Chapter 54: Akira and sub-system

Name:The Legacy System Author:
Eric was able to wake up only after 7 or 8 hours since the information he had just gone through was too big for him to process.

It was too much information about him at the moment, not to mention that this was his first time, well second but the first didn't count since it was his own memories.

Those memories were slowly being downloaded into his brain with the help of the system. But the most important memories were there.

Like the betrayal of his little brother and Tina, the betrayal of those guys he called brothers, the fact that S-day was coming.

But there were still many empty spots in his memory, since it was 1000 years of information, he still had much to recover.

The fact that his memories weren't complete could be an explanation for his mood changes and emotional state at some moments.

Sometimes he behaved like an old sage, and sometimes like an 18 years old teenager. Until the memories and soul perfect fusion he would be like this probably.

There was nothing he could do about it right now, his system was already helping him make the transition easy, while still running without a glitch.

So for the time being he just had to adapt and improve, there were no other options. But now he had to think of a way to deal with the two ladies.

While he couldn't let them go out easily since they might hinder his plans, he couldn't kill them either. Tina because, she had yet a lot to suffer, and Akira because she could be a good pawn.

With these thoughts in mind, he was trying to think of a possible scenario where he could have the best of both worlds.

Akira was easy, as long as he gave her Daisuke to torture every once in a while she would be by his side. When he was done with him, she could even kill him, it didn't matter much to him.

But the problem was Tina, he couldn't make her disappear and say she went to some relatives because she didn't have them.

Saying that she tried to kill Daisuke would raise problems with how to deal with his little brother Michael. So he seemed to have a lack of ideas.

Then thinking about it a bit more, while Daisuke and Yuuji Shiro were staying by his side as guards, he was remembered of something.

In the midst of the guards that Yuuji Shiro had brought with him, there was one trash that had connections to a higher-up of the Yakuza.

So he thought of having Tina kill him, and then spread the rumors that she killed him trying to protect Daisuke.

So this would explain why Daisuke would keep Michael even closer, while Tina disappeared from the stage. He felt saying really well done to himself, these childish thoughts of his.

He didn't have much time to lose right now, so he first got up from the Sofa and made for the table, where Tina and Akira were still unconscious.

Thinking for a moment though, he looked up at Yuuji Shiro, and then said,

Eric:" Shiro leave here and continue with your business, we are going to talk again later. Take all the guards and leave only that arrogant pr*ck."

Immediately Shiro acknowledged his orders and fixing his clothes a bit he made for the door and left the place. Leaving behind only the guy Tina had to kill.

After this Eric took a big glass of water, and immediately emptied it on Akira's face. Akira was awakened with a startle and didn't know what was happening for a moment.

Then she was even more startled seeing Eric in front of her, while Daisuke stands behind him like a servant.

This didn't really make sense, what was happening in here. Where was Daisuke's boss? What happened to him? Why was Eric standing in front of her with a big grin?

But then she was stupefied hearing Eric's next words,

Eric:" Good morning partner! Or should I say traitor, since you were working with that b*tch over there behind my back!

Well, that doesn't matter anymore, anyway! I have a new proposal for you though. Tell me, partner, would you like to take revenge about your unborn baby's death?"

If the first words, stupefied her, the last words enraged her, and bloodlust was taking over her body. With a really threatening voice, she said,

Akira:" How do you know about that!?"

Eric didn't seem to change his face though, he just looked her in the eyes, and said with the same calmness of earlier,

Eric:" That doesn't matter partner. What matters is the answer to my question. Do you want to take revenge or not?

If you do, I can give you the right to torture Daisuke as much as you want, at that chamber of yours, with the only condition that you don't kill him, and cause too much visible damage!

How do you say?"

Akira didn't know what to say, this was the offer of her dreams. The only reason she was still alive to this day, was her desire for revenge towards the monsters that killed her unborn baby.

She was ready to sell her soul to the devil just to make sure this happened. So looking directly in his eyes with her blood-red eyes, she asked with a solemn voice,

Akira:" Are you serious!?"

Eric expected such an outcome because most probably he would do the same for his kids, so he continued with his calm voice,

Eric:" Of course, I am serious. But nothing comes free in life ex-partner! If you want that chance, from now on you will have to swear to be my slave, and live the rest of your life for me.

If I hear the simplest disobedience from you, your life will be over, and your revenge will be left midway. So how do you say!?"

Akira too already expected such a thing to come. Nothing was free in this life, people just liked to live in the illusion that it was.

She was selling her soul to the devil, but as long as she was able to take her revenge it would be worth it. She hated those monsters so much.

So without the need to think much about it, because right now there was no rationality left in her head, she said with a determined voice,

Akira:" I swear, to become your slave, your toy, your pet, whatever you wish. As long as you help me achieve my revenge, my life, body, and soul belong to you."

At this moment though, Eric took an unexpected notification.

! Congratulations! The host has completed the hidden mission, make someone subjugate to you through free will!

The host has gained the ability Sub-systems!

Sub-systems Rarity SSS Level 1--- 1 slot Upgradable 100 SP Level 2—3 slots

This ability allows the Host to bestow upon people who truly subjugate to him the chance to become his subordinates. The subordinate will have a similar sub-system to the host.

The subordinate will keep all the Experience points, but everything else, like his abilities, SP points, skill points, etc, will be managed by the Host.

! Notice!

1- In case that the subordinate tries to use his power against the main system holder, then he will immediately die, and the sub-system will be disconnected from him.

2- In case that the main system holder dies, then all the sub-system users will die with the host.

This new ability was bonkers! It was truly amazing! He never expected such a thing to happen. It was even better than the slave seal.

With this he could have a big army, working for him, farming points for him, and helping him to grow stronger.

The only problem was to find people that would truly subjugate their souls to him. While it was easy with Akira, it was because of her emotional state, and determination.

But in a world where people live by hypocrisy finding people who would truly subjugate to him, would be really difficult.

Anyway, now was not the time to think about that, because he got another notification,

!! Does Host desire to use the sub-system slot on Akira YES/NO

Looking directly into Akira's eyes, he said with a happy look and tone,

Eric:" You are truly a wonder Akira, right now I am going to bestow upon you something even better than just revenge, but you have to be careful not to forget your master.

Otherwise, you will be dead, sooner than you think. Now just rest, when you wake up, this trash will be waiting here for you."

Akira didn't understand what he meant, she was still thinking only of her revenge, but she had already made her oath, there was no turning back for her now.

She had no other choice but to believe and trust her Master. As for Eric, he was thrilled by the new ability, his teenage emotions were getting the best of him right now.

He considered it a rare occasion that Akira subjugated to him in all body, mind, and soul, so without delaying anymore he clicked on the YES button.

Right after that, Akira lost consciousness once again, while the sub-system got installed, while Eric's right side of the interface screen was showing the installing process and its percentage.

Soon there would be Akira's sub-system stats, and everything else. He just couldn't wait to see how it would work out.

But that would have to wait for later. He still had some other things to take care of. Firstly dealing with Tina.

For that reason, he ordered Daisuke to call the only left guard at the door, the arrogant pri*k. Eric didn't have to look long at him, to know he was just weak trash, floundering his connections.

So without waiting to hear his cr*p he moved forward and stabbed him right through his heart with a kitchen knife.

Then he went to the still unconscious Tina, and emptied another glass of water, and awakened her startled. She didn't understand what was happening right now.

That guy was still writhing on the floor, and blood was flowing out like a small spring, while…