224 Artic - Chapter - 224 - Inziva -

Name:The Law God - Artic Author:Krizantem

There was only one source of light in a dark cave. This source of light was white in the color and illuminated the dark cave a little bit.

Just 5 meters from the light, a young man was sitting in a cross-legged position. His eyes were closed and his soul was calm.

This person was naturally Artic.

After taking a deep breath, Artic began to think of all his thoughts.

"To move to the level of Stairum, I must create one more law and then combine the laws I have with the new law that I have and create a whole new law."

Artic thought for himself.

The way to reach starium level was known to many Origin Level mystics. This situation, which was easy to say and explain, was extremely difficult when it came to implementation.

Many mystics didn't know what three laws to combine to create the law they wanted to create at Starium Level. It wasn't just that. He had to adapt to the laws that had been chosen to combine the law.

If someone with the Law of Fire chose the Water Law at its next level, the law was destroying all its potential. If he wanted to advance and move on to other levels, he had to start over again with a treasure after removing all his energy. The number of people and intelligent beings in this situation was not small at all.


Artic wasn't in this situation. But he still had problems with himself. He didn't want to leave the cave without choosing a new law and unifying his laws. That's why he had to make up his mind.

He had two problems he was thinking about right now.

1 "What law will I choose for The Starium?"

2 "I can reach the law of whatever law I want by choosing the Law of Glass and the Mystical Mirror law."

These two questions of Artic were unanswered. He couldn't create anything yet. Because the important question was that he couldn't answer the question, "What law should I choose for the Starium level?"

In earlier times and his thoughts, the "Law of Dimension" made sense to him. It was a powerful and logical law when you consider the powers and features that the Law of Dimension could give himself.

However, after his last battle with Lancel, he saw how weak his dimensional abilities had become through the Treasury of enemy.

That's why he had trouble with his head.

He asked the only remedy at the time, "System."

"System, tell me the appropriate ways to get to the Stairum level."

The system responded a few seconds later.

"If the user does not have system score, 10 System Points can pay after withdrawing credit."

Artic smiled slightly when he heard it.

"Does he have any interest? Or what happens if I don't pay."

The system responded after waiting a few minutes this time.

"10 System Points charge the user 10 percent interest each year."

"If the user can't pay 10 system points in 10 years, the system starts using the user's treasuries to meet the score. If it does not contain treasure, it starts to receive and pay points at certain intervals from the user's Origin or Starium Energy."

Artic asked again after gently swallowing.

"I asked what would happen if I couldn't pay."

This time, the system responded with certainty. Strangely, the normal mechanical sound of the system was slightly elevated.

"The user is destroyed by system."

Artic knew he had no choice after taking a deep breath. He didn't want to rush into it, but he knew the more he thought about these things, and the more he looked for different ways, the more confused he would be. So after a deep breath, he spoke back with the system.

"The system, I agree to withdraw interest. Give me 10 System Points, and answer the question I asked earlier."

Artic repeated the question after his remarks.

"System, tell me the appropriate ways to get to the Stairum level."

The system responded to him a few seconds later.

"The user owes 10 System Points. Each year, 1 System Score will be charged as interest.After 100 Points on System That is When the System Score reaches the "Foreclosure" the system will be activated."

"Answering the question"

Artic began to wait after the system's promises.

"The user knows the first way. This first way, as it is known, is to create a whole new law by combining the 3 laws that have been chosen at the Origin Level. The other way is a technique that other mystics do not use much and is used in secret meditation techniques of large space organizations or countries."

Artic confirmed with his head and continued to listen to the sounds of his head of pure attention.

"The name of this path is called Law-Making"

That's when Artic started to beat his heart. He didn't expect such an answer naturally. But the system continued to speak without caring about its different moods or bodily state.

"Law-Making is when a person combines the other 3 laws to create a law that is not around.Or not not possible to learn by any normal means. The user takes the characteristics of the other laws he has and creates a whole new law. For this reason, he can use all three previous laws, albeit mildly, and have a "special" law that no one else has."

Artic was unaware that such a system existed. But it crossed your mind. So he couldn't help but ask the other question he had in mind.

"Will you give us information about law-making."

After waiting a few seconds, the system started talking again."

"If the user wants to create a law, he must first create the last law at the Origin Level. It should then bring the level of each law to a certain point and strengthen it with its knowledge and thoroughly recognize the characteristics of the laws. Then the law will occur spontaneously and due to the change in quality, the person will pass starium energy."

Artic more or less understood. But he had another question on his mind.

"What are the disadvantages of law-making?"

"Overall, there is no clear disadvantage. Only the user may have difficulty finding "Spell" for the law outside the system."

That's when Artic started getting angry again. That's the second time he'd heard the word "Spell." He didn't know exactly what it meant. The system understood his thoughts that he had responded directly to himself.

"There is a difference in quality and power between Starium Energy and Origin Energy. Origin Energy is used to use the laws that a person has, while Starium Energy can be transmitted within the use of the general laws in nature. Thanks to Starium Energy, you can use the different laws created by other Starim Level mystics.But of course if a person has a law that he created throught his means.You cant use it"

Artic didn't understand.

"How can I use that law and attack and defenses or capabilities, even if it's not mine?"

The system responded within seconds.

"If the user learns about the necessary "Spell", he can use Starium Energy and use the capabilities of different laws. But the user should know that the energy expenditure of different laws is 10 times, sometimes even 100 times higher. But it can still save the person at the right times."

Artic didn't know how many deep breaths he'd taken.