie. They ate in silence.

This time, Sophie was grateful for the silence. She dread talking to him after they did the deed. She needed more time to get over it and act casual again around him. The man, however, didn't seem to have problems with her reluctance to speak.

Actually… he seemed like he understood what she was wanted. Sophie ate her food and stole a glance at the man beside her who ate without a sound. 

He was wearing that black leather mask again. Usually, Sophie was not really curious to know how badly disfigured his face was, but after last night when he took it off for the first time around her, she slowly felt intrigued.

What did he look like under that mask? Was it really bad? Couldn't he just let it out in the open? Perhaps, it's not actually that bad, but he just hated his face so much that he didn't want other people to see it? That happens too.

Leland who was sipping his wine could feel his mate stealing glances at him and he wondered if he should confront her about it?

Was she curious to see him without his mask? He knew she thought he was ugly or disfigured because that was the story people heard about the original Duke Ariam Romanov.

Leland didn't plan to show himself anytime soon. His face would have to come with his story and right now he didn't think she was ready to accept the whole truth.

Sophie was currently pregnant and recently lost the man she loved. If he burdened her with so much stressful information, she would feel upset and it could affect her pregnancy. 

Human females were much weaker than lycan females, so he must tread carefully during this delicate time in her life.

Leland was physically strong and Sophie would share his strength when she needed it, but mental wise? No. Sophie would have to be stronger mentally on her own. Leland could only help her by not adding to her stress.

Finally, he decided to feign ignorance, acting as if he didn't realize she was stealing glances at him.

When dinner time was over, he got up from his chair and told her he needed to do some work.

Sophie rose quickly and said she would resume doing the bookkeeping work too since that was the reason she stayed in this castle in the first place.

"You still want to do the bookkeeping work?" Leland raised a brow. He thought Sophie would understand by now that the job didn't really exist. He only created it so he could have an excuse to keep her by his side.

"Uhm… yeah… don't you need me to do the bookkeeping, my lord?" Sophie asked innocently. "I still hope we can keep our work agreement so I can make extra money for…"

For my baby, but she didn't say it aloud,

Leland shook his head. "Why would you need extra money for your child? Is my wealth not enough?"

"Huh?" Sophie didn't understand where the duke was heading with his question.

"You are my wife. My wealth is yours too," Leland explained as a matter of factly. "If you need money or anything, you can ask me. You don't need to work to make money."

There was a finality in his voice that made Sophie feel like it was rude to ask him more questions and talk back.




From Missrealitybits:

SWOON! I love men who say these words "my wealth is yours too" or "my money is your money" to their women. I think it's sexy.  What about you?

PS: I will publish more today.. Sorry, I overslept XD.