She breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I want the bag of clothes from shopkeeper Shen, and I'll give you the money right now."

"Are you rich now?"

Of course she is rich, Zhao'er now has more than two taels of silver in total, and just now Su Lan gave her another five taels, which is naturally enough.

At the same time, Shen Ping laughed a little, "Well, I forgot that you had visited her before, so I came here, so she wouldn't take advantage of me." The voice was very small, like a murmur, and Zhao'er only cares about it. I had to look at the clothes, but I didn't hear clearly.

"I'll find a guy to call a car for you, and you, a little girl, can't transport these things."

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Shen."

After seeing Zhao'er off, Shen Ping turned around and went into the pawn shop.

Although he is called the third shopkeeper, he is not the third shopkeeper of this store, but the third shopkeeper of the whole "Herongsheng". He will only stay in Xia County permanently under his deliberate request.

Shen Ping is the son of the Shen family, his father is the chief manager of the Shen family, and he has been a servant with the third young master Shen Fu since he was a child. It was not until he became an adult that he was released to become a shopkeeper.

"If she comes again next time, just do as I told you before."

"Yes, shopkeeper."


Just after noon, the clerk Ah Cai came to deliver meals to Xue Tingxiang.

Boss Chen said it was simple food, but in fact the food was not bad, with one meat and one vegetable, and one soup. Xue Tingxiang knew very well that Boss Chen was taking care of him deliberately. How could anyone hire someone to copy books, take care of tea and food, and the wages they paid were not low.

It was because he knew it in his heart that he didn't say no. In this case, the refusal retained his character, but it seemed too petty and hypocritical.

It can only be repaid in the future, Xue Tingxiang thought lightly in his heart.

After eating, when the man came to clean up the dishes, he said that he could rest for an hour. There is a chaise longue available in this room, and of course you can go to the front to read a book to pass the time.

In fact, the latter sentence is the key point, Xue Tingxiang was not pretentious, after cleaning his hands, he went forward.

This store may not seem big, but it has a lot of books of all kinds, ranging from rural tales to books about the imperial examination, and there are many books about the imperial examination.

Since the former dynasty, the imperial examination has used eight-legged essays as the standard style, with strict regulations, and even restrictions on the length of sentences, the number of words, the level of rhymes, and even the scope of questions.

Stereotype essays take questions from the Four Books and Five Classics, and are composed of eight parts: breaking the title, inheriting the title, starting the lecture, starting, starting the essay, middle section, back section, and binding the section. It seems rigid and rigid, but in fact it is not easy to do a good stereotyped essay. If you really think that only reading the Four Books and Five Classics is enough, you are wrong. Not to mention astronomy and geography, at least you have to be involved in all aspects, so that you can write a good article full of flowers and content.

In that dream, Xue Tingxiang won the Jinshi with the 21st place in the second class, and was admitted to the Hanlin Academy after passing through the hall. He should have been on a steady rise since then, but because he offended someone, a majestic Hanlin was sent down. The kind of place where the birds don't shit is an official.

Xue Tingxiang pursed his lips slightly, feeling that he was thinking too much, after all, he is not even a child now, let's think about the present.

So, without thinking too much, he took out a book from the bookcase and read it quietly.

During this period, customers from the bookstore came to sell some pens, ink, paper and inkstones, or came to buy books, always interrupting Xue Tingxiang's reading.

Seeing this, Boss Chen said: "Brother Xue, you can take the book to the back and read."

Xue Tingxiang looked at him in surprise: "This..."

"It's okay, it's not bad for your book."

Xue Tingxiang was silent, bowed deeply in salute, and then went back.

When Xue Tingxiang woke up, he heard Boss Chen talking outside and Zhao'er's voice at the same time.

"Where did you get this big bag?" Boss Chen looked at Zhao'er in surprise, and asked for the bag at her feet that was much bigger than her.

Zhao'er was sweating profusely and said: "Uncle Chen, I got it from the county, and so did the man from the car dealership. They only helped me to the intersection and left me behind. I wanted to be dragged to the car dealership. But thinking that my brother is still here..."

Boss Chen laughed, and called his assistant: "Ah Cai, come and help little brother Zhao'er carry the things in." Then he said to Zhao'er: "Come in and have a drink and rest before leaving."

"Uncle Chen, what a shame."

"When you were bargaining with me, you were never polite, but now you are more polite." Boss Chen pretended to stare.

Generally speaking, Boss Chen is an elegant and humorous person.

Xue Tingxiang also came out to help, and asked, "What's in it? Why is it so heavy? Where did you get it?"

Not to mention it was really heavy, Ah Cai tried a few times but couldn't lift it, only three people could lift it.

"I got it from a pawn shop. If I can sell this package, my sister will have enough money to send you to the Qinghe Academy."

Zhao'er hadn't realized that he had slipped up, but Xue Tingxiang had. He glanced at Boss Chen, and Zhao'er understood what he said at this moment, and looked at Boss Chen with some guilt: "Uncle Chen, I will explain to you later."

She was a little anxious, and without asking the two of them to help, she lifted the big bag and carried it on her shoulders. The big bag pushed her to one side, but she still stopped, and she quickly carried the things inside.

Ah Cai praised: "It doesn't look like she is strong, she is so strong."

Here, Xue Tingxiang looked at the back and pursed the corners of his mouth, while Boss Chen's eyes darkened.

Xue Tingxiang looked up at Boss Chen, and walked towards him.


Zhao'er found a place to put down the big bag, then went to wash his hands and face to clean up his body, and then A Cai led him to see Boss Chen.

Seeing Boss Chen, Zhao'er felt a little guilty. But she didn't intend to continue to lie to Boss Chen, because Boss Chen is a good person. Not to mention the benefits he gave her before, just because he asked the little man to copy books for such a high price, let him read books here, and take care of the lunch at noon, Zhao'er can no longer continue to deceive.

In fact, Zhao'er is not a liar, it's just that she concealed her gender, and then the so-called workmanship is just collecting some vegetables and selling them to make some purses or something.

"Uncle Chen..."

Boss Chen sighed and waved his hands: "Okay, you don't need to say anymore, you are a girl, and you are really embarrassing."

Zhao'er looked surprised, her round eyes widened.

Boss Chen laughed a little and said, "Your little husband has already told me everything."

"He, what did he say..." Zhao'er stammered, still in disbelief. Because she knows that the little man always pays attention to face and has a lot of thoughts, and she doesn't like to mention her as his child bride-in-law in front of outsiders, and the Xue family's bad things.

"I've said everything that needs to be said." After a pause, Boss Chen asked, "Look at how surprised you are, isn't it still a secret?"

Zhao'er laughed awkwardly, and faltered: "That's not true, it's just that he's young, and people in our village hate him. People always think that I'm older than him, and my daughter-in-law teases men and laughs at him."

The same sentence sounds different to different people.

Boss Chen couldn't help but want to laugh, but Xue Tingxiang outside had mixed feelings in his heart.

That's why she always called herself sister, so in the dream he was old, but she didn't want to marry him. Or he ignored her wishes and insisted on marrying him with his parents' orders.

She actually understood her awkward state of mind. He told himself not to be surprised by what other people said, but he cared about it in his heart, so even if the two got married, they couldn't do it together.

She actually knew everything, yet she relied on him for everything! Follow him!

While the mood was churning, the topic was changed inside.

"I just heard from you that you plan to save money to send him to Qinghe Academy?"

Zhao'er nodded, seeing the strange expression on Boss Chen's face, she couldn't help but ask, "Is that school bad?"

"Take the road of opportunism, and it won't last long."

Zhao'er didn't quite understand what he heard, but he also knew that it was not a good word.

"If you want to help him find a good book academy, I have something to recommend. It's just..." Boss Chen sighed suddenly: "Well, let me tell you that you don't understand either. Let's talk about it later."

Zhao'er nodded in a daze.

It was not too early to meet later, and the two planned to return to Yuqing Village.

Because the big bag of clothes was too much, and it would be eye-catching to bring back, Boss Chen asked Zhao'er to put the things in his shop temporarily. Anyway, there are still a few vacant rooms behind the shop, so just find a place to put them.

The two went back to the village by car, because after time, only the ox cart could be used, so the two sat on the ox cart and walked back bumping back and forth.

Halfway along the road, a mule cart came head-on.

The driver was a man, dark and tall. When he got closer, he could see his appearance clearly. He had thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, a high nose bridge, and he was very heroic. His sleeves were half rolled up above his elbows, and his arms seemed to be full of muscles. He looked like a powerful man.

Xue Tingxiang saw the person coming at a glance, and his pupils shrank immediately.

He glanced at Zhao'er next to him, saw her with her head half down, and he was relieved.

But the visitor still saw them, his eyes lit up, and he raised his voice and shouted: "Zhaoer."

Zhao'er looked over and immediately smiled: "Brother Jiang Wu, where are you going?"

Jiang Wu tightened the reins and stopped the mule cart.

"I'm going to town, are you going back? Get out of the car, and I'll see you off."

Zhao'er hesitated and said, "Don't you still want to go to town? Anyway, we've already got in the car, so you should do your own work."

"I don't have anything to do. I just went to Lao Li's place to have a look. Originally, my father said that I would go tomorrow and buy some things on the way back. It doesn't matter whether I go or not. Come on, this car is slow and bumpy. My car is still faster." Jiang Wu said to Zhao'er with a smile, completely unaware that the face of the owner of the bullock cart turned black.

Seeing this, Zhao'er didn't let the owner of the ox cart stop, and jumped off from above. After taking two steps over there, I realized that I had forgotten the person.

While letting the owner of the bullock cart stop, she said to Xue Tingxiang: "Come on down, let's go back in Brother Jiang Wu's car." With her beaming face, she was in a good mood.

Xue Tingxiang's face was a bit ugly, he glanced at Zhao'er, and then slowly got out of the car.

The two got into the mule cart, and Jiang Wu drove the cart to Yuqing Village.

"If I knew you were coming to the county today, I would have asked you to help me get my things back. Brother Jiang Wu, let me tell you, I found a business to do, and this business can make a lot of money. I definitely can't do it alone. Why don't we partner up and pay half a penny?"

It wasn't Jiang Wu's first time doing business with Zhao'er. To be honest, before Zhao'er came to collect vegetables and sell them in the town, Jiang Wu helped her a lot.

How much food can Zhao'er collect in other villages by herself, and besides, she doesn't have a car, so it's not convenient to go back and forth. But the Jiang family has a car, and the ancestors of the Jiang family were hunters. With this unique skill, the life of the Jiang family is very comfortable.

The men of Jiang's family don't usually farm land, and the family's more than 20 acres of land are rented out, and they only earn money by collecting rent and hunting with the men in the family. But hunting is not every day, so Jiang Wu is very free when he is not in the mountains, so he helps recruits to collect vegetables and so on, saying that the two share half and half, but Jiang Wu does not want the money every time .

"But let me tell you first, if you don't want to split the money, I won't do this business with you."

"Uncle Chen is acquainted with the owner of the Qingyuan Academy?" Seeing that Boss Chen was so indignant, Xue Tingxiang asked curiously.

Boss Chen stroked his beard and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I was a classmate with him when I was young, but I was not good at studies and only passed the entrance examination as a boy student, but he was selected as a scholar in one fell swoop, and he was still a boy student. It's a pity that the luck was bad, and he has not been able to pass the exam. It took him many years to pass the exam, and he had no intention of pursuing a career, so he returned to his hometown to inherit his father's career in teaching and educating people."

"It won't be bad luck all the time." Xue Tingxiang said.

If he remembers correctly, the whole town was a sensation when Director Lin of the Qingyuan Academy finally passed the exam three years later, and Gao Youzhi, the owner of the Qinghe Academy, was so angry that he almost vomited blood. At that time, he was planning to leave the Qinghe Academy to study at the Shen family's ethnology, and happened to hear something about it.

Boss Chen thought the young man was just comforting him, and smiled, "Thank you for your good words."

Xue Tingxiang was not ambiguous either, and cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Uncle Chen, for your suggestion, but there are still trivial matters at home that have not been dealt with. When everything is settled, I will go to the Qingyuan Academy to study."

"You are straightforward, so you are not afraid of being implicated and hindering your fame?" Boss Chen asked curiously.

"The kid hasn't entered school yet, so why talk about fame? Besides, the imperial court has always attached great importance to the selection of talents. If they are really talented, presumably the magistrate Hu will not dare to stop them too much."

"I can't see that you have high ambitions. Well, since you dare to go, I will recommend you one or two. Although my classmate is rigid and dull, he is not good at words, but his knowledge is first-rate. Don't dare It is no problem to teach a person to become a Jinshi, but a scholar is fine."

"Then thank Uncle Chen first."


For several days, Xue Tingxiang and Zhao'er left early and returned late.

Someone from Xue's family asked twice, and Zhao'er said to take Xue Tingxiang out to get some fresh air, so as not to be overwhelmed. The people in the big room showed contempt, and Mr. Xue couldn't help shaking his head. After that, no one asked any more questions, and most of them knew in their hearts that Xue Tingxiang was doomed. Maybe the two children in Erfang also have a lot of mentality, so they broke the cans and didn't read books, but ran around playing.

You must know that even if you are as qualified as Xue Juncai, you have to read books at home for many days to prepare.

In the blink of an eye, it was five days.

This day is no different from ordinary days.

The farmhouse is always busy in the morning, and after a night, the family's livestock have to be waited on, and the whole family has to be tossed about to eat. After breakfast, the men will go to the fields, and the women will do housework at home.

If there is some difference, Xue Juncai had two more poached eggs in his bowl than others for breakfast.

Because of Mr. Xue's beating some time ago, Mrs. Zhao didn't dare to openly fight against the big family members these days. Today, seeing that life is not normal, she couldn't hold back.

Originally, Xue Tingxiang didn't have any, but Yang Shi saw that her father-in-law looked bad, so she took the initiative to ask Zhao Shi to ask for two eggs, and put them in the bowl for him.

Xue Tingxiang wants to recruit one of them separately, but he doesn't want to be recruited, but it's a pity that he can't be persuaded.

For the sake of one egg, the two of you whispered one sentence at a time, while Mr. Xue's expression on the top was particularly serious.

But life in the country is like this, no matter how heavy your heart is, you can't lose your livelihood. Especially when rushing for spring plowing, Mr. Xue still took his two sons to work in the fields for a while, and didn't come back until the sun was high.

The news about the competition between the two children of Xue's family has been spread in Yuqing Village for a long time.

It's not that there are people who say strange things, but most people can still understand what old man Xue did. It's not easy for rural people to earn a little money, and no one's money comes from the big river. If there is a way, no one will do this.

Knowing that today is the day, let the children of the family watch in the village. Seeing a stranger go to Zheng Lizheng's house, these hairy kids ran into the field, shouting from a long distance, "Someone is coming from Lizheng's house". The adults stopped planting the land, so they picked up the hoes and rushed back.

Not long after, the big courtyard of Zheng Lizheng's house was full of people, and more villagers kept coming here.

There was a lot of commotion in the yard, everyone was gossiping and discussing today's matter at the same time.

In the room, Zheng Li was talking with a middle-aged man in a scholar's shirt and a flat scarf on his head.

This man had a thin and long face, his complexion was a little pale, and his eyes were slightly swollen. She doesn't look good, but her identity seems to be extraordinary, and she actually sits in the main seat.

And Zheng Lizheng could only sit on the sidelines.

His Gu Pan has a different temperament from ordinary people. This person is Qiao Xiucai, who has a reputation in the surrounding ten miles and eight villages.

Long before, Zheng Lizheng had thought about it. Xue Qingshan came forward to invite someone from the Xue family, if he didn't expect, it should be his father-in-law Yang Zhong, Yang Zhong is just a boy, so he will invite a scholar.

On the one hand, it seemed that he was impartial, and on the other hand, it was a good time to show his prestige.

"Qiao Xianggong, you drink tea, I will order someone to remind you."

Qiao Xiucai waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry."

Just as he was talking, there was a commotion outside, but it was patriarch Xue who came with someone.

However, it was not Patriarch Xue who took the lead, but an old man over fifty years old. This old man is of medium stature, dressed the same as Qiao Xiucai, also wearing a scholar's shirt and a flat scarf, obviously even if he is not a scholar, he is still a child.

Sure enough, when Qiao Xiucai saw the old man, he quickly stood up from his chair and bowed to him.

"I never thought it would be Senior He, late born is so polite."

"Don't be too polite, just sit down."

This He Xiucai was the person invited by patriarch Xue to preside over this competition.

Zheng Lizheng was right, at first Xue Qingshan really planned to invite his father-in-law, but it was a pity that this matter was rejected by Patriarch Xue.

Patriarch Xue also only knew that Xue Qingshan was so stupid. They all said that he should not avoid relatives when he was a virtuous person, but this is not the way. Since he felt that the chances of winning were more than guaranteed, there was no need for people to make mistakes, so he took care of this matter.

He knew in his heart that the surname Zheng would not let go of the opportunity to show off, and if he came forward to invite someone, he must be a scholar. He originally planned to invite Qiao Xiucai, but he was a step late, so he had to delay the relationship and invite He Xiucai.

After courteously giving way to each other, the two scholars sat down on the main seat.

Zheng Lizheng and Patriarch Xue sat beside him.

"Let Brother Lizheng worry about it."

"Don't bother, don't worry, I'm the leader here, so I can't show up if something happens in the village."

A lot of back and forth, seemingly amiable, but there is a hint of wit hidden in the words. During this period, a few old people walked in from the outside, but they were a few old people from Yuqing Village, Mr. Xue, Xue Qingshan and others also came.

Another uninvited guest was Xue Qingshan's father-in-law Yang Zhong.

Yang Zhong was in his fifties, with a chubby body. He didn't look like a scholar, but a landlord with a fat brain. As soon as he came in, he joined Qiao Xiucai and He Xiucai, but unfortunately, these two scholars were not willing to talk to him, they said a few words with him, and then went to sit aside awkwardly.

Xue Qingshan sat at the end.

The Weng and the son-in-law are considered pretty people, and those who can sit here are all respectable people in the village, but because of the identity of this boy, they can also sit in the hall. One must know that even Mr. Xue doesn't have a seat, so he can only stand aside.

"I don't know the real master, but he's here?" He Xiucai asked when he saw that almost everyone had come.

Patriarch Xue looked at Mr. Xue, and Xue Qinghuai hurriedly said, "Here we come."

Just as he was speaking, the villagers surrounding the door made way, and two teenagers walked out from the crowd.

These two teenagers are all dressed in short brown, and they can be seen from humble backgrounds at a glance.

The one in the lead looks gentle and handsome, with a slender figure. Although the clothes are simple, he is quite personable. The one in the back is half a head shorter than the one in the front, his body seems a little weak, and he seems a little introverted, his eyelids are always half down, and he seems a little afraid of strangers.

But when the two came to the hall and accepted the scrutiny of the crowd, they had some clues.

The elder's appearance is not bad, but he always pulls his sleeves intentionally or unintentionally, as if the clothes don't fit well. But the young one has been standing neither humble nor overbearing, and the half-lidded eyelids not only do not make people feel contemptuous, but it feels like the respect that the younger generation should have for the elders.

Therefore, it seemed that the older one looked directly into the eyes of everyone, which was a bit too abrupt. It is good to have self-confidence, but when the younger generation faces the elders, a humble and respectful attitude is indispensable.

All this happened in an instant, and Qiao Xiucai and He Xiucai, who were seated in the main seats, had the initial judgment on these two young people.

"Student Xue Juncai, student Xue Tingxiang, I have met all the elders."

He Xiucai nodded, Qiao Xiucai nodded, and asked curiously, "Tingxiang? Does this name have a meaning?"

Xue Tingxiang was taken aback, and Fang Zuoyi said: "Hey, it means to follow the tradition. The student's great-great-grandfather was also a student, and the biggest regret in his life was that he failed to pass the exam. Although my Xue family came from a poor family, there are many generations. Forgetting the last wish of the ancestors, while settling down to live and work, he has been working hard to let the children of the clan read and write, and be able to understand the principles of life.

"It should be noted that if you read a lot, you will have valleys in your heart, and you will have a poetic spirit in your stomach. The younger generation will inherit the last wish of the ancestors. Although they are not very knowledgeable at a young age, they have great ambitions. They hope that one day they can continue the path that their ancestors walked, and continue to do so. go down."