Chapter 192: Stalemate broken & Shock

Name:The Legacy System Author:
Everyone was totally shocked and dumbfounded by what they heard, as they saw that skinny guy head out towards the guard in a swift run, and then behead him instantly.

The blood started flowing from the guy's neck, as it spread through the place in there but none of the people in the area could react in time.

Even if they could, what would they have done, especially now that they saw his head rolling on the ground, as blood was hitting up, and falling down like rain!

Everyone who had his eyes on this was left speechless for a moment, as all they did was look at the results, and what had just happened.

Even Eric who had been ready to kill this scum, and a few other guards in order to incite a reaction was stopped in his tracks, as he just looked at what just happened.

This was totally unexpected, not only for him but for the whole crowd, as right now only that guy who was supposed to be the captain of the newcomers didn't seem to get surprised at this.

In fact, he looked a bit angry at what the scene that was in front of him, just like that skinny guy. He seemed like a cat who had just been stepped on its tail.

This just made the whole scene even more interesting to watch upon, as it was clear that these guys had a relation with that hooded lady, not to say that she might be the reason why they were here.

Coming to this understanding Eric just got more curious about her face and identity. It didn't happen every day for someone to behead some guy just because he thought to behave dirty with a young lady.

Furthermore, that guy seemed to be furious to no extent, like that lady was his girlfriend or fiancé or something.

But then why would such a young lady appear in a place, and in a position like this!? It didn't make sense, and whoever was in his place would be curious about it.

With this thought on his mind, he quickly recollected himself, as he then walked towards her, and approached the scene slowly.

The skinny guy on the other hand didn't seem to be satisfied with beheading just one of them, as he moved quickly and swiftly to behead two others that were close to him.

But beheading wasn't the only thing he did, as at the same time he plucked their eyes, and even cut their manhood's, and family jewelry.

The scene became quite gory and disgusting, but he didn't seem to care much about it. In fact, he looked at what he did with satisfaction, and a bit of arrogance.

His face was saying that it was really fun doing what he did and that he was proud of his work. After all, he only took less than 20 seconds to do this.

No matter who it was they would be stunned by all this, well maybe everyone besides Eric who was stunned and dumbfounded for another reason right now.

"Fuck me! For the love of Heavens, how is this possible!?"

At this moment he truly couldn't believe his eyes, as for a moment he even lost his control over his stealth ability, and couldn't help but exclaim those words.

Who could blame him after all, the shock he had just experienced was beyond belief. He even rubbed his eyes for once, and then looked again.

It couldn't be possible! He must be watching some dream, or some nightmare he thought! Otherwise how it would be possible.

A beautiful girl with blackish-brown hair, and amazing brown eyes that could bewitch every man on the face of the earth.

Even though her face was a bit dirty, and blackened she was a true beauty. Her skin was sweaty and oily but it still had a special charm to it.

Her lips were a beautiful cherry color, and looked really tasty, especially with that small bite mark on them, that seemed to be self-inflicted.

Her small nose and her sharp eyebrows seemed to be the only extension to make her beautiful face look perfect, as he just like every other man was unable to take his eyes off her.

But her beauty wasn't what made him stupefied right now, but it was her everything, her face, her presence, her soul wavelength.

He was lost on his stun, and shock for a few moments, as he wasn't able to make sense of it, and he almost got hit by a shuriken thrown at him, that he managed to escape from only in the nick of time.

If it weren't for his senses and instincts ringing like some alarm clock inside him, then he would have certainly been hit by that thing, and even though he might not die, he would surely get badly injured.

But that wasn't the end of his trouble, as it was only the beginning, as the next instant two fists, two kicks, and two heels were upon him from different sides.

If one looked at this scene they would think that this is some kind of gift-wrapping process, where instead of the gift an alive man would be wrapped, and instead of wrapping paper, human attacks would do.

Earlier Eric had completely lost it for a few moments, but now in face of an emergency, he forgot about the stun, as he immediately jumped high.

It looked like he had thought that the two attacks, and the people releasing these attacks, were the weakest, and also the weak link of the formation, so he decided to escape by dealing with them.

The moment his attackers saw this happen, they immediately showed a smile on their faces, as they speed up towards the target.

The people attacking Eric were clearly the burly man, the Young Miss, and their guards, as right now coming for his head from above were two of their trusted guards.

The main duo seemed to block any possible way of escape for him and making it look like the sky was the best way for him to escape his predicament.

In fact, the two guys above were certainly the weakest among the attackers in terms of physical and strength, but they had a different kind of strength that others didn't.

Courage, and loyalty towards their Master's words, and orders. This time they were ordered that even if they had to die, they would have to try and stop Eric.

In other words, they were kamikaze attackers, whose only life goal remaining was to stop Eric at all costs.

But that was no problem for Eric as he had already decided to kill these guys, and he wasn't planning only to escape them, but also rack up his SP points.

With these thoughts in mind he immediately took out his 'Silent Reaper' and by doing a stunning turn in mid-air using his saved momentum, he dodged their attacks, and slit their throats.

Whoever was able to have a look at it would be amazed by his agility and dexterity, as he looked like some kind of ballerina in the air, a really deadly one at that.

The two guys who had been trying to use their bodies, and deaths to stop him had totally failed in their attempts, the disparity in their levels was just that big.

If they had been in the same level, or a bit stronger than Eric then perhaps they had a chance to stop him or get in his way for others to come, but in this case, was useless.

In Eric's eyes they were both level 24, and compared to him they were much weaker. Even though he killed them both with one move Eric didn't show his real strength.

What he showed was only around level 26 or something, but still, it was nothing short of a miracle seeing him kill those two with such ease.

The audience was clearly startled at this, as they got even more concentrated on this new arrival. While the strength he had shown was clearly below them, they didn't dare to think this was the case.

Furthermore, if they thought about his stealth skills too, then Eric became their number one threat in this place.

Right now, the captain of the team started feeling like he shouldn't have thrown that warning shuriken towards the masked guy.

If he only knew how much he would regret that decision in the near future, but right now he could only watch the situation unfold.

Two of the six attackers were killed, as the other guards seemed to have regained their clarity and were stuck in a melee with the skinny guy.

Seeing how the situation stood at the moment, the captain thought of taking advantage of it, and finish with what he had to do really quick.

So, he gave a signal to his team, and they immediately landed on the ground as hawks, as they made their way towards the skinny guy.

Their move was sudden but not unexpected, as they were easily clearing their way with the guards, even though they had bigger numbers.

Seeing this scene unfold Eric was clearly angry beyond his boundary, as not only was he stuck with a fight he didn't want, but also his SP points were disappearing in front of him.

The more he saw that happen the angrier he got, as he immediately killed the remaining two guards, and managed to slip from the control of the burly man, and the Young Miss, as he entered stealth mode once again.

The two of them were truly pissed off at this happening, but they became even more so looking at the situation of their people.

They didn't know who these new guys were, but they certainly wouldn't allow them to bully them in their own place.

In the meantime Eric was once again reminded of the face he had seen under that hoodie, he still couldn't believe it was her…