Chapter 796

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
Ye Kong said with a smile, "then don't worry. Ma Changjiang and your master Yitong Zhenjun should be willing to help me."

"Not necessarily." Yue Minghui said with a wry smile, "this kind of soul summoning is not an ordinary soul summoning, which is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. After the recall, it will have to be stable for at least three months... After my master summoned Weiyang's soul last time, he has vowed that even if the Immortal Emperor came to earth, she will never do it again."

It turned out that Yue Minghui was worried about Yi Tong's not doing it. Ye Kong laughed, patted Yue Minghui and said, "don't worry! The Immortal Emperor won't do it when he comes? Can someone ye be compared with the Immortal Emperor? Your master won't do it for the Immortal Emperor, but he will do it for me..." Ye Kong felt a little confused, so do it for him and me?

Ye Kong changed his mouth, "in short, if someone else goes, your master won't do it. If I go, your master must do it..." Er, it seems that there is still a disagreement.

Of course, all the women in the room are very pure, and no one will think blindly. Yue Minghui, who was not serious, said before leaving, "I'll go back first. You'll come later, and I can help you say a few words. However, my master never works for people outside the sect..."

Ye Kong scolded, "your boy deserves beating. Tell your master that she must kill you."

Yue Minghui laughed and took Weiyang to Huan Zong's station.

Cao muse and Jiang Wuyi are still grimacing. Obviously, they think Yi Tong won't help so easily. Even if ye Kong is now the leader of Hunyuan sect, can they really make those famous gaomen Yuanying do their best? Let them lose their spiritual power to help you save people? Even if she promised, the price must be huge!

Cao Muse said, "Ye Kong, although Yi Tong's grandfather outwardly greeted everyone with a smile, he has been a high-ranking master for so long, and he is not easy to be with. He has some means. At that time, it's best to ask Cao Guang's grandfather to help persuade..."

Her words are also kind. Besides, Huang Zixuan is her apprentice, and she also has the need to contribute.

But ye Kong waved his hand carelessly and said, "it doesn't matter. I believe Yitong will help me."

Ye Kong said this, Jiang Wuyi was a little incredulous, and said, "we still need to make more preparations. Although you are already the patriarch, we know that Hunyuan sect has been in a recession recently. After several wars, the savings of many years have also been moved to Shiyin sect. Therefore, whether it is financial or strength, it is difficult for Hunyuan sect to meet the requirements of Yitong ancestor."

Ye Kong smiled mysteriously, "if I say it doesn't matter, why? Don't you believe in being a husband?"

His words were a little frivolous. Jiang Wuyi was pink and spat, "go, master is still there." She stole her eyes to look at Cao muse, but found that Cao Muse's eyes were looking out of the house. Jiang Wuyi said angrily, "you always have some strange ideas. Now sister Huang Zixuan is also worried. You just say it. Let us rest assured."

Ye Kong said, "of course, Wei Fu has long had a plan, but this plan is really heroic, but in order to successfully resurrect Zixuan and reassure all women..." Ye Kong said with great solemnity on his face: "so I decided to use this trick against Yitong Zhenjun!"

Cao Muse's attention was immediately attracted, and he didn't care about what someone said, "Ladies", and hurriedly asked, "what eternal conspiracy?"

"That's... Handsome man!" Ye Da's hooligans were full of heroism, as if they were about to go to the execution ground.

"Beautiful man?" Cao muse and Jiang Wuyi looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing. Jiang Wuyi spat, "are you still a beautiful man like this? That is, my sister Zixuan and I have bad eyes, and we were accidentally confused by you."

Even Huang Zixuan in the snow soul bead laughed and said, "I think you are not as good as brother sunspot."

Ye Kong was furious, "Hey, when my skin was black, I said I was ugly, and now I'm white, I still say I'm not a beautiful man. I tell you, you can insult my body, not my personality!" With that, he said to Cao muse, "master is here, please tell me, how many beautiful men like me can quancangnan find?"

Cao Muse couldn't help smiling and said, "although you're not a fancy man yet, I think you look much better now than Li Heizi. Well, I still like your appearance now."

Getting Cao Muse's "love", ye said proudly, "how's it going? The master has spoken."

Cao Muse also said, "but according to the old ancestor of Tong, there are countless people, and the male disciples of Hehuan sect are all gentle and elegant. I think you still have a dead heart."

Ye Kong shook his head and said, "master, this statement is bad. With my experience of mixing in the middle-aged women's world for so many years, I think what a woman like Yitong needs is a real man like me with strong arms. As long as a kiss, she will die..."

Before ye Kong finished speaking, he saw Cao Muse's face suddenly changed, snorted coldly, turned away, and left a amorous figure behind.

"Master is angry." Jiang Wuyi said.

"Where did I offend her?" Ye Kong grasps his head. I already know that when I saved Cao Muse in the Hunyuan sect, I just hugged her tightly and kissed her. It's estimated that she was seated in the right place. I think this is satirizing her. Alas, women's minds are really troublesome.

"Forget it, Yue Minghui has been back for a long time. Now it's time for this beautiful man to appear." Ye Kong decides to see Yitong Zhenjun.

Later, Jiang Wuyi stretched out his hand and grabbed him. Although Ye Kong wanted to save Huang Zixuan, his man had just come back and had not made out with him, so he had to throw himself into the arms of other women. No one was happy.

Ye Kong took her little hand, hugged the fragrant body tightly, bowed his head and pecked at her pink lips, laughing, "are you kidding? Is husband the kind of person who lives on his face? If a man wants to get the world, he depends on his hands, not other parts of his body!"

Jiang Wuyi's heart warmed up, but she clearly felt someone's "other parts" against her belly, and her smooth face turned red like an apple. With all the remaining strength, he pushed Ye Kong away and spat, "dirty, you know to tease us."

Ye Kong laughed, grabbed the giggling Huang Zixuan and angrily said, "don't laugh."

Snow soul bead received the storage ring. At this time, Dayu ran in and said, "childe, there are people from Qingling gate outside asking for permission."

"I don't have time to see them. Don't worry about them. Dayu will go to Hehuan sect with me." Ye Kong went out with Da Yu. Outside the cave, a middle-aged Yuanying was waiting. It seemed that he was the Yuanying elder of Qingling gate. However, ye Kong didn't have time to talk to them, nodded and strode past.

"Uncle Gu, this boy is just getting married. Why should we give him face?" An old man beside the middle-aged man angrily said.

Gu Zihao, the head of qinglingmen, shouted, "don't talk nonsense. If you ask for someone, you have to look like asking for someone!"

Jiedan old man argued, "their Hunyuan sect is shaky. If he hadn't come back, he would have been pushed down from the high door this time!"

Gu Zihao snorted, "you also know that if it weren't for his return, his just married ancestor would be able to keep the position of the high gate of the Hunyuan sect. How much energy is this? This can't be seen through. We've lived in vain for so many years! Let's wait!"

"Alas, it was Lord ye who arrived. Please hurry." A gust of fragrance greeted him. Yitong Zhenjun was really polite. As the head of Hehuan sect, Yuanying can be so kind to people, and she is also a great beauty. If ordinary people had been numb for a long time.

Ye Kong is certainly not an ordinary person. He is a hooligan. So his whole body was numb.

"Yitong Zhenjun is really approachable and amiable." Someone laughed.

"Where, in fact, I also want to see who is right." Yitong Zhenjun really read countless people. In a word, he raised the other party and let the other party know that you are an important person. That's why I treat you like this. It's impossible for ordinary people.

Ye Kong was really cool, and all smiled a little embarrassed, "it's really an honor to give Yitong Zhenjun a high look."

"Of course." According to Tong Zhenjun's soul, he smiled and raised his chest carelessly, revealing the beautiful S-shaped curve, making someone drool.