Approaching the new year and entering the new year's file, the cinema is always very busy and busy making money.

The same is true of the stock market. Most of them will have a small market, commonly known as the new year red envelope.

Chen Xiangxi, director of Securities Department of Hailian cinema, is also very busy recently. I don't know who has hot money eyeing Hailian stocks.

Hot money used Mengren to announce the news of opening two new plays for Huang Bo this year, which created rumors of Mengren and sea union joint shooting in the stock market, and even pulled several trading boards, attracting the attention of the CSRC.

The CSRC suspended the Hailian cinema line, temporarily suspended the trading of stocks for self-examination to confirm the authenticity of the rumors, and resumed trading after announcing to the shareholders.

Chen Xiangxi has been busy these two days. However, Liu Qianqian's call has added a bit of anxiety to his busy work.

"To the west, have you seen yesterday's entertainment news? The heroine of meteor garden has been confirmed."

"Just be sure. The boy doesn't give face at all. I called him several times and he didn't agree to let you shoot."

"Well... I think I know why."


"Because the protagonist is Jon."

"Oh... Who? Who did you say?"



Hanging up, Chen Xiangxi couldn't take care of his work. He hurried to search the Internet and saw a lot of reports about the heroine of meteor garden. Click to open one at random. Before you can see the contents, you can see a beautiful fixed makeup photo at a glance.

In the picture, who else can it be if it's not his niece Chen Qiaoen!

How could it be Jon?

There is no mistake!

How did she get together with cute people?

Shall I tell my second brother?

Needless to say, how can you hide such a big thing?

Near noon, Chen Xiangxi received a call from his second brother.

"Third, have you read the news on the Internet?"

"Ah, what news?"

"Don't pretend to be silly. I'll ask you, did you know or didn't you know about Jon's resignation as an actor?"

"I also called Qianqian to know."

"This girl is going too far. She dares to make decisions without telling her family about such a big thing. If Xia Zong of Xiangjiang hadn't called me, I would have been kept in the dark!"

Hearing the anger in the second brother's tone, Chen Xiangxi tentatively asked, "second brother, what are you going to do?"

"I've asked my secretary to book a ticket. I quit my good work and run to be a performer. I'll go to Yanjing and bring her back in person..."


"Deadly ID" was released in the United States for four months, and finally fell out of the picture.

The release time of American films is different from that of China.

In China, there are thousands of screens.

A movie is shown in the cinema. Because the key period is 30 days, the standard release time is one month. If the box office is not good, there are many films for one-week tour, three-day tour and one-day tour. If the box office sells well, we will also apply for a key extension, and the release time will be increased by one week, two weeks or one month.

In the United States, there are tens of thousands of screens.

Although the number of screens is also closely related to the box office, due to the large number of screens in the United States, the new film can generally last three months after its release. As long as it is not the "heinous" of the poor box office, the most is to reduce the number of screens, so as not to fall out of the picture in an all-round way.

Anyway, the revenue source of the cinema is not all counting on the box office share, as well as the sales of food and beverage, advertising revenue, unit sales, gift cards and membership cards.

It is worth mentioning that food and beverage sales.

In American cinemas, the price of medium packs of popcorn and medium drinks may even be higher than the ticket price of the film.

Due to Fox's bad behavior at the beginning of the release of fatal ID, the offline time was also delayed by a month. However, the listing time of audio-visual products is also postponed for one month, which still has a certain impact on Meng people's income.

Fortunately, fox made some concessions in the distribution of interests around audio-visual products.

The U.S. box office finally stopped at the $43 million mark. Other countries and regions have not yet finished painting, and the box office is still growing. According to preliminary estimates, the global box office must exceed $80 million.

90 million... If it can be shown in China, it should be no problem.

Of course, this is a joke. Fatal ID is doomed to be out of touch with the domestic market.

However, the global box office of more than $80 million is enough to shock the whole Chinese film world. Over the years, how many Chinese films have achieved such good results overseas?

The most important thing is that this film is not a kung fu film, but an investment of millions.

At the beginning of 2005, Meng was a tonic for all Chinese film people.

Overseas markets do not seem so difficult as imagined.

Cute people can. Why can't we?

Innovation is difficult. You can always have some soup with the trend!

Cute people don't have that high awareness. The happiest thing is the huge profits created by fatal ID for the company.

Overseas is really full of gold!

According to the $80 million box office, Meng Ren gets 15% of the box office share, which is also $12 million. Even after deducting all kinds of taxes, it is equivalent to RMB 50 million or 60 million.

"No thief in the world" the profits of the three investors don't add up so much!

Considering the future sales of audio-visual products

In the face of domestic video websites taking the initiative to buy the copyright of fatal ID at a high price, Meng people can't afford much interest.

"... I know, Mr. Luo. Can you blame me? I didn't get the Dragon logo at the beginning, and I didn't expect the overseas box office to be so high."

"Don't worry. We'll have a chance to cooperate next time. Let's get a big one and force it abroad."

"One more thing. How did the sword come about? How long has it been? Can I see it in my lifetime?"

"It deserves to be CCTV. It's the same as government departments."

"No, I'm going to get into the elevator. When will you come to Yanjing, I'll buy you a good drink."

Hang up, Mai Xiaoyu walks into the elevator and presses the button on the 18th floor.

He now has a better and better impression of Lao Luo, because the other party pays attention to scale, not greedy.

Like shooting "meteor garden", Comrade Luo didn't call and had to take a share.

This kind of 99.99% money making thing, no one will incarnate * * and separate the meat from the mouth.

They just made a phone call to fight for the corner of "Chinese Fir" for xuexiaoning, and he refused in the name of "xuexiaoning non cute member or artist".

Lao Luo has a long-term vision. Influenced by the recent reports on the overseas box office of deadly ID, he urged Mai Xiaoyu to make persistent efforts to make a blockbuster and collect the wool of audiences all over the world.

They can also benefit from the investment, and can ensure that the Dragon logo is released in China.

At that time, Optimus should dare to play hooligans. They will let Optimus see who is more hooligan.

This can and must be. The lambs in the United States are all wrapped. Unfortunately, the time is not ripe.

At 6:30 pm, Mai Xiaoyu came home.

I came back a few days ago and ran to the door to meet me: "brother wheat, you're back!"

Touching his comfortable head, Mai Xiaoyu said, "go change your clothes and call your sister Jon. Let's go out for dinner."

"Sister Jon is out."

"When did you go out?"

"Half an hour ago, she seemed to answer the phone and said that a friend came to Yanjing. She asked me to tell you that you don't have to wait for her to have dinner tonight."

Mai Xiaoyu nodded in his heart: "did she say any friends?"