Chapter 248: Taking down a Small Camp

Name:The Legacy System Author:
Not too far away from the border, Eric was staying on the outskirts of a small camp composed of tents, and some small sentry-like structures.

Even though he was quite a bit far from the camp, he could feel their lack of security and order. More like a camp, it seemed like a bunch of tents brought together.

There were around 200 or more people inside the camp, where the male made up for 25-30% of it, while the rest were females and children.

The proportions were clearly unequal, but this was what survival of the fittest mean. Most of these women and children were captured with their families, as their men had died trying to protect them.

Well more than to just protect them, their men had died because they hadn't accepted to hand over their wives, their daughters, their children to the beasts with guns controlling the camp.

But how could they actually fight against these demons, no matter how much they tried, in front of the bullet they were nothing more than air balloons, falling dead with one bullet through their heart or head.

After their death, with or without their desire, the beasts' wish was fulfilled. If the women were beautiful and according to the commander's wish, he would be taking them to his tent.

If they weren't to the commander's tastes, then the underlings could start sharing them amidst themselves.

After the selection, and separation were done, everyone could go his way and do whatever they wanted to do.

After that night the women would become the property of the people who had them, losing their values, and freedom, only to live a pathetic life.

Looking at the scene in front of him through his binoculars, coupled with his sharp eyesight, Eric could see that these guys seemed to have just returned from a haul.

This time it looked like they had a poor one, as they had captured only two families of 5 and 6 members each.

Since they were brought here by force, the members of the two families had their clothes tattered, and some injuries on their bodies, but still alive.

The men in the camp were looking at the ladies with wolf-like eyes, as they were doing their best to control themselves after seeing their underwear look through their tattered clothes.

The ladies weren't bad, especially two 18 or 19 years old looking girls. Even though the two girls looked like some wild animals in tattered clothes, they were beauties.

It was clear that all the men in there were looking at them with lustful eyes, as the girls could only look back with anger, rage, hate, and fear mixed all together.

Their fathers immediately took the front, as they were trying to protect them from the beasts in front of them, saying something that he couldn't understand.

It was at that time that their commander or it would be more appropriate to say their boss, came out of his tent to have a look at the catch.

With just a look at the guy, Eric could understand that he had just come out from a steamy session of pleasure, and he looked a bit worn out.

Once he looked at the two girls though, his worn-out expression seemed to disappear, as he seemed to become a new beast.

A devilish grin appeared on his face, as he even licked his lips like he had seen some really tasty and delicious meal.

Without even fully approaching the catch, he immediately gave some instructions in their language and turned around to walk towards his tent, as the mob around him set to obey the instructions.

2 guys from the mob walked forward, and made their way towards the girls, while their fathers were blocking the way.

The moment those 2 guys tried to pass behind the 2 fathers, they each sent a punch towards their target, only for their punches to never reach.

'Bam, bam!'

2 bullets passed through their heads, as they fell dead on the floor, completely shocking the two girls and other members of their family behind.

They had never expected that their last line of defense would fall in front of their eyes so easily, dead.

Before the two girls could even process what had just happened and start crying, the two mobsters had grabbed them by the hand and were pulling them towards the commander's tent.

Even though the two girls started crying, screaming, and shouting insults, probably, at the 2 mobsters, they weren't strong enough to break free, so they were being pulled away.

The other members of the family were the two mothers, and their children, who were in shock, and trauma after what happened to their fathers.

The two mothers were devastated, but they still managed to forcibly maintain their composure and try to block their children's sight.

These kids were no more than 15 years old, there were 2 boys looking around 12 or 13 years old, and the rest were even younger girls, at around 5 to 9 years old.

Since the captain had made his selection, it was time for the mob to make the separation of the leftovers, as one of the deputy captains was looking at one of the mothers.

While the other one was looking at one of the small girls, she looked nothing more than 9 years old, yet the look of lust on that animal's face was incredible.

Eric normally wouldn't care much about others, and he wouldn't judge even if a 100, 1.000, or 1-millennium old monster would get with an 18 years old girl or vice versa.

Only one thing was out of the question, kids. If it was a relationship of free will, and whatever feeling when both partners were mature that was something acceptable.

But a young kid who had yet to form completely, who had yet to understand the outside world, its rules, and his part, was completely out of the questions.

Whoever tried something like that was nothing short of an animal, nothing short of a monster. That he had no intention of letting him live.

With that decision taken, he immediately took three knives from his space ring and threw them towards the sentries.

Without even looking if his knives had hit the target or not, he continued running towards the camp, as he took out two muffled pistols, and started firing at the targets in front of him.

Even though firing while moving, and especially with mufflers was really difficult to hit the target, none of his bullets missed, as the System rewarded him the points for the targets he took down.

It was only when he killed the 13th target, that the mob finally understood that something was wrong, and they turned their heads towards their friends, only to see them down on the ground.

Each kill had been headshot, so none of those guys had been able to react to that, as they only understood something was wrong when they heard the falling sound of the 13th guy.

Seeing that he had been found out, Eric didn't proceed with head shooting his victims, as he started shooting them on their legs.

It seemed like he had suddenly changed his mind, from killing them to crippling them, and he was certainly effective, even though he needed to fire two bullets for each target now.

The mob was startled and shocked at first, as they weren't able to completely see him, and it was really difficult to process what was going on in front of them.

But soon their panic, brought them out of their stupor, as they started screaming and shouting in their language.

Their voices were loud and would wake up from the sleep even the sleeping beauty without needing to kiss her, but the reaction to those screams and shouts was truly pathetic.

The first enforcement after the shout arrived when Eric had reached the camp, and needless to say, it was useless, as he received two bullets on his legs, and fell down on the ground like a sack.

By the time the second, and the third reinforcements got out of their tents, Eric had reached the commander's tent and could sense that the commander was pointing a shotgun towards the entrance.

There were more than 10 women inside the tent, as well as those two guys were still holding down the two girls they brought here, tying them up to some weirdly made-up beds, and pulling their guns.

Eric wasn't an idiot to jump in front of a shotgun, so he decided on the best decision, as he captured one of the guys he had just crippled, put a bullet through his forehead, and threw him towards the tent.

The moment that guy touched the entrance of the tent, it looked like a festival of firecrackers started all of a sudden, and many holes started bleeding through his body.

In just 3-4 seconds he had turned into some kind of pasta drainer, as his blood was flowing without stopping.

Fear and panic are truly scary things! People don't care about anyone else but themselves, and their survival in those cases, and this guy was a clear example of that.

Not wanting to take his chances, Eric immediately took a second body, and putting a bullet through his forehead too, threw him towards the tent's entrance.

Once again, the firecrackers started exploding, but this time two of his targets had moved from their positions, and he could easily shoot them without risking the women inside the tent.

Just like with all others he shoot them on the legs, crippling them, but these two guys were special so they lost their hands too.

The only one left was the commander, who saw his last two subordinates' condition, turned around, and started escaping through the back entrance.

Only to get one bullet on each leg, and one in the ass…