Chapter 834

Name:The Mad Cultivator Author:王小蛮
When Yun Qian sent a message to the 17th, you said, "besides, you are still my first and last man."

"What do you mean?" Ye Kong was confused by her.

At this time, Zhu Lingfei's voice was sharp and said, "I will treat you as you treated me that day!"

As soon as her voice was over, ye Kong immediately drilled several vine like tentacles on the grass around him. The tentacles were as fast as lightning, and tied Ye Kong's hands and feet in the blink of an eye. Then, the tentacles suddenly contracted and stretched, and several tentacles quickly pulled apart, binding Ye Kong in a big font on the green cow stone.

Then, there was movement on the smooth qingniu stone. Ye Kong's neck and limbs stretched out black shackles. With a click, ye Kong was firmly fixed on the qingniu stone.

At this time, the egret that just circled on the river flew in, stopped beside Ye Kong, and chirped strangely, biting Ye Kong's clothes with its pointed long mouth.

Ye Kong was furious and shouted, "Zhu Lingfei, what are you doing?"

"You rape me once, and I will rape you once!"

Although Ye Kong and Zhu Lingfei don't know how many times they have had a relationship, and Zhu Lingfei doesn't want to take his life, this situation still makes Ye Kong very angry. Losing freedom, being strong by women, how to be a man? Even if it doesn't get out, how can we face Zhu Lingfei in the future?

"If you do this again, I will fight back!" Ye Kong looked at his clothes getting worse and worse, opened his mouth and spit out two magic weapons, flying swords.

The flying sword circled and scattered several egrets around. These egrets are all virtual shadows. With one blow, they will turn into fine light and shadow.

"It's useless! The magic weapon of the monk in jiedan period, and he also wants to show his power in the boundary of the God King?" Zhu Lingfei snorted coldly, and then ye Kong saw the startling picture.

At the back of the mountain, thousands of egrets poured out at once. There was a vast expanse of white. I don't know how many there were.

No matter how powerful the flying sword is, it can't kill so many, and those egrets don't care about life and death. What they want is to take a piece of clothes from ye Kong.

After a while, ye Kong was out of clothes.

"Zhu Lingfei! If you do this again, you will die!" Ye Kong roared.

However, Zhu Lingfei didn't care about such a threat. "Die or die. It's worth dying if you can repay this time."

I'd rather die than strengthen myself once. When I met this master, ye Kong had no choice. He simply stopped resisting and said, "forget it, Zhu Lingfei, I used to strengthen you once at first. Let's pay you back... But after this time, you and I have nothing to do with gratitude and resentment, and I won't kill you. I'll return your noumenon painting to you later."

In fact, what ye Kong said was his original intention. If Zhu Lingfei really got it, he couldn't face this woman. However, Zhu Lingfei's purpose is not to kill him, and the two have had so many relationships that ye Kong will not be cruel to destroy Zhu Lingfei's Noumenon painting.

Unexpectedly, ye Kong gave up resistance, and Zhu Lingfei stopped attacking.

"No! I lost myself to you. You can't be irresponsible!"

After listening to Ye Kong's words, Zhu Lingfei waved back the egrets, swayed, stood beside Ye Kong, blushed, and said angrily, "no! I lost myself to you, and you want to be irresponsible and walk away, absolutely not!"

Ye Kong, with his hands and feet still buckled, lay on the green bull stone and sighed, "what do you want? If I'm so embarrassed by you, how can I face people and you! I'm a man!"

Zhu Lingfei said, "is a man's face so important?"

"Nonsense! Face is more important than life!"

Zhu Lingfei didn't think so much, just wanted to revenge the original thing, but he didn't expect that it was more important than death

Hearing Ye Kong's words, she also felt as if she was really a little out of line. In fact, she had long recognized Ye Kong as her own man, and it was not a good choice to make her man lose face.

But now that it's over, she's unwilling to give up.

"Why should you force me to do nothing, but I can't do this to you!" Zhu Lingfei stamped his feet angrily.

Ye Kong sighed, "don't complain, in fact, the world is unfair. The most basic injustice is that I'm a man and you're a woman... Well, even if you succeed, you beat me. But think again, even then, at most, it's only you who take the initiative. In fact, it's you who are X. do you understand?"